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What did Nancy Reagan ever do to Obama to deserve being mocked at Obama's first press conference? Not only inappropriate, but telling. UPDATE: Obama apologizes.[youtube=]...

Barack Obama is one of the most aggressive politicians this nation has ever seen, but his aggression is masked by soothing talk and words of hope. Is it really surprising that Obama has named Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed Rahmbo for his aggressive partisan style, as White...

What took so long? Finally, a rational reaction to media bias, but alas, too little, too late.[youtube=]...

An excellent article by Quinn Hillier, Saul Alinsky Takes the White House, makes a point similar to what I made in my article, Will Obama's Election Result in One Person, One Vote, One Time? Hillier points out that it will not be easy for conservatives...

In the video below, Obama supporters celebrating his victory unfurled the flag of the former Soviet Union. I assume these young revelers, just back from class on deconstructing everything that supposedly is wrong with the United States, have never read the works of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,...

Will President Obama be the moderate of the presidential campaign, the liberal of the primary campaign, or the radical of the past? Which Obama will assume the presidency when we open Door No. 2?The Obama who voted straight party line in the Senate, or the...

Obama already has declared that people who want to keep their hard earned money are selfish, now keeping your own money is a "simplistic notion"[youtube=]...

As we conclude this final day before the election, the arguments have been made, the advertisements run, and the cash spent. Through all the noise, the essential decision facing the American people has not changed.It's all about trust.I trust John McCain. Although I have never...

Robert Shiller's recent article, Challenging the Crowd in Whispers, Not Shouts, addresses the phenomenon of Groupthink in understanding speculative economic bubbles. Groupthink is a concept developed by Yale psychologist Irving L. Janis to understand why "experts" fail to speak out publicly to warn that the...

"One Person, One Vote, One Time" describes the phenomenon of democratic [with a small d] societies electing leaders who intend to change the institutions of government to ensure their own political survival. Examples in history are many, but most recently Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Hugo...

Delusion is a dangerous thing. While the polls have tightened, and anything is possible, Obama still appears headed to a victory. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.Given the zeal with which the Obama campaign, it supporters, and the mainstream media have attacked anyone...

My article, A Harvard Trial Lawyer for McCain, is being picked up by blogs and websites, and spread by unknown persons in mass e-mails, generating mostly postive comments (some nasty e-mails, but that goes with the territory). Check out Free Republic, The Hawaii Reporter, The...

One of the nagging questions of this election is the emotional, almost violent, reaction of Obama supporters to Sarah Palin. The absurd and offensive verbal abuse hurled at Palin has been unprecedented, and the mainstream media has led the charge. But why?Many have speculated...

Similar to my post Obama Is Door No. 2, Fouad Ajami in his great article in The Wall Street Journal, Obama and the Politics of Crowds, points out that the hysteria in favor of Barack Obama long ago passed the stage of irrationality:On the face...

It has been a while since I have agreed with Thomas Friedman, but Mr. Friedman has a good observation on the economic forces which may lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime:Under Ahmadinejad, Iran’s mullahs have gone on a domestic subsidy binge — using...

Barack Obama has put forth a plan to issue refundable income tax credits so that people who pay no income taxes will get “refund” checks from the federal government. Obama justifies these payments as being a refund of “regressive” payroll taxes. At the same time,...