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Even when politicians are “real”

Even when politicians are “real”

they’re fake. Case in point: Michelle’s photo-op at Target store was staged 

Right outside of D.C. in Alexandria, VA, FLOTUS decided to grab a few things for 30-40 minutes with her assistant at the local Target. She was dressed in a floral button down, black pants, a Nike baseball cap, and shades. But of course, she was still somewhat noticeable. The Associated Press reported that Secret Service arrived 30 minutes before her and blended with the other customers. The only person who recognized the First Lady was her cashier!

“It is not uncommon for the First Lady to slip out to run an errand, eat at a local restaurant or otherwise enjoy the city outside the White House gates,” said Kristina Schake, communications director for the First Lady.

CBS News reports the pics were snapped by an Associated Press photographer who says he was tipped off that she would be there.(emphasis added).

(AT) – The fact that the White House tipped off a well known photographer about the “shopping trip” gives the lie to the WH statement that the First Lady likes to “slip out to run an errand.” Stage managing this Precious Moment of supposed normalcy will do little to change the perception of the First Lady that she is a luxury loving social climber who looks down on the rest of us.

To be honest, I’m kind of relieved that the First Lady doesn’t galavant around without security. It’s just nauseating that, between the vegetable garden, J.Crew outfits, “healthy eating” and Target-trips, she’s awful at seeming genuine. Laura Bush was much more charming and she didn’t try half as hard.


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theduchessofkitty | October 2, 2011 at 2:48 pm

Boy, I sure miss Laura Bush. (I know she lives here in TX, but I still miss her!)

No one will miss Michelle Obama. Take my word for it.

Oh yes I am sure she just had to go get a few things. By the way she is carrying her bags and pushing her empty cart, she does not look at all like the act of going to a shopping cart kind of store is awkward or anything.

” … she’s awful at seeming genuine. Laura Bush was much more charming and she didn’t try half as hard.”

That’s about as spot on as spot on can be!

Last year a girl I went to school with posted something fawning about Michelle Obama, and she insisted, “Who doesn’t love her?”

I wanted to reply, “Are you kidding?” But decorum got the best of me again.

LukeHandCool (who hardly ever visits Facebook anymore).

    LukeHandCool in reply to LukeHandCool. | October 2, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    That should read:

    Last year a girl I went to school with posted something fawning about Michelle Obama ON FACEBOOK, and she insisted, “Who doesn’t love her?”

She wouldn’t be caught dead shopping at Walmart.

At Gateway Pundit on this very subject..

# 6 October 1, 2011 at 11:55 pm Logic commented: I know this is immaterial, but why does she have the assistant carry the bags while she pushes an empty cart?

Excellent question, Logic..


To be fair, that’s making something of a jump to go from “CBS News reports the pics were snapped by an Associated Press photographer who says he was tipped off that she would be there” to the idea that it was staged. There’s a reason Dharapak is a well known photographer, he’s been around the White House for nearly 9 years. You’re assuming that this was staged, rather than that Dharapak just has a source in the White House. You know what happens when you assume?

    jimg in reply to Awing1. | October 2, 2011 at 3:45 pm

    I’m not assuming anything. Of course it was staged.

    If it wasn’t, why all the coverage?
    Why the carefully crafted message that ‘she’s just like us?’
    Why do we even know about it?

    Because it was staged.

    Nothing happens by accident with these guys. They’re too invested in creating an image … false as it may be.

      Awing1 in reply to jimg. | October 2, 2011 at 3:53 pm

      Why all the coverage? Because people are interested in this stupid stuff, it gets them to read the story. The carefully crafted message came after requests from her office to comment, they craft everything they say, that’s their job. We know about it, again, because people are interested in that stupid stuff, just like they were interested in Bush clearing brush on his ranch.

      That’s the problem, is you’re unwilling to critically analyze your own assumptions, you don’t even believe they are assumptions. It is absolutely just as likely that Dharapak has a source in the White House that told him about this. It would explain why there are only pictures of her after shopping, and none during. I’m not saying it’s either way, all I’m saying is it’s stupid to start talking like this is fact.

        jakee308 in reply to Awing1. | October 2, 2011 at 4:03 pm

        Your .. living in a dream world, Neo.

        jakee308 in reply to Awing1. | October 2, 2011 at 4:05 pm

        You’re .. living in a dream world, Neo.

          jakee308 in reply to jakee308. | October 2, 2011 at 4:07 pm

          No not a double post, I was testing something. This may be a bug or a feature but one can back up to a previous page and you’re comment in progress shows up where you can then change it or post it again.

          This may be something you’d want to change, Mr Jacobson. Maybe not but I’ve never seen comments where one can do this.

          Awing1 in reply to jakee308. | October 2, 2011 at 4:10 pm

          Yes, my dream world. Where conjecture based on nothing doesn’t equal fact.

        jimg in reply to Awing1. | October 2, 2011 at 9:35 pm

        So, I’m supposed to completely suspend my observations of what these two have been doing since they first came onto the scene, and accept this is simply an innocent trip to Target.

        Sorry. No.

        And the next time he or she pulls a similar stunt, I’m going to be right here pointing it out to you. Again.

          Awing1 in reply to jimg. | October 2, 2011 at 9:56 pm

          I’m not saying accept it as an innocent trip, where did I say that, even once? All I’m saying is, don’t state assumptions as fact, it makes our side look bad to those in the middle. You know, the middle? The people whose opinions we might actually be able to sway? They tend not to like conspiracy theories, and they like conspiracy theories stated as fact even less.

I just don’t believe it. Michelle was over at Wal-Mart earlier this week buying some threads. She was later spotted at Subway eating a footlong. And, on the way home from church today, I saw her blowing air in the tires of their protective limo.

I report; you decide.

Didn’t I read somewhere that the Obamas recently celebrated some anniversery? MO probably need to pick up a gift for hubs -maybe “mom jeans” were on sale at Target?

Stage managing this Precious Moment of supposed normalcy will do little to change the perception of the First Lady that she is a luxury loving social climber who looks down on the rest of us.

If only! The people who voted for Barack Obama, the people who buy copies of Us and People because Michelle Obama is on the cover, the people who thought that Barack Obama would pay their mortgages and put gas in their cars … they’ll believe it.

“Laura Bush was much more charming and she didn’t try half as hard.”

Laura Bush didn’t have to “try” at all – she was genuine and charming. A really nice lady, and that’s not an insult. (Something no one will ever accuse Michelle of being.)

She reportedly bought “cleaning products and dogfood” – AS IF there isn’t a TEAM of people making sure that is not at all necessary.

What’s worse than all this is that some people will buy into it, going ga-ga over this stunt.

What’s even worse is finding out that good ol’ Soros bought Target stock, so she’s pimping her image and his pocketbook.

Wonder when the #OccupyWallStreet dupes will realize just how badly they’ve been used.

Stoooooopid, stoooooooooopid people.

    katiejane in reply to Rose. | October 2, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    Very true, are we supposd to believe that MO cleans the WH bathrooms? It would have made more sense if she had snuck out to buy Snickers, M&Ms and tabloids – that would improve her “she’s just like us” appeal.

nordic_prince | October 2, 2011 at 5:56 pm

the First Lady likes to “slip out to run an errand.”

Yeah – in a pig’s eye. “errand” my foot.

Michelle O is a bitter and angry woman. Nothing she does ever seems to conceal this basic fact.

I thought her idea of “slipping” out usually involved foreign travel and a huge entourage.

David R. Graham | October 2, 2011 at 10:17 pm

“It is absolutely just as likely that Dharapak has a source in the White House that told him about this.”

… “WHO told him about this.”, please! A personality, even if demon-possessed, is not a thing.

“Boy, I sure miss Laura Bush.”

She is pretty, beautiful in fact. And not a self-promoting liar.

“Wonder when the #OccupyWallStreet dupes will realize just how badly they’ve been used.”

The pay’s good enough, they get to work for the occupier of the White House and they achieve their personal and their movement’s aim to be visible and generate confusion in citizens. They’re not “into” realization, just trouble-making. The occupier of the White House is mobilizing again to create multi-directional confusion, this time violent, to take advantage therein through propaganda operatives. He needs to do that to promote himself. NYPD put supervisors in the front line on the bridge (white shirts), to emphasize their resolve to prevent riots and to shield lower ranks from prejudicial review. Very courageous and morally correct. CSA MacArthur did a similar thing at the Anacostia Flats riots in 1932: took personal control so that junior officers would not be scapegoated. (FYI: Posse Comitatus does not apply in Washington D.C.)

    You’re correct, if the referred to source is an individual, rather than a group. However, because I don’t know if the source is an individual, a group, or if the source even exists, I used “that”, which is perfectly appropriate. Care to try again?

1. Notwithstanding an occasional gaffe, Laura Bush was a successful First Lady because she was comfortable in her own skin.

Other First Ladies have (ab)used the position to declare themselves the stars of their own shows, or even co-President. (Nancy Reagan was a highly visible First Lady, but no one could doubt that her overriding loyalty was to her spouse.)

2. My impression of Michelle Obama is that her level of competence is to be the principal of an elementary school, maybe even a high school or community college. Anything beyond that afaic is affirmative action and hubby’s coattails.

Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t see why. During the 2008 campaign I read her Princeton thesis and was strongly unimpressed.

An interview once asked Laura Bush to identify her favorite work of literature. Mrs. Bush said it was the Grand Inquisitor section of The Brothers Karamazov. Hardly a calculated response. One cannot conceive of M.O. making such an unguarded answer.

What did it cost in secret service protection for this nonsense. She has umpteen staffers — far, far more than any other FLOTUS in history — to run her errands.

Keep ridin’ the gravy train Mrs. Obama, cause it is outta here in January 2013.

She flies in her personal trainer from Chicago every week at taxpayer expense, she vacations on elite Spanish resort beaches at taxpayer expense, first class all the way, she insists on leaving on a separate jet to Martha’s Vineyard with a separate security team and a second disruption of island traffic so she can start her vacation four hours before Barack can leave DC on Air Force One, but sure, why wouldn’t we believe she shops at Target? Heck, she’s wearing a top from Old Navy! That proves it!

Anyone who supports Obama is an idiot. Completely oblivious to what is before their eyes, they blindly follow him.

I did enjoy MSNBC’s “she wasn’t even noticed by anyone else” coverage.
Yes, not noticed, while looking straight at the camera. Let’s set aside the absurdity that AP photographer’s would just randomly head to a target, she can’t even pull of the “unposed, just doing my thing” picture, she had to look at the camera and give that wry little grin. Even the photographs that are supposed to make her look normal are horribly staged.

Where did they hide the ten car motorcade and police escort. Out on the Target loading dock? Oh, look there is one of our Target customers in a black limo or SUV followed by another SUV, two police cars and six motorcycles. I wonder who that is?