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The big news in the Trayvon Martin case, ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting: A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that... reports that Elizabeth Warren’s campaign offered a cousin’s cookbook as further evidence to her 1/32 Cherokee claim debunked last week. According to Breitbart’s Michael Patrick Leahy: The Warren Campaign offered reporters an undated article from the Muskogee Phoenix about the contributions of Elizabeth Warren’s first...

Via Mass GOP, Massachusetts Republican Party Launches New Web Video:  “FRAUDSTER” As the questions over Elizabeth Warren’s false claims to Native American ancestry continue to swirl, the Massachusetts Republican Party today launched a new web video called “Fraudster.” The video documents Warren’s shifting story and the...

Much of the discussion in the media regarding Elizabeth Warren is about whether it is appropriate for someone who is 1/32 Cherokee to claim Native American status. There are numerous articles about what it means to be Native American, and who gets to define ethnicity. ...

I’m quoted in a Poltico story today about Elizabeth Warren: “If she is 1/32nd Native American … is it really appropriate to list yourself  that way and knowing you will therefore be listed as a minority law professor?” asked William Jacobson, associate clinical professor of...

Today seems to be a turning point in the Elizabeth Warren-Cherokee story.  Her shifting and implausible explanations have made her a laughing-stock, never good for any candidate.  Warren has lost the argument, and her credibility. Her story about why she listed herself as a minority...

There is an active effort by Elizabeth Warren’s campaign to distract from the real issue regarding Warren’s claim of Native American status during the mid-80s to mid-90s, when she was moving from one law school to another up the food chain until she reached Harvard...

The Elizabeth Warren story is not about whether she is 1/32nd Cherokee. Questions persist as to why Warren listed herself as Native American, a fact as to which she had no proof until yesterday, only in a publication almost exclusively used by other law professors and Deans during a...

Native American? I doubt this will move many votes in the Massachusetts Senate race, but it does illustrate how pursuit of “diversity” in higher education can drive institutions to make rather implausible claims: Elizabeth Warren’s avowed Native American heritage — which the candidate rarely if...

This is the latest in a serieson the use of the race card for political gain: Democrats in South Carolina are angry (h/t Instapundit) that Gov. Nikki Haley checked the box “white” on a voter registration card a decade ago: The South Carolina Democratic Party...

The New York Times reports on the inconsistency of how various government agencies count the races: The federal Department of Education would categorize Michelle López-Mullins — a university student who is of Peruvian, Chinese, Irish, Shawnee and Cherokee descent — as “Hispanic.” But the National...

Last summer’s Cash for Clunkers program artificially boosted used car prices by requiring destruction of the clunkers, thereby restricting the supply of used cars. That was bad enough for people looking to buy used cars. But the market distortion caused by government intervention is hitting...