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This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Tonight is the first Saturday Night Card Game Readers’ Choice Award, you choose the person who played the race card the best (or should it be “worst”?) this week....

I already have debate fatigue. But will soldier on. Not “live blogging” but insightful and inciteful analysis at appropriate points. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Final Assessment:  Rick Perry didn’t help himself; just don’t understand why he’s not more comfortable in this setting, not quick...

Via HotAir, Mitt Romney has scored two significant conservative endorsements recently, Jeff Flake and Darrel Issa.  While that may not constitute a coalescing around Romney, it does help insulate him from RINO charges.  Whatever he once was, is he now the conservative who can win? What’s...

This strikes me as more significant than Pawlenty for Romney, because it represents the future of the Republican Party coming out for Perry, whereas Pawlenty in many ways represented the past.  Via CNN: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is backing Rick Perry for president, a major...

Not going to be “live blogging” it, but will make some observations. Your comments are welcome. Update 8:40 p.m. – at the first break, I can’t say there are any clear winners or losers.  Romney is doing well, dealing with his “issues” without any real...

Toby Harndon in The Telegraph writes that Barack Obama, 2008 man of hope and change, becomes 2012 candidate of fear and status quo: [Blaming the Tea Party for the dispute over Obama’s appearance before Congress] fits with the campaign strategy Obama appears to have decided on...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Seemingly disconnected events have come together this week to form a single, cohesive theory which explains the behavior which is the subject of the Saturday Night Card Game. First,...

Obama plans a fall offensive against Republicans, according to The Hill (via JWF and Instapundit): President Obama is preparing to fight a political war this fall on two fronts — the first against Republicans who want his job and the second against Republicans who want...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: A couple of weeks before the 2008 election, in one of my first blog posts, I wrote: The suppression of legitimate political expression through false accusations of racism by...

As you know, I have zero tolerance for Republicans who trash talk Sarah Palin.  Three years of Palin Derangement Syndrome have made me allergic; Palin stands apart from other Republican candidates in that regard. There is only one candidate in the Republican field whose campaign staff has used...

S&P has dropped the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+: The United States’ credit rating was cut for the first time when Standard and  Poor’s lowered it from triple-A to AA+, citing the country’s looming deficit  burden and weak policy-making process. Standard and Poor’s...

This is the latest in a serieson the use of the race card for political gain: Democrats in South Carolina are angry (h/t Instapundit) that Gov. Nikki Haley checked the box “white” on a voter registration card a decade ago: The South Carolina Democratic Party...

Obama just gave his speech on the status of the debt ceiling negotiations, and endorses some version of McConnell and Reid plans.  Calls Boehner bill something that will not become law because does not extend debt ceiling beyond election. Calls for “bipartisan compromise” and calls on people...