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Author: Bryan Jacoutot

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Bryan Jacoutot

Bryan is a Georgia attorney practicing law since 2014. He primarily litigates federal and state election law cases on behalf of local and state governments, as well as individual candidate campaigns.

He received his Juris Doctorate from Georgia State University where he also earned a certification in health law from the University's distinguished Center for Law, Health and Society. Bryan earned his undergraduate degree in History from Auburn University.

Follow Bryan on Twitter: @BryanJacoutot

Extortion is the new social justice. We've written before about the bully tactics utilized by organizations like Color of Change in order to achieve their political aims. These tactics are not just abusive and opinion-supressive. They're effective. Major companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart have already cut ties with...

It seems to me that Barack Obama and many Congressional Democrats could learn a valuable lesson from little Veruca Salt. Don't be a bad egg. Listening to all of Veruca's demands is like reading through the dismal 2013 Obama budget, line by line. (Recall that his budget...

And they have to make it as frightening as possible. From the Daily Caller [Emphasis mine]: President Barack Obama’s aides have poll-tested new phrases and themes for their “Mediscare” strategy, which seeks to persuade Medicare-reliant seniors to vote against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the critical...

It's been met with praise, and skepticism. (Via Yahoo!News) "Athletes representing our nation overseas in the Olympics shouldn't have to worry about an extra tax bill waiting for them back home," Rubio said in a statement. "We can all agree that these Olympians who dedicate their...

As election day nears, Operation Counterweight continues. Today the spotlight is on the race between incumbent Democrat Mike McIntyre and Republican challenger David Rouzer for North Carolina's 7th Congressional District. McIntyre has been called one of the most vulnerable House Democrats of this election cycle. A...

Well, if we're using the same "difference of opinion" standard that was used to call for the boycott of Chick-Fil-A, then it sure would seem it. If the 30 states that have enacted legislation or constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman...

Below is a screen shot from the DNC homepage with a confident (or, maybe confused) looking Joe Biden proclaiming: I'm there! Are you? Well, apparently not. Unlike Vice President Biden, many Congressional Democrats will be staying away from this year's Democratic National Convention. Although the candidates like to give...

After all, he asked for it. In a recent campaign appearance in Virginia, the President remarked: Ultimately, I think, Mr. Romney is going to have to answer those questions because if he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is you're ultimately responsible...

I wish I could tell you that this is a funny parody movie, but I cannot. This movie is 100% real. The best line from the trailer? -Q.What do you do when you fall off the path and you want to get back on? -A. You just keep...

Changing their minds, about everything. Despite the splash that followed Jonathan Krohn’s departure from conservativsm, I should hope this comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone. Discussing his ideological shift, Krohn said, I mean, come on, I was between 13 and 14 when I was regurgitating...

It has been too long, far too long. 26 years long. To put it in perspective, the last time Maryland was represented by a Republican in the Senate, Ronald Reagan was still plotting his “tear down this wall” moment, Steve Jobs had just been kicked...

Senator Claire McCaskill, (D-MO) appears to be "hiding" following the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act earlier this week. A local news broadcast (h/t Hot Air) hints that McCaskill's uphill reelection battle might be a contributing factor to her absence following...

In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling, some Republican Governors are betting that the Affordable Care Act won't survive repeal. (h/t Yahoo! News) The Supreme Court upheld President Barack Obama's health care law on Thursday, but Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a possible Republican vice presidential contender...

George Zimmerman's father and the EMT who treated Zimmerman at the scene the night he shot Trayvon Martin testified today at his second bond hearing. Via ABC News: During the hearing, Zimmerman's lawyer Mark O'Mara played a tape of a 911 call in which a woman tells...

Now that Richard Mourdock has defeated Dick Lugar and is well into his general election campaign against Democrat Joe Donnelly, it is of paramount importance that we keep Mourdock’s campaign for Senate strong. Top-tier Republican figures are aware of this, as evidenced by Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s...

After she handled her fellow Republican candidates at the Utah convention back in April, Mia Love is receiving a substantial boost from her party to aide her attempt to oust Democrat Congressman Jim Matheson in the newly created 4th Congressional District. Many Republicans have been vocal...

I've enjoyed covering the blog for much of the day today while the Professor was out. Since there's no Saturday Night Card Game tonight, here are a couple of links to stories from the day that we didn't get a chance to cover. U.S. and Iran...

While it isn't a new strategy, it seems as if the left has recently been ratcheting up its utilization of the stonewalling tactic when confronted by high profile controversy. Elizabeth Warren, who continues to show no signs of ever engaging in an honest discussion with the...