Operation Demoralize – Shake Out of It and Get Yourself Together
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Operation Demoralize – Shake Out of It and Get Yourself Together

Operation Demoralize – Shake Out of It and Get Yourself Together

We are still in Operation Demoralize. It’s working just like it does every summer that we’ve tracked it. Shake out of it and get yourself together. There are legitimate concerns that people need to address, but this hyperbole and this hair-on-fire reaction is ridiculous. So carry on.

August 2, 2024, video Don’t Fall For ‘Operation Demoralize’ has received a big reaction.

So I decided to do a follow up, with the benefit of how things have gone the past 10 days.

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke to you about Operation Demoralize.

It’s something we’ve been tracking at Legal Insurrection since 2011 and what it is, it is a concerted effort every presidential election to suppress Republican votes by creating a narrative that it’s over. There’s nothing you can do. The momentum is with the Democrat. It’s already been written, the result.

And we know that’s not true. People are falling for it again. Now I see it all over the internet. I see it in my inbox, I see it in comments, I see it everywhere.

I just want to give you a little bit of historical perspective. On this date. August 14th, according to the Real Clear Politics national polling average, and that’s important, it’s the national average, Kamala Harris is up 1.1%. Oh my God, the sky is falling. It’s over.

By comparison on this date in 2020, Joe Biden was up by 7.7% in the same Real Clear Politics average, and on this date in 2016, Hillary was up 6.8%.

That’s the historical record. That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be concerned. That doesn’t mean people can’t do better. That doesn’t mean really anything other than you are being played.

Polling at this time in the year is junk Polling at this time in the year predicts nothing, and you should ignore it. Now you can’t ignore it because it’s all over the place. People are constantly citing the latest poll. What I’m telling you is this is Operation Demoralize.

This is going to be a close election just like it was in 2016 and just like it was in 2020. It’s going to be 30 or 50,000 votes in this state and 20,000 votes in that state. And we’re really fighting over a handful of states for who’s going to be president, and turnout is going to be critical. It doesn’t matter if Democrats win California by 5 million votes, that’s irrelevant. What matters is Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Georgia and Arizona, and two or three other states.

And to the extent the media is able to convince you that it is all over and there’s nothing you can do, that is not in your interest as a voter.

So what I’m saying to you is: We are still in Operation Demoralize. It’s working just like it does every summer that we’ve tracked it. Shake out of it and get yourself together. There are legitimate concerns that people need to address, but this hyperbole and this hair-on-fire reaction is ridiculous. So carry on.

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Spot on – and more attempts to demoralize to come.

Trump sentencing

Harris elevated to President, Biden resigning before the election

An October surprise

All distractions.

Hammer home the policy issues and do the work registering voters and getting the issues out there.

    SpeakUpNow in reply to PrincetonAl. | August 15, 2024 at 9:47 am

    Thank you Prof Jacobson. Really needed that pep talk. Now how about one on the situation with Israel ? Desperate for some hope.

Well after reading this article at ACe and realizing it’s MYcongressman that is the usual traitor, I am demoralized

I had Carter and then Texas redrew its lines and now have the globalist traitor Mccaul

Jerry Dunleavy IV
NEW: I resigned in protest from Chairman McCaul’s House Foreign Affairs investigation into the Biden-Harris Admin’s disastrous & deadly Afghanistan withdrawal. Resignation letter below. Despite my repeated urging, McCaul failed to seek answers on & accountability for the debacle.

While the Committee’s investigation has indeed unearthed further evidence detailing the Biden-Harris Admin’s responsibility for the horrific events of August 2021 & for the dangerous global fallout which followed, McCaul & his team have also been derelict in their duty to pursue answers for the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, to seek the proper documents, to bring in the proper witnesses, to ask the tough questions, to fully pursue the truth without fear or favor, & to do everything in the Committee’s power to ensure that a deadly humiliation like this never happens again. McCaul & the Committee made promises to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families & to the American public at large — & those promises simply have not been kept.

I did not come lightly to this decision to resign & to blow the whistle publicly, but I could not be a part of this sham any longer & my conscience simply will not allow me to be silent — after a year of pushing the Committee to do the right thing & to run a serious investigation that relentlessly searches for the truth, it has become undeniably clear to me that McCaul & his team are unwilling to take even the most basic steps necessary to ensure that President Biden, VP Harris, & all the top Biden-Harris diplomatic & national security & military leaders are made to answer for the horrors which unfolded & continue to unfold in Afghanistan & around the world. The Committee’s disappointing lack of courage & lack of moral clarity just cannot go unremarked.

From the troubling handling of the hearings with General Milley & General McKenzie & Zalmay Khalilzad to the refusal to drag in key witnesses at the State Department & CENTCOM & elsewhere, and from the refusal to properly investigate the ISIS-K attack at Abbey Gate to the failure to look into dozens of obvious & important leads, McCaul & his team have allowed a crucial opportunity for a real & deserved reckoning to potentially slip away.

I feel a significant obligation to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, to all Gold Star families from this two-decade war, to all the U.S. service members who fought & especially those who died in Afghanistan, & to the American public — they all deserve to know how this Committee has refused to fulfill its important obligation to thoroughly expose the Biden-Harris Admin’s duplicity & its atrocious decision-making during America’s retreat & defeat in Afghanistan.

House Republicans had (and, for at least a few more months, still have) a congressional majority which empowered them to run serious & credible oversight investigations — the power to compel sworn witness testimony, the power to force the production of hidden documents, the power to issue subpoenas — but, with regard to the investigation into the Biden-Harris disaster in Afghanistan, McCaul has failed to wield this awesome power with anything resembling strength or consistency.

As I repeatedly made clear to the Committee, I fear that those in the halls of power — the White House, State Dept, intel community, Pentagon — have failed to learn the needed lessons from America’s defeat in the war in Afghanistan. Washington has a widespread culture of unaccountability, & that has been especially true related to this war. I fear that this Committee’s investigation will embolden, rather than remedy, that perverse culture. If those responsible aren’t held accountable, and if necessary lessons aren’t learned, I fear there will be even more Gold Star families in the future as a direct result.

As I did as a reporter, an author, and a now-former senior investigator on Capitol Hill, I will continue my fight for the truth no matter what. The stakes are simply too high to do otherwise. More to come.

His tweets and his actual letter of resignation are here.

Like I said, Dunleavy is one of the soft-handed pro-Establishment “moderate” wing of the party — but kudos to him for resigning, and doing so publicly, when the Deep State operative McCaul went too far in his covering-up for the Deep State’s agent, “Scranton Joe.”

Right now Harris/Walz are enjoying an extended honeymoon period. The lapdog legacy media is working hard to protect them from any sort of accountability… but even some inside the media monolith are beginning to point out that the d/prog team doesn’t have any policies, hasn’t sat for an interview, won’t take questions and both Harris and Walz are running away from their prior records.

Next week in Chicago at the d/prog convention there will be a party platform and it will include, by necessity, lots of extreme things far out of step with most of the public but essential to include in order to keep the various tribal factions within the d/prog coalition on the team. Once the Harris/Walz campaign goes on record to appease the wokiesta weirdos they can’t hide their agenda. They will still avoid media access, dodge questions and do their best to stay in front of friendly/home field questioners but they will have presented a target for DJT/Vance to strike.

Before getting all worked up over the latest poll search out the size, if less than 800 it is kinda small, if the % of d/prog samples is greater then 5% more than GoP sampled it is skewed. Those two basic things tell you the poll is less reliable. If the internals of the poll don’t make sense, such as one recent one showing Harris winning non college educated voters by 20+ points then it is hot garbage.

Bottom line is Prof Jacobson is correct, this is a propaganda ploy that is as old as electioneering. Don’t fall for the BS and allow yourself to be manipulated or gaslit.

The Dhimmi-crats’ media shills/trained seals/lapdogs/propagandists are attempting to pull off one hell of a deceptive marketing feat — convince the electorate that crone-harlot, Harris, is the new, shiny thang on the block, instead of a wretched, incompetent, dim-witted and destructive apparatchik who’s literally been hanging out in the White House for the past 3.5 years, though not sleeping there.

What’s funny is that Harris’s narcissism caused her to demand that her last name be appended to Biden’s, in official Administration media documents and references (i.e., the “Biden-Harris Administration”), an act of obnoxious self-promotion unprecedented in American history. Yet, now, she chooses to run for president as if she hadn’t been Biden’s right-hand for the past 3.5 years, as responsible as he is for all of the corrosive and destructive policy failures that have been implemented, and, the impoverishment, chaos and suffering that they’ve wrought.

retiredcantbefired | August 14, 2024 at 9:54 pm

No trolls have visited yet.

Maybe that’s a good sign.

destroycommunism | August 14, 2024 at 10:10 pm

here is the real deal

harris is up 4% in the

we will count only the votes we want to count….msm

    The electoral fraud is my great fear also. I fully expect Trump to be leading in the “swing” states late in the evening and then “all of a sudden” in the wee hours of the morning after all the “vote counters” have gone home there is a sudden jump in the “votes” for Harris by 20,000+ over Trump in a matter of a few minutes. Also in some instances we may see the number of votes for Trump decrease from previous counts.

    The whole point of putting up two such incompetent candidates as Harris and Walz is for the Democrats to show that they control the election process in key States and will not be removed from power.

I’m doing my part. Had some buttons made at a place called Wacky Buttons.
They read “Liberalism – Find a Cure” with a blue ribbon.
Whenever I wear one of my five Trump tshirts and someone gives me a thumbs up or compliment I hand over a button or two if they’re with spouse.
Gotten lots of favorable comments.
It also lets people know they aren’t alone and that we aren’t going to run and hide from the hate from the left.

Britain is arresting grandmothers and putting them in prison for 20 months for posting support for the protesters of anti immigrants


A man who attacked and killed a teenage boy with a machete will be released after only six months because of overcrowding in prisons, reported The Daily Mail.

Got to make room for the white Christian grandfathers who built the West

Britain is gone, absolutely gone

    Milhouse in reply to gonzotx. | August 15, 2024 at 9:52 am

    A man who attacked and killed a teenage boy with a machete will be released after only six months because of overcrowding in prisons, reported The Daily Mail.

    You forgot to mention that the man was not convicted of murder but only of manslaughter, or that the killing occurred in the course of a gang fight, in which the victim was just as guilty as the perpetrator.

I had gained the very same impression: the Democrats always try to hornswoggle the voters with phony numbers — to discourage the opposition. Thank you, Prof. Jacobson, for bringing this out.

Wagering in our house

Trump takes Washington State
Reichart beats Fergie.

You might think these as long odds unless you’ve watch Wa.

Hiring a contractor to fix drywall tab on high ceiling (20): new BBQ (1) is the Trump/Harris bet. (I couldn’t think of anything better than accelerating that part of the home repair list)

Home Theatre Surround Sound (20): (TBD on what the wife will wager) on Reichart/Ferguson.

Wen the Republican on the street can think of a dozen lethal attacks against the opposition, using their own words, and Republicans decline to run any ads with any of those attacks in them, exactly who is running Operation Demoralize?

Have you seen Republican campaign ads? Unconvincing pablum. I’m a dedicated partisan voter, and they almost make ME want to walk away.

    Compare your words with what Jacobson said. Are you helping? Are you adding or subtracting? Ask yourself what the effect of your words are.

    “Fear gets spoken into existence. You just did that. Stop speaking fear.” – Cynical Publicus on X

      henrybowman in reply to Thane_Eichenauer. | August 16, 2024 at 5:29 pm

      I’m sorry, Thane. From now on, I will speak only Joy. Joy and lots of cackling. And figuring out the best ways to bribe you to vote for me.