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Hollywood couldn’t have scripted it better:  A rebel group of engaged activists, derided and harassed by authorities, becomes the obsession of a powerful political machine, leading to the demise of … the machine. Now, because today’s Internal Revenue Service scandal involves rebellious conservatives pitted against...

On April 22, 2013, we noted that a terror plot to derail trains headed for the United States was foiled, Canadian terrorist plot foiled — arrests made (Update – supported by al-Qaeda in Iran). The FBI made the following announcement of the indictment of a Tunisian,...

The House Benghazi hearings started at 11:30, with various introductions. As of this writing, the substantive testimony had not yet begun. You also can watch the live hearings at CSPAN and via YouTube below: [Hearings adjourned for day, feed removed] Hicks: “Everyone at the Embassy...

Hearings are scheduled today before Darrell Issa’s committee. I thought that Roger L. Simon was going a bit overboard late last week. New RLS blog #TCOT Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched — Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) May 4, 2013 Even Simon acknowledged that his...

You remember Pallywood: Pallywood fakes Palestinian handcuffed to hospital bed Pallywood — the longest running series in the history of fiction What’s the difference between Pallywood and media coverage of Gaza? Abid Katib – Palestinian Shoe Fauxtographer? Looks like it has happened again, this time...

1) The innocence of the Obama administration Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on September 14, 2012: Remarks by #SecClinton at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to Honor Those Lost in Attacks in Benghazi, #Libya — Department of State (@StateDept) September 14, 2012 This has...

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) spoke at Chicago’s annual May Day celebration in Chicago as a flag of Che Guevara waved before him, yet when questioned by Rebel Pundit about his presence at the rally teeming with anarchist, communist, and socialist groups with their red flags,...

Previously, we brought you reports on the Boston Marathon bombings investigation and details into the lives of the suspects, first in The Lives of the Boston Bombers: What We Do and Don’t Know and then in a follow-up, New Developments in the Boston Marathon Bombings...

There have been several new developments today in the Boston bombings case. Authorities are searching a landfill for a laptop believed to be tied to the Boston Marathon bombers, according to CNN. Information from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev himself, plus other leads, spurred authorities to look through...

A body was pulled from the water two days ago off India Point Park in Providence. There were suspicions that it was that of Sunil Tripathi, the Brown University student missing since March.  During the manhunt for the Boston Marathon Bombers, there were rumors that...

As Professor Jacobson has noted, there’s no shortage of denial about Tsarnaev Brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing. Barry Rubin observes: Now that the two (primary, at least) terrorists from the Boston Marathon attack have been killed or captured, we enter a new...

No one cares about the skin color of the Boston Marathon Bombers except to push back against people like David Sirota of who infamously hoped that a “white American” was responsible, and others in the media and left-blogosphere who were hoping that another Timothy McVeigh-looking person was the perp....