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In her debut on the Senate Banking Committee, Elizabeth Warren once again became the hero of the left because she embarrassed Hapless Bank Regulators, as the Huffington Post put it: Bank regulators got a sense Thursday of how their lives will be slightly different now that...

I think they’re in looooove. They’re calling her “Wonder Warren” because — wait for it — she asked a government agency for more information because she suspected it was obfuscating and not being straight with the public!  Because no Senator or Congressman ever has done that before:...

We are pleased to announce the launch of Elizabeth Warren Wiki (, the most comprehensive source of information and documentation with regard to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth A. Warren. The site originally was conceived, days before the 2012 election, as The Elizabeth Warren File, a place...

I am still shocked by the Speaker of the House John Boehner’s shock that President Obama said, “We don’t have a spending problem.” That Obama is using the debt as a weapon of mass destruction cannot be a surprise to anyone who has followed news...

As we all seek out ways to restore our country to the right path, I believe there is one area that has been neglected: culture. In 2013, my organization The Frontier Lab is excited to continue its study of the facets of the American character–how Americans...

Via Boston Herald, Liz won’t beat drum: Despite repeated claims she is “proud” of her Cherokee heritage, newly minted U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is keeping that pride under wraps and won’t be taking advantage of a chance to officially list herself as the Bay State’s...

It’s getting towards that time of the year when we start selecting the Best Of. 2012 was the first year in which we started focusing on videos, thanks in large part to Anne joining us in June.  A couple of our videos changed the national...

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, After Election 2012: WWBD — What Would Breitbart Do? Everything that Andrew predicted in my film, Hating Breitbart, played out in real-time during the election right before our eyes.  From Candy Crowley interrupting and taking Obama’s side in the...

Operation Counterweight 2012 is over.  I reported the results in an earlier post, here is my assessment. The first thing you need to understand is that by definition we chose difficult races, not easy ones.  The goal was to try to flip Democratic seats or...

Twila Barnes, the Cherokee genealogist who has been so instrumental in uncovering Elizabeth Warren’s ethnic deception, has a final pre-election post, I Am Blessed: I have been blessed with a tremendous amount of support while involved in the Elizabeth Warren genealogy research. Today I would...