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Although many in the media are using terms like “sexual harassment,” the woman appearing on Atlanta TV tonight alleges a consensual 13-year extra-marital affair.  Initial details here. Update: More details here. And, here’s the video.  The only proof she pointed to was relatively recent cell phone...

You probably have heard about the inappropriate booing of one of our national figures.  Such conduct undoubtedly reflected latent racial tingedness and ethnic subtextism. The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a profile of the type of person who engages in such conduct, after an exhaustive study of the person who once threw...

The ABC News interview with Gabrielle Giffords was worth watching except for one moment, when ABC decided that it could not put on a widely-watched full hour program without smearing Sarah Palin by trying to connect Palin’s electoral map to the Giffords shooting (via Newsbusters):...

Newt appeared on Center Seat to face the panel Mitt Romney refuses to face (video h/t The Right Scoop): Steven Hayward at Powerline points out a key point: Maybe the best part was when Steve Hayes played the infamous TV ad Newt cut with Nancy...

Over at the DailyBeast, Stefan Theil has a really great write-up about rich nations interacting with poor nations, using a comparison of Texas/Louisiana/Florida & Greece/Italy/Spain.   Imagine 27 Barack Obamas and John Boehners trying to get a debt and banking crisis under control. That, in...

Traveling all day, now in Palm Desert, CA.  Because there’s almost no way to get there from central New York, we ended up flying into Orange County airport and driving.  Along the way we saw these windfarms — Obama would so proud: From some sneak...

Is there anything #OccupyWallStreet protesters will not chant responsively?  Apparently not. “Jump the shark” doesn’t begin to describe this sequence of responsive chanting (I think they call it human microphone or whatever). We saw the responsive chanting at Occupy Atlanta, but this one takes the cake,...

I did not see the New Hampshire debate last night because I was traveling, but the various news reports, including from mainstream conservative blogs, seem to indicate that Romney appeared presidential and in command, Bachmann got attention and likely name recognition, Pawlenty missed an opportunity,...

Despite the hype, I suspect many people will be thinking about some current and former Governors who will not be there, and who have not yet declared, or who may never declare. I’ll be traveling tonight so I will not get to watch it.  Please...

(By Michael Alan) Earlier this week, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told CNN that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is dealing with “a personal matter.” That “personal matter” includes not knowing “with certitude” whether or not the, er, picture that was tweeted to a 21 year old...

I don’t often quote Steve Benen in a positive manner, and he does mix in some PDS, but reading this brought a smile to my face: When Palin says she wants news organizations to “do a little bit of work,” what that means is she...

Kathleen I just finished a research paper on Singapore’s Second Industrial Revolution when, in the early 1980s, they incentivized growth in their tech sector to compete with other first world countries — a departure from their manufacturing-based economy. Most of their success was due to...

It really isn’t easy or breezy, but stuff like this helps: President Obama declared today’s 41st annual Earth Day proof of America’s ecological and conservation spirit—then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a...