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The push for an economic boycott of Florida has ratcheted up in recent days, with some members of the Congressional Black Caucus now publicly supporting the idea of such an action.  The underlying target of their ire?  Stand Your Ground laws, of course. From The...

As the racialist wing of our body politic suffers through the Kubler-Ross seven stages of grief at the “Not Guilty” verdict in the Zimmerman trial, we find that they are currently transitioning from the “Anger” to “Bargaining” stage. How do we know? Because all they...

Those of us who have been following Andrew Branca’s excellent coverage of the Zimmerman trial here on LI weren’t at all surprised by the verdict.  Indeed, we’d have been surprised by anything else; however, leftists are busy little bees, working their race-baiting denial-of-facts-and-law nonsense with...

I have a really bad feeling about the Zimmerman verdict. Logically, it should be a slam dunk of “Not Guilty” on all charges, since the evidence clearly shows Zimmerman was acting in justifiable self-defense as he was being beaten by Trayvon Martin. Or at least...

As the State prepares to rest its case against George Zimmerman as early as tomorrow, I can’t help but juxtapose where we ought to be in terms of the weight of evidence of Zimmerman’s guilt of second degree murder, and contrast it with where we...

BREAKING:  At close of tonight’s Frye hearing, the State announced they intend to re-call Tom Owens for additional testimony.  The Court scheduled this for 4Pm on Wednesday.   The Zimmerman Court has re-convened the Frye suspended before jury selection.  The purpose of the Frye hearing...

A full transcript of the Guardian’s live online Q&A session with NSA leaker Edward Snowden is provided below.  The contents of the session were transcribed as is, without any edits or corrections to content, only formatting edits. You can also download it via PDF. (Note: ...

Last week, the Guardian and Washington Post published several slides from a leaked Powerpoint presentation in its stories about the NSA’s domestic surveillance policies and its PRISM program.  Separate from phone carriers, nine internet companies were named in the story as participants in the PRISM...