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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Two big things have happened this week (so far). First, yesterday the 200,000th comment was posted at Legal Insurrection: 200,000 comments is not a lot for many websites which use third party platforms like Disqus.  We have considered many times, and ultimately rejected, the third-party platforms in...

All the closing arguments are now completed, and in a few moments the jury will be instructed, and then sent into deliberations. We will be covering the jury charge live here on streaming video, along with our usual twitter feed. Once the jury goes into deliberations, we will be prepared to cover any breaking news, and of course both the Professor and I will be active covering the trial conclusion on Twitter.

Live Stream Video

WITH COMMENTARY FROM CHANNEL 9 IN SANFORD [For live-stream video without commentary, see NBC live feed at bottom of this post.]

Twitter Feed:

(My tweets can be identified as coming from @lawselfdefense, or @lawselfdefense2 if I'm in Twitmo--follow both!.)

This morning saw the defense give its closing statement in Florida v. Zimmerman, the last opportunity for them to deliver their compelling narrative of innocence to the jury. And boy, did Mark O'Mara deliver. In a closing rich with evidence, facts, and the law, O'Mara focused...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Trial live, all day, with streaming video. Continuing commentary will be posted in the Twitter feed of selected contributors below the first video feed, below. [caption id="attachment_58489" align="alignnone" width="305"]Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 10.53.41 AM Mark O'Mara defense counsel, Florida v. Zimmerman[/caption] This morning Mark O'Mara is to present the defense's closing arguments, striving to raise at least as much reasonable doubt of guilt as the prosecution achieved yesterday in its own closing statement, an analysis (and video) of which can be found here:

State’s Closing Argument: Two Hours of Raising Doubt

Live Stream Video

WITH COMMENTARY FROM CHANNEL 9 IN SANFORD [For live-stream video without commentary, see NBC live feed at bottom of this post.]

Twitter Feed:

(My tweets can be identified as coming from @lawselfdefense, or @lawselfdefense2 if I'm in Twitmo--follow both!.)

The Court has released the final Jury Instructions that will be read to the jury this afternoon. For background on the argument leading up to the instructions, see Zimmerman Trial:  The Jury Instructions. If Zimmerman wins, these sections of the Instructions likely will be decisive (full Instructions...

NOTE:  Streaming video of the entirety of the State's closing argument is provided at the bottom of this post. Today, the State presented their closing argument to the jury in the matter of Florida v. Zimmerman. After 14 months of investigation and discovery, weeks of pre-trial...

The main organizer of the annual DEF CON conference – an event for hackers, security professionals and subject academics - has asked that federal employees stay home this year, in the wake of recent revelations and lingering questions about the domestic surveillance policies of the...

Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Trial live, all day, with streaming video. Continuing commentary will be posted in the Twitter feed of selected contributors below the first video feed, below. The State is scheduled to begin its closing argument at 1:30PM today, and the defense tomorrow morning. By tomorrow afternoon the jury should have been charged and begun their deliberations. [caption id="attachment_58364" align="alignnone" width="500"]Judge Nelson, Florida v. Zimmerman Judge Nelson, Florida v. Zimmerman[/caption] We covered this morning's charging hearing here:

Zimmerman Trial Day 13: Live Video, Analysis of State’s Closing Argument

And posted up a general overview of the various jury instructions here:

Zimmerman Trial: The Jury Instructions

We also have brief summaries of the previous day's events Zimmerman Defense Rests, Closing Statements Start Tomorrow along with links to more detailed posts below the second video feed at the bottom of this post. In addition, last night Professor Jacobson posted an analysis of the racial politics driving the Zimmerman prosecution, here:

Racial politics supported by State power come down on George Zimmerman

Also, a quick note, in thanks to the Professor and all of you I've put in place a 10% discount/free shipping coupon for Legal Insurrection followers interested in "The Law of Self Defense, 2nd Edition"--use code LOSD2-LI at checkout.

Live Stream Video

WITH COMMENTARY FROM CHANNEL 9 IN SANFORD [For live-stream video without commentary, see NBC live feed at bottom of this post.]

Twitter Feed:

(My tweets can be identified as coming from @lawselfdefense, or @lawselfdefense2 if I'm in Twitmo--follow both!.)

Breaking:  Charge on Murder 3/Child Abuse is denied by Judge Nelson This morning the Court in Florida v. Zimmerman conducted a hearing to finalize the instructions that will guide the jury on arriving at a verdict. While some of the instructions were long-expected and raised little...

I have long predicted that the central, yet in some ways least debated, issue in the Gang of 8 bill was the pathway to citizenship. There was unanimity on the Democratic side, but not on the Republican side.  Democrats repeatedly threw down the gauntlet that no...