Chris Murphy Appointing Himself As New Face of Dem Resistance Gets off to Rocky Start
“I feel like Chris Murphy and Mark Kelly just need to throw themselves into a hot bath and cry.”

In the aftermath of Vice President Kamala Harris’ embarrassing 2024 election loss to then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, reports have been swirling that the Democrat Party has been in a near-constant state of disarray, with no leader, no coherent message, and infighting galore as they go through an identity crisis of epic proportions.
Amid the widening divide among congressional Democrats, we’ve seen some not-so-well-known faces try to step up and fill the void, like Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), who makes AOC look sane by comparison. There has also been Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), who, after seeming to threaten Tesla CEO Elon Musk during an interview on live TV last month, received a letter of inquiry from the Trump DOJ asking him for clarification on his remarks.
Another one who has attempted to make himself more visible is Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who has been appearing more on the talking head programs in 2025 and has stepped up his social media presence in recent weeks.
We saw this, for instance, in a video clip he posted to the Twitter/X machine on Thursday explaining why he would be a “no” vote on the CR. He made sure to throw in some curse words along the way because apparently, he’s still of the mindset that elected officials look edgy and cool when they do things like that:
I will vote NO on the Republican spending bill tomorrow. I want to tell you why. It’s important.
— Chris Murphy
(@ChrisMurphyCT) March 13, 2025
After the Friday vote, we got a similar message from Murphy. Except this time he made sure to include the “f” word for good measure:
Hey I just got home. Tough fucking day.
I am going to go live on @instagram at @chrismurphyct in about 10 minutes to talk about why I voted NO today on the government funding bill, and to give you some early, candid thoughts about where our movement needs to go from here.
— Chris Murphy
(@ChrisMurphyCT) March 15, 2025
Chris Murphy—”movement leader?” As you might expect, that brought about some chuckles and inconvenient reminders from his critics:
I feel like Chris Murphy and Mark Kelly just need to throw themselves into a hot bath and cry.
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) March 15, 2025
Chris, we all know the woman you cheated on your wife with is writing these posts. I’m sure she told you dropping an f-bomb makes you sound younger and more relatable to voters.
She was wrong.
— The
FOO (@PolitiBunny) March 15, 2025
There isn’t a bigger tool in elected office anywhere in this country, at any level, than this doofus.
Even made sure to put in the swear word to make sure everyone knows he’s edgy.
— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) March 16, 2025
For all his whining, Chricken Little'ing and social media ranting, what has Chris Murphy accomplished over the last year? He held up the Ratcliffe nomination by a half a day. That seems to be the only thing his "resistance" has done. When does someone in the Dem party tell him to…
— George Colli (@GeorgeColli) March 15, 2025
Senator Smurphy has adapted the personality of a hysterical 39yr old DC “political media” democrat wine lady — oh wait
… What an embarrassment to Connecticut, having a rep act & speak foully, who has ZERO interest in improving Nutmegger’s lives. A total LOON. Many such cases.
— Daniel Miressi (@DanMiressiCT) March 15, 2025
Democrat politicians suddenly going hard on the cussing is just another of their never ending cringe inducing attempts to relate to the “regular people.” It’s on the same level as having raw hamburgers with cheese on an unlit grill.
— 𝙼𝚁. 𝙻𝙴𝙰𝙳𝚂𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁 (@Lead_Flinger) March 15, 2025
There's something seriously wrong with a person who leaves his wife and children to be with a young staffer and then still showcases this kind of arrogance.
Sociopathic behavior.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) March 15, 2025
You can’t even be faithful to your own wife, thw mother of your child.
Why would anyone think you would be faithful to the Constitution and the American people?
— Jeffrey MacGinnis (@Jeff_MacG) March 15, 2025
And yeah, about that:
Chris Murphy has a new (and younger, but not necessarily more attractive) lover less than four months after ditching his wife. The prominent social media user and Democratic senator from Connecticut is reportedly dating Tara McGowan, the Soros-funded dark money operative who has been denounced by the Washington Post for pushing “partisan propaganda” via a network of misleading “local news” websites. The happy couple was spotted canoodling at a hipster bar in Washington, D.C., earlier this month.
Murphy has allegedly distinguished himself in recent months, according to mainstream political journalists, for his relentless opposition to Donald Trump and his even more relentless efforts to promote himself. NBC News reports that Murphy spent more than $1 million on Facebook and Instagrams ads in the month of February, which is more than he’s spent on such advertising over the last five years combined. He’s also raising lots of money despite having just won reelection. He’s constantly on television, or sounding off on a podcast with liberal influencers. It’s all part of his strategy to “flood the zone” with anti-Trump hysteria. “We don’t have another year to fight this attempt to destroy democracy,” Murphy said last week. “Our democracy might be gone in six months.”
Oh yes, Democrats. Please make this guy the face of your party. Please. I’m begging you.
-Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter/X.-

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Woo hoo! The 2025 MLB season will begin in 2 DAYS with a two-game series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Chicago Cubs in… Tokyo, Japan?
Oh. I’m sorry. Is this off-topic?
I’m in my new home. I could hardly wait for my piano to be delivered by the professional movers. This is off-topic as well.
Play Mystic for me.
Gratz on getting moved in, that is a stress all it’s own.
Yes, it is. I’m exhausted.
I planted my garden yesterday. Can’t wait for fresh vegie’s. Very off topic but tasty. Wait, Murphy, Crockett and the other screeching Dems have the IQ of a carrot so maybe it is on topic.
This guy is such a lightwight. It’s almost an embarrassment to watch him perform. Especially now that he’s become vulgar.
Being profane proves nothing. It is never necessary to make a point, and become too commonplace. And now Democrats are making it mainstream. What a bunch of fools.
The occasional vulgar word has always been with us. But when you see it used so often, it brings to mind something that my stepfather said a long time ago. A vulgar mouth is a weak mind attempting to express itself.
Isn’t this the guy who told Vladimir Zelenski to stand up to Trump on live TV and show him who’s boss?
Yup. He’s the guy.
The dems got nuttin.
Trump has women throwing more panties and Poosay at him than at Tom Jones. Trump has had multiple divorces. He was found civilly liable of libel in an ultra liberal district with a 100% liberal jury of nut cases where another liberal misfit whore who can’t even remember when the alleged assault took place.
JR, Transtesticle1165, and other liberal misfits don’t hesitate to tell us how unfit Trump is to be anything let alone President.
Yet, Democrats can leave their wives, commit major felonies, finger bang female subordinates, and other assaults, yet not a damned one of them will hold Democrats accountable.
This is why I don’t give a hoot in hell about politicians’ personal lives. The Dems have some of the worst, most corrupt, and evil people in office, yet many of them are highly effective at moving their agenda forward and hindering that of conservatives. Their personal foibles aside, their voters get political effectiveness from them, something that can’t be said of many of our squeaky-clean office holders.
My only metric for voting for any candidate for office is that he loves America. I will vote for an absolute scoundrel who loves America before I’ll vote for a Puritan who doesn’t. After the scoundrel gets into office I’ll then judge his effectiveness. If he’s effective, I’m satisfied. If he’s not, I’m not. Effectiveness is my only metric for reelection. He can bang an aide all he wants and I won’t care. The Dems have taught me to not care.
Yep, but don’t forget those in the DC establishment who put a whole new meaning to the Franking Privilege….
It’s different when Democrats do it.
Hopefully Murphy will continue to be the face of the Dems and compete for 2028 presidential nomination. His loud hysteria should be a real vote-getter for Reps.
Here’s Chris bragging about overthrowing Ukraine’s government.
Give the guy a break. You have to work hard when your competition for Dumbest Senator includes, DaNang Dick and Mental Maisie.
The vile Dhimmi-crats are such dim-witted reprobates, mistakenly thinking that they’re allegedly so cool and edgy, by dropping copious expletives in their public remarks and videos.
Instead, such language serves to underscore their childishness, their intemperateness and their glaring paucity of substantive and credible policy proposals.
Murphy should stick to his specialty…..a cultist belief in catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. He hilariously believes in this despite evidence for the last 50 years showing he is wrong.
Dead goat alert!
Democrats are in bad shape if people like this have a shot at being their leaders.
A little botox in his lips, some spider eye lashes, a wig, a good tan, and he could be Jasmine Crocket!
Isn’t this the one who cried to his Republican friend when they realized that couldn’t keep Brett Kavanaugh off of SCOTUS?
I don’t care who Murphy sleeps with and if he left his wife. Happens all the time. What I care about is how much he lies in the entire thing. That sudden discovery by Dems of the F Bomb and other expletives is so contrived it is over the top fake sounding. No one buys it and it makes them look as stupid as holding up auction paddles.
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