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The spate of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and homophobic posters and graffiti that plagued the Oberlin College campus in February 2013 was definitively exposed as a hoax led by a pro-Obama liberal anti-racist student activist seeking to get a reaction from the community. The post by Chuck Ross of The...

Actually, this law wasn’t intended to punish crime victims, that’s the result of an ideology that demonizes legal gun owners–even to the point that they are considered more dangerous than violent sexual predators with known criminal records: On Sunday, Governor Pat Quinn signed Illinois House Bill...

As the defense neared the end of its side in the sentencing phase of Bradley Manning’s trial, the convicted Wikileaker spoke to the court himself today.  In an unsworn statement, he began with an apology, saying, “I am sorry that my actions hurt people; I...

Every semester for the past couple of years I’ve been privileged to be a guest speaker at the Ithaca College course on Independent Media conducted by Prof. Jeff Cohen.  I get to regale students with stories about Legal Insurrection, some of which are true.  (FTR, all...

At Legal Insurrection, it sometimes is worthwhile taking a look at the fruits of American justice. I have some intriguing updates to share on two of our country’s most notorious idiotic criminals. Readers may recall that the son of Mike Kernell,a Democratic congressman from Tennessee,...

Jet lag finally caught up with us. Three days of running on adrenaline stopped cold. But the day was not lost. I had a chance to spend some time with reader Israel Pickholtz, better known as Jerusalem Genealogist. I didn’t recognize him without his beard....

Considering the wonderful job Andrew Branca has done covering the George Zimmerman trial, I’ve been relegated to something approaching potted plant status here. It ain’t broke, so I ain’t gonna fix that. But I will weigh in with my own thoughts on the case and...

As the State prepares to rest its case against George Zimmerman as early as tomorrow, I can’t help but juxtapose where we ought to be in terms of the weight of evidence of Zimmerman’s guilt of second degree murder, and contrast it with where we...

In-depth profiles of the 6 jurors and 4 alternates, how they answered questions during voir dire, and what we know about them.

Kind of like wearing the ribbon. Spotted by my wife in Rhode Island.