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“Stocks fell sharply Thursday after an unexpected spike in jobless claims and as global jitters pushed the dollar higher.” (via CNBC) More flesh put on the bone by The Washington Post: New jobless claims filed last week rose by 25,000 to 471,000, the government reported...

A Democratic state legislator in Rhode Island has filed a bill similar to the immigration law recently enacted in Arizona. As reported by The Providence Journal: State Rep. Peter Palumbo, D-District 16, Cranston, has filed a bill that largely copies a controversial Arizona law considered...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Yesterday, Sam Stein, a lead reporter and blogger for HuffPo, ran a post titled Group Sends Racially-Tinged Mailer Targeting Bill Halter In Arkansas Senate Race: The already racially-tinged...

The fiscal equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome: A term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein government officials express adulation and have positive feelings toward unsustainable union contracts that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk posed by such contracts to the government....

Your stimulus dollars in action, buying high-efficiency refrigerators, low-flush toilets and a windmill for the Shalom Apartments (run by the Jewish Seniors Agency of Rhode Island) in Warwick, RI. As reported in The Providence Journal: Shaun Donovan, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is...

Puerto Rico is approaching a plebiscite on statehood, pursuant to congressional legislation which is under consideration. Pat at And So It Goes In Shreveport has a good post summing up the current politics of statehood for Puerto Rico. One person to keep an eye on...

Steve Malanga wrote an excellent article for City Journal about how public sector unions have controlled, and ruined, California, The Beholden State: How public employees became members of the elite class in a declining California offers a cautionary tale to the rest of the country,...

On March 11, I reported on a proposal by a New York State Democratic legislator to ban salt in restaurants, Leave Our Salt Alone. One political scientist, who also totally missed the Scott Brown election call, vehemently objected that the claim the government would regulate...

On Friday, Goldman Sachs was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with fraud in the formation and marketing of a mortgage backed product, a so-called Collateralized Debt Obligation. The gist of the allegations is that Goldman Sachs failed to disclose that a major hedge...

The jobs numbers released yesterday were nothing to cheer. Strip out the temporary hiring of Census workers, and a weather-related adjustment from February, and there was almost no net job growth. As the stagnant 9.7% overall jobless rate reflected, there was no meaningful job improvement....

Some more thoughts on the worst piece of legislation “since the Great Depression,” in no particular order: Democrats won the messaging war. Democrats succeeded in portraying the bill as being about “giving” people “health care.” Even Republicans used the terminology. In fact, everyone has hospital...

Tom Coburn (R-Okla) has signaled that any Congressman who flips from a “No” to a “Yes” vote on Obamacare should not expect a federal appointment after he or she gets voted out of office: Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., is putting wavering Democrats on advance notice:...

I understand that some people were upset when Scott Brown voted for the $15 billion “jobs” bill in February. Brown’s voting for cloture on the $140 billion spending bill earlier this week, although he voted against the bill on the merits, also was worrisome (although...

Jim DeMint (R-SC) famously said that health care would be Barack Obama’s Waterloo. But Waterloo probably wasn’t the best analogy, in hindsight. Waterloo was a short but decisive battle. The health care fight has turned out to be more like the battle of Stalingrad. The...

Barack Obama is claiming credit for “saving” the economy from a full-blown depression based on passage of the stimulus plan. As with most Obama claims of success, Obama simply is exhibiting his prowess at using strawman arguments. Obama compares where the economy is now, versus...

The Democratic base has convinced itself that the problem is that Obama has not succeeded in passing health care legislation and other items on his agenda. The possibility that their agenda is being rejected by voters never enters their minds. Here’s a pretty good analysis...

Via Hotline OnCall: Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) will not seek a 3rd term in the Senate next year, according to a Dem source, handing Dems yet another setback as they struggle to salvage their damaged ship. Bayh, elected statewide 5 times, will become the 5th...