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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Continuing efforts to enact French "supertax" likely to prompt exodus of nation's wealthy...


In order to pass Obamacare, Obama bought off the drug industry, so much so that a consortium of drug companies ran ads in favor of the de facto nationalization of health care sector of the economy. The same approach may be used in connection with gun...

A "Faith on the Hill" study of the newly sworn-in 113th Congress's religious makeup reveals that the number of members with no religious affiliation is on the rise. Besides nearly doubling the number of religiously unaffiliated members from the 112th ( 6) to the 113th...

As the situation in Syria continues to devolve, Russia is sending military resources to the region to protect its assets, among other things. Via The Times of Israel: A flotilla of five Russian warships laden with hundreds of troops, which is headed toward Syria, is a show...

Astute Legal Insurrection readers remarked that much of the "climate change" dialog in this country seems to be directed at getting citizens to support United Nation's Agenda 21. I wanted to offer some insights on this theoretically voluntary action plan that has environmentally protective sustainable development...

Who demands purity and wants chaos? Harry Reid who refused to bring House bills to a vote in the Senate? Nope. Obama, whose Treasury Secretary took to the airwaves to proclaim that Obama "absolutely" was willing to go over the cliff if tax rates were not raised? Nope. It's...

Have been away a couple of days, flying and driving and sitting and thinking. As well as taking a pilgrimage to a shrine: It all reminded me of something I wrote after Andrew Breitbart died: Since my wife called this morning to let me know of Andrew’s death, it...

The public tends to trust "experts" when it comes to considering science-based policies. Sadly, some of the experts have a specific agenda  to promote that is counter to reality.  A good example is Mark Lynas, a British environmentalist who was a leading force in the movement...

In a suburban neighborhood outside Atlanta, a mother exercised her fundamental American right to bear arms and protect her children from an intruder during a home invasion yesterday afternoon. A woman hiding in her attic with children shot an intruder multiple times before fleeing to safety...

I recently shared some dialog between San Diego citizen activists regarding the roles of social and fiscal conservatism in deciding "tea party" agenda items. Author and "Manosphere" pundit Aaron Clarey (Captain Capitalism) recently offered his very independent perspective, Why Communism Killed the American Muse.  It highlights the...