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I’m starting a new theme, the Saturday Night Card Game, to highlight the use of the race card as a political tool. Those on the left, lacking meritorious arguments, increasingly turn to false accusations of racism as a way of ending an argument they are...

First it was the Senate Gang of Six who took it upon themselves to fix Joe Wilson’s imaginary loophole, the one which caused Wilson out of frustration to accuse Barack Obama of lying as to whether Democratic health care proposals included illegal aliens. And caused...

You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of how uncompromising the left-wing of the Democratic Party has become than the attempts to make sure the Obama administration and moderate Democrats do not compromise on the public option. Jane Hamsher, one of the most...

The pressure put on advertisers to pull ads from the Glenn Beck show on Fox News has caused about a dozen major corporations to instruct their ad agencies to make sure their ads did not run on the show. These advertisers never directed their advertising...

Barack Obama has invoked his experience with his grandmother’s death in support of his health care restructuring plans. Does this mean Obama used his grandmother as a “prop,” and that this would justify mocking his grandmother? No. We each have personal experiences with the health...

The political world looked bleak on April 29, 2009, just after Arlen Specter had announced that he was switching to the Democratic Party. The Democrats, understandably crowing, seemed to be unstoppable. The Democratic agenda to control the most minute aspects of our lives through health...

I waited a whole day before posting about the Sarah Palin resignation. Well, not a whole day, but longer than almost everyone else in the blogosphere. Here’s my take as of this moment in time, subject to change: I don’t know why Sarah Palin resigned,...

The controversy over Nancy Pelosi’s accusation that the CIA repeatedly misled her and Congress as to detainee interrogation has taken a new turn: Word games. What Pelosi knew, when she knew it, and what she did in reaction, rightly has become a center of attention...

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo was shouted down and bullied off the stage a couple of weeks ago at the University of North Carolina by protesters opposed to Tancredo’s stand on illegal immigration. Tancredo espouses the apparently radical view that we should enforce immigration laws; in...

Update: Welcome NY Times readers. Do not be alarmed. You have not landed on the set of the movie Deliverance. I just happen to have a point of view you don’t hear at The Times. See my related post, I’m Seething Over The NY Times...

Posted April 8, 2009 Newsweek magazine’s cover proclaims The Decline and Fall of Christian America, while the article inside the cover proclaims The End of Christian America. The substance of the article doesn’t really prove the headline, but the goal of whichever editor wrote the...

In the current controversy regarding Tom Daschle’s failure to report income (and thereby evade the taxes on that income), Daschle has portrayed himself as the most honest person in America, who always intended to pay all the taxes he owes, and who simply made an...

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who heads an Islamist party, recently ripped into Shimon Peres, President of Israel at the Davos forum, telling Peres “when it comes to killing, you know well how to kill.” Peres gave it right back to Erdogan, accusing Erdogan...