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Author: Katya Rapoport Sedgwick

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Katya Rapoport Sedgwick

Mom. Wife. Writer. Mom. Grad school dropout. Wrong kind of immigrant.

Put the spotlight on more important issues and make comic relief less exploitive. Otherwise, we become easily manipulated slaves to tech publishers, unable to filter information, prioritize knowledge, and keep our eyes and fingers away from the screens....

Regardless of which faction will come out on top, destabilization of the largest nuclear power on the planet is a precarious proposition....

Reading for information requires using time judiciously. However, if you only read for information, you are a fool....

Recent visitors to Russia (and Ukraine, and Belarus) note the dearth of masks on crowded sidewalks. In early March, as the COVID pandemic was raging in the region and intensive care units were filled over capacity, restaurants were also filled over capacity — all booked up for corporate parties celebrating International Women’s Day, a major holiday in the post-Soviet world. A veritable woke feast in the time of pestilence.