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Some thoughts, and inviting reader comments, on a variety of topics today (a running list): Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers.  Which is an interesting point, because some of my readers are trolls and nutroot lurkers.  I even wish them a Happy Thanksgiving, because I’m that...

Need I say more to Barney Frank than Margery Egan says today in The Boston Herald: After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote. On election night, he lost my respect as well. Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience. There was...

Frank Rich has a blood lust as do many of those pushing the false meme that opposition to Obama equals racism and violence, as witnessed by Rich’s latest polemic in the NY Times today, The Rage Is Not About Health Care. As happened with the...

Reports indicate that two of the planners of the attempted airplane bombing over Detroit were released Gitmo detainees, Muhamad Attik al–Harbi and Said Ali Shari. Each of these detainees went through a military hearing system and were released in 2007. At that time, the U.S....

So says Matthew Yglesias, in a post titled Not So Scary “Terror” (emphasis mine): Obviously, people shouldn’t be lighting anything on fire inside airplanes. That said, all the big Christmas airline incident really shows to me is how little punch our dread terrorist adversaries really...

The debate over interrogation of the three top-level al-Qaeda leaders who were subjected to waterboarding is entering the honest phase. The first phase was the “this is the worst thing that has happened in the history of the earth” handwringing on the left. The second...