Anne Segal | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 20
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Author: Anne Segal

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Anne Segal

Anne Sorock Segal is a market researcher and president of The Frontier Lab, a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase demand for freedom and revive a unifying American character using cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies.

"They just doing it to make all the green people happy," the New York Times reported fisherman Mr. Sanfilippo as saying. He's referring to Whole Foods's decision to only sell fish it considers sustainable: Starting Sunday, gray sole and skate, common catches in the region, will...

*UPDATE 4/25: EAG released a second video on "Gender-Bender" day at the school. Chicago public school Jones College Prep apparently believes school is the appropriate venue to train students in nonviolent protesting: Philip Jackson was brought in to lead the training and provide students with specific ideas...

Last Thursday I was a panelist for the Heritage Foundation's Occupy Wall Street: A Post-Mortem event. During the Q&A session, Alex Cortes of Let Freedom Ring asked a question  about the "unseemliness" of today's capitalist winners. It was part of a larger discussion of what...

Tea Parties across the country, the recipients of letters from the IRS demanding they produce reams of documents detailing every email, blog post, tweet, radio transcript, Facebook entry, and on, have banded together to share resources in defending their 501c4 applications. The Liberty Defense Foundation is allowing the...

Coverage emerged yesterday of a recent conference held by Al Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN) in Washington, DC. Among the breakout sessions, one entitled "The Church: Becoming Spiritually Fed and Feeding the Hungry" appears to have been especially ineptly titled given the actual content conveyed: The...

Two standout appearances at Chicago's Tea Party this Monday were familiar faces from Saturday's Wisconsin event: BigJournalism's Dana Loesch and Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. These two women, working moms who are relatively recent entrants into the political fray, are examples of one of the most...

This past Saturday marked a change for the now-annual Wisconsin Tax Day Tea Party in Madison, Wisc. While thousands turned out -- an organizer said it was 6,300 --  it wasn't the masses that had showed up in the pouring rain last year to see...