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they’re fake. Case in point: Michelle’s photo-op at Target store was staged  Right outside of D.C. in Alexandria, VA, FLOTUS decided to grab a few things for 30-40 minutes with her assistant at the local Target. She was dressed in a floral button down, black pants,...

I just watched a 60 Minutes segment on Jared Loughner, which included interviews with some of his friends. The segment confirmed that Loughner’s grudge against Gabrielle Giffords dates back at least to the time he met her in 2007, when he posed a question to her...

My friend Alec Jacobs is interning at the Daily Caller. They recently sent him on a field trip to the White House to take a tour in order to cover a story on the decorations. As a bonus, they got a funny anecdote: “The tour...

When the story broke last June about the arrest of 10 Russian sleeper agents, none of whom seemed to be in a position to do any real damage, many people laughed at the supposed ineptitude of the Russian secret services, and joked about femme fatale Anna Chapman....

The image of Obama as King (via Instapundit) has been inspired by Michelle Obama’s over-the-top journey to the coast of Spain, the latest in a line of seemingly imperial indifferences to optics in these difficult economic times. The Daily News compared it to the royal...

Do not worry that your electronic medical records, once in the possession of the government, will not be safe. The government has extensive procedures in place to assure that the never, ever, could there be a breach of security. These security procedures have been developed...

From Tim Blair down under: According to a source on the scene, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin – in Sydney after being released from quarantine – tonight told guests at a United States Studies Centre dinner that he feared he would be assassinated by the...

Conservative Republican Congressman Michele Bachmann has come under fire for stating that voters should be “armed and dangerous” over the administration’s engery tax plans. While the leftwing media tried to twist this statement into a literal call to arms, in fact Bachmann was using a...