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There is an economic measurement phenomenon developing which has the potential — in a bass ackwards way — to help Obama’s re-election prospects. The jobs situation is so bad and so lacking in hope that more and more people simply are dropping out of the...

Bono made a bit of a stir in late January with an Op Ed in Le Monde, a French newspaper. As he wrote: Africa is rich in natural resources yet it is rarely Africans (save some corrupt officials) who get rich off their extraction. Meanwhile...

George Soros made his fortune by breaking the British pound and other manipulative currency trading, and became known as “The man who broke the Bank of England.”  Yet this currency speculator who destroys for the sake of money is a hero of the left-wing because...

The worldwide Boycott Divest Sanction (BDS) campaign against Israel has mostly been a failure in the U.S., but that does not stop brainwashed youth brigades from trying to delegitimze Israel anyway. Via IsraellyCool comes this video posted by the Philadelphia wing of the BDS movement, trying stop a supermarket chain from...

The Muslim Brotherhood has announced that it will not run a presidential candidate and will not seek a parliamentary majority in the coming elections.  This announcement is being hailed as a sign of moderation, but it is no such thing. The Muslim Brotherhood must know...

A number readers have written to me asking me to comment on the finding by a federal judge that the Obama administration is in contempt of court by maintaining a deep water new drilling moratoriam despite the court having rule such moratorium illegal: Judge Feldman...

Watching Sean Hannity’s interview with Donald Rumsfeld last night reminded me of Rumsfeld’s “known- knowns, known-unknowns, and unknown-unknowns” statement during a press conference in 2002.  I use this construct in class to describe how to build a legal case (you build it around the known-knowns, just saved...

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Peter Thiel has been making a splash lately by calling higher education “the next bubble.” In a fairly recent Wall Street Journal article, he went as far as to say “Liberals […] blame our education system, but liberals are the last ones to fix it,...

First draft of Obama’s upcoming State of the Union Address, as edited by the White House communications team: My Fellow Americans, I have a plan, but I can’t tell you about it because you are worried about jobs.  If I really cared what you thought...

West Virginia sent Democrat Joe Manchin to Washington, D.C. to join Democrat Jay Rockefeller in the Senate, helping preserve the Democratic majority in the Senate. Joe Manchin talked tough to get elected and promised to shoot down Obama’s cap-and-trade legislative plans: [youtube=] But Obama —...

“Generational Theft” is a term frequently used to describe the Democrats purchase of current entitlements and payouts to politically connected groups using borrowed money.  The consequences of these type of actions can be seen in Europe, where the younger generation is left hopeless. I focused on...

Today’s guest column is from Allison McCarty, a senior at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA majoring in Philosophy and Economics. She interned this past summer at the Institute for Justice through the Koch Summer Fellow Program. Her post is relevant to some of the research...

Three law professors have established a website (h/t RightCoast via Instapundit) where people can calculate how much they are saving by the extension of the current marginal tax rates and then donate that amount to one of four selected charities. The website,, states that...

The tax framework is falling apart, as a substantial number of Democrats and a few Republicans start taking shots at various provisions unrelated to marginal tax rates. Once again, Obama has chosen complexity for the sake of complexity, a lot of moving parts and social...

Charles Krauthammer has lambasted the mainstream (i.e. liberal) media for its obsession with Sarah Palin. That goes double for liberal entertainers and academics, and triple for the left-blogosphere, which is nuts-in-the-head (that’s a precise medical term in Austrian) when it comes to Palin. But this obsession is...

The Daily Caller (h/t Instapundit) has an interesting post today on the push back by Tea Party supporters against corporations — particularly in the pharmaceutical industry — which cooperated and cut deals with the Obama administration to help pass Obamacare.  The Washington Post had a...