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Dramatic increases in domestic drilling were offered as the answer to many of our economic problems last summer when gas was approaching $4 per gallon. Even Democrats were forced to recognize the need to open up some offshore drilling, and pressure was building to drill...

The media is all aflutter today with reports — as headlined in the NY Times — that “all active-duty and reserve forces meeting or exceeding their recruitment goals for the first time since 2004, the year that violence in Iraq intensified drastically….” This is the...

I don’t pretend to know the ins and outs of Illinois politics. I’ve been following the Rod Blagojevich saga as an outsider looking in, from a legal perspective. One things seems clear to me, as we approach the impeachment trial: Rod Blagojevich is very good...

The image on the home page of The New York Times website is startling. A bombed out building in Gaza with a single brightly colored child’s shoe in the middle of the photo. The imagery is powerful, particularly the contrast between the blackened floor and...

It is always a little dangerous when law professors opine on areas of law with which they have little familiarity. That is why I have stayed away from the issue of whether Israel must use “proportionate” force against Hamas. Although I suspected that the term...

Professor Stephen Baindridge, of “Professor Baindridge” fame, is simplifying and scaling back his blog as a result of “suffering for a while now from a severe case of blogging burnout.” When one of the “giants” of blogging needs a break, one has to wonder if...

Remember Barack Obama’s famous attack on John McCain, that McCain wasn’t willing to go to the cave where Osama bin Laden was hiding: “John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell – but he won’t even go to...

As we get closer to Barack Obama taking office, the cry for “war crimes” trials of Bush administration lawyers who expressed legal opinions regarding coerced interrogation grows louder. I have yet to hear anyone call for a war crimes trial for the attorneys during the...

Has anybody actually seen the paperwork Roland Burris submitted to the Secretary of the Senate which caused Harry Reid and Dick Durbin to approve seating Burris? In her January 12, 2009 Press Release, the Secretary of the Senate stated that “Mr. Burris’s certificate, and accompanying...

It has just been announced that Senate lawyers have agreed that Roland Burris’ paperwork is in order, and he should be seated. If you followed the commentary on my post The Burris-Murkowski Double Standard, you would have seen this coming. There is no way that...

This just in: First, the bad news – Islamic Jihad has seized the hot dogs of invading Zionist-entity soldiers. Next, the good news – The hot dog wrappers were empty. Then, the really good news – “Meanwhile, the IDF has boasted somewhat more impressive achievements...

Yesterday I posted Support Sanjay Gupta Since Michael Moore Hates Him. A nice, tight little piece joking how the mere fact that Michael Moore hates Sanjay Gupta is enough for me to support Gupta for Surgeon General. A little tongue-in-cheek humor trying to make a...

Note: See Related Posts Harry Reid Is Wrong — There Has Been A Senate Appointment Without A Secretary Of State Certification and The Burris-Murkowski Double Standard. —————————————— Harry Reid, U.S. Senate Majority Leader, needlessly has created a potential constitutional crisis over the seating of Roland...

Harry Reid just held a news conference in which he continued to refuse to seat Roland Burris. Reid’s justifications are transparent and unjustifiable. Reid claims he is waiting for the Illinois Supreme Court to force Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White to sign the certification...

When I announced the discovery of “Blooger Mood Disorder,” I had no idea what I was getting into. Next came, Bloggernoia and SiteMeter Fever elucidated by Robert Stacy McCain, then SiteMeter Envy. I never should have started on this path. I have stumbled on “Internet...

Update 1/8/2009: Hugo has changed his mind, after intervention by or on behalf of Joe Kennedy. Apparently, the goodwill of a Kennedy is more important to Hugo than providing for his own people.—————————————————————————————-Joe Kennedy shamelessly aligned himself with Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez to provide home...