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Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Jury Selection Day Two live, all day, along with a separate end-of-day wrap-up post. To catch up on the lastest events in State of Florida v. Zimmerman, click here to take a look at last night's wrap-up...

We've covered the Turkish protests extensively. To boil it down to basics, its Turks who value the country's secular political history trying to slow down the steady Islamization of political institutions by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.  Legal Insurrection readers long have heard of Erdoğan's dangerous antics and bullying towards Israel. Overnight there was a massive police crackdown on the protesters, as well as attorneys sympathetic to the protesters. Erdogan pledges ‘no more tolerance’ for protest amid police crackdown:
Turkey has ‘no more tolerance’ for violent protest, Prime Minister Erdogan told the parliament. He was speaking as police used water cannons and tear gas to take over Taksim Square in Istanbul from anti-government activists. Erdogan lashed out at the protesters as he was addressing MPs on  Tuesday. In his speech he separated the peaceful protesters  concerned with the development plans at Gezi Park from those in  Taksim Square, who he said are responsible for violent clashes  with police forces. The prime minister blamed the Taksim protesters of injuring  security troops, damaging public property, disturbing public  order and damaging Turkey’s image among international investors. Erdogan’s speech came hours after hundreds of police walked into Taksim Square just after dawn and  used tear gas and water cannons to fend of protesters attempting  to enter it. Police removed protest banners from buildings  overlooking the square. The prime minister hailed the move, which  he described as tearing down “rags”.
(video added)

For live video and coverage for Tuesday June 11th, click here. Just a quick note here to provide a brief wrap-up of today, Monday the 10th's, events in the Zimmerman trial.  The morning saw the discussion of some motions and other open business.  Notably, George Zimmerman's...

Today we learned that it only took Hillary Clinton less than an hour to become Twitter-verified. Twitter verification is the blue checkmark in the corner of a twitter profile. This speedy event was unrelated to the alacrity with which a charity of Barack Obama's brother was...

I'm not on the "Howard Snowden is a Hero" boat. I'm may get on board the "Edward Snowden is no hero" boat. As this plays out, it's not clear that Snowden has added a lot to what we already knew, as Mandy pointed out this morning, but...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

For live video and coverage for Tuesday June 11th, click here. This post marks the launch of Legal Insurrections’ comprehensive live coverage of State of Florida v. Zimmerman (1712FO4573). In addition to the types of comprehensive legal analysis already posted in the course of last week’s pretrial...

While you were watching the Obama Scandals and the NSA leaks, Harry Reid was moving the Gang of 8 immigration bill to a vote. The Gang of 8 got a big boost when Sen. Kelly Ayote endorsed the bill this weekend. But hope is not lost. ...

It seems that nothing is ever as it seems. It may be that Edward Snowden is what he seems to be -- an Obama-supporter who, despite barely gaining a GED, managed to work his way into sensitive technical positions at the CIA, NSA and private contractors,...

As we enjoy today’s pause in the courtroom action of the Zimmerman trial it might be a nice time to do a quick overview of how the law of self defense will be fought over at trial. Florida Self-Defense Statutes Most Relevant to the Zimmerman Trial Florida...

The Guardian today unveiled the identity of the individual who provided National Security documents that sparked a firestorm of media attention and scrutiny of how the agency collects and utilizes the intelligence it collects from a multitude of commercial sources. From the Guardian: The individual responsible for...

Erekat's Latrun gambit In commemoration of the 46th anniversary of the start of the Six Day War, the New York Times published a press release for the Palestinian Authority, On Anniversary of Arab-Israeli War, a Palestinian Plea: It was here on the wooded slopes of Latrun on...