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From the WSJ: Wall Street may have lost its appetite for Mario Batali. Mr. Batali, the celebrity chef famed for his orange Crocs, red pony tail and bold ragus, has long been one of the premier restaurateurs to the New York financial elite….  Speaking on a...

While Newt’s answer taking on the Occupy Wall Street movement and challenging Maria Bartiromo has received all the attention. I think this was the best answer of the night, taking on the academic establishment rather than accepting the premise of the question, which was an...

Final assessment:  Newt was the star, combative in a good way and very knowledgeable.  Romney was strong at the start but faded.  Cain dealt with accusations well but went to 9-9-9 for everything, I think he’s still well liked but not making the case for...

of Ithaca. My first worthy bumper-sticker sighting where I had my cell phone handy! My biggest pet peeve are people who think voluntary actions are involuntary (& vice versa). For example: This doofus probably thinks that labor in the Third World is involuntary and that...

Never in the history of humankind has there been an act as provocative and worthy of a presidential smackdown as the passage by the Congress of a Concurrent Resolution affirming “In God We Trust” as the national motto: Whereas `In God We Trust’ is the official...

Another day, another failed Obama attempt to dominate Twitter with a campaign-inspired hastag (see, #attackwatch). This time the hastag is #WeCantWait as in “we can’t wait” for Republicans to approve whatever half-baked scheme Obama wants to push through Congress to prove that he is the...

Since Joe Biden’s play of the rape card did not work in getting the Senate to pass Obama’s new stimulus package, Biden may need to come up with a new strategy.  Rumor has it that Biden will resurrect National Lampoon magazine: (Based on this original, for those of you who are too...

Oh my how the supporters of Occupy Wall Street cheered when Lech Walesa, hero of the fight against communism in Poland, announced that he would fly to New York to support the Occupy Wall Street movement. Brent Budowsky at The Hill was ecstatic: Great news for...

Mr. Vice President. Biden has been playing the rape card, arguing that if the federal government does not subsidize police union contracts which states and local governments cannot afford, more women will get raped. This is part of a theme, with Biden earlier this month...

Not going to “live blog” but will have some observations. END GAME: Perry the winner not because he was so much better than the others, but because he was so much better than he was previously.  He may have revitalized his campaign tonight.  Cain was...

There have been some highly publicized anti-Semitic outbursts at the Occupy Wall Street protests, as well as claims of anti-Semitism lodged against the organizing group, AdBusters. So now some progressive Jews have formed an Occupy Judaism movement presumably to deflect from the criticism and to mainstream...

Florida Governor Rick Scott is proposing refocusing funding away from liberal arts programs at state universities and colleges, which has various groups accusing Scott of being anti-anthropology, or something like that.  Instapundit has the story and lots of reader comments. Let me suggest that Scott is...

…and #OccupyWallStreet ain’t so different. Its Kids Speak Out Day at #OccupyWallStreet!  CNN reports: Organizers of the “leaderless resistance movement” also billed Monday as “Kids Speak Out” day, given that many schoolchildren are off for Columbus Day. “Even as banks got bailed out, American children have...

I’ll admit I don’t understand all the intricacies of the U.S. Senate Rules, but moments ago Harry Reid pulled the “nuclear option” in order to prevent Republicans from forcing Senate Democrats to vote on Obama’s jobs bill. As reported by The Hill (h/t Marathon Pundit): In...