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This week has made my head hurt from all the shaking in disbelief. It’s almost overwhelming, the multitude of absurd race-agitating actions and words coming from those who refuse to accept the facts and law as to the Zimmerman trial. This lawyer interviewed by Greta is part...

The Supreme Court has wrapped up releasing its decisions today, and no decisions were released in the Obamacare or Arizona immigration law cases. The key decision released today was a loss for SEIU on imposing fee assessments on non-members for political purposes.  The case is being portrayed...

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld an Arizona law requiring employers to use the federal E-Verify system. Everyone is wondering how this reflects on a future ruling as to Arizona’s immigration law which was struck down in a decision by both the Arizona District Court and...

I have enjoyed chronicling the many not too big to fail boycotts which have taken place in the past 18 months that I’ve been blogging, including (but not limited to): California, Utah, and Mormons in general because of Prop 8 Connecticut because of Joe Lieberman...

Based on reports of the hearing before the federal District Court Judge yesterday, it appears that the provision of the Arizona immigration law requiring law enforcement to verify immigration status is likely to survive, while other aspects creating independent state criminal sanctions will not. This...

The State of Arizona has filed its opposition to the lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice seeking an injunction preventing Arizona S.B. 1070 from taking effect on July 29. The hearing on the motion for preliminary injunction is set for July 22 at 1:30...