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The left likes to argue that since there’s no significant amount of voter fraud there’s no need for voter ID laws, and that those who support them are inherently racist. But wouldn’t even one case of voter fraud be an abomination that should offend all...

Since problems first impacted the troubled website, officials have repeatedly told frustrated consumers that they may turn instead to alternative enrollment options, such as paper and phone applications.  But even those applications must rely on the same portal to determine eligibility, according to ABC...

After public editor, Margaret Sullivan’s unconvincing arguments about the New York Times coverage of Benghazi, I was expecting the New York Times and other members of the MSM to be out today with editorials spinning yesterday’s testimony in favor of the administration. .@sulliview insistence on...

1) Why are they staying away?  Yesterday the New York Times reported Syrian Opposition’s Complaints Shadow Kerry’s First Official Trip: Mr. Kerry and foreign ministers from Europe and the Middle East are scheduled to meet in Rome on Thursday with opponents of President Bashar al-Assad...