Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Domestic Violence Prevention Group ‘Likens Israel to an Abuser’
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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Domestic Violence Prevention Group ‘Likens Israel to an Abuser’

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Domestic Violence Prevention Group ‘Likens Israel to an Abuser’

Hamas raped, mutilated, and beat Israeli women before setting them on fire…alive.

The domestic violence prevention group at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) encouraged people to view Israel as an abuser in its latest Instagram posts.

Lauren Suriel, the national field director for Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC), posted a few screenshots from the Domestic Abuse Prevention Student Organization’s (DAPSO) Instagram account.

How awful. We know that doctors confirmed that 30 of the freed women suffered sexual abuse. We know Hamas made it a goal to rape females.

Many Israeli women signed up for the IDF due to the evidence: Surge In Israeli Women Signing Up For Combat Units After October 7 Mass Rapes And Sexual Mutilation

Are we witnessing intersectionality? We know anti-Israel activists love to find ways to weave Israel into everything as a way to poison minds against the so-called evil Jew.

Here are all of the screenshots.

This happened at Columbia University in 2015: How student activists turned anti-rape group into an anti-Israel group

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) hijacked the group No Red Tape.

No Red Tape formed when Emma Sulkowicz carried a mattress around campus after the university “exonerated the person she accused of raping her.”

The accused male sued the university. They agreed to a settlement.

The case raised tensions, as most have since the Duke University lacrosse scandal, but that does not matter, as Professor Jacobson pointed out:

Regardless of what you think of Sulkowicz and the role of No Red Tape, at least the group purported to support victims of sexual abuse without regard to politics.

No more. Since the formation of the group, as the founders left, anti-Israel students formed an alliance with SJP.

Activists and their love for intersectionality made that change after the founders left:

All the while, No Red Tape broadened its approach from examining sexual assault on campus, thinking about the presence of factors such as race, citizenship, and colonialism, as they intersect with sexual violence.

“The way that No Red Tape conceives of sexual violence is as a form of oppression that is related and inextricably linked to other forms of oppression,” group member Michela Weihl, BC ’17, said. “That’s the broad-scale idea that we’re trying to work off of, and we’ve definitely faced challenges in operationalizing that.”

That’s not all.

DAPSO also posted how to “deal” with what is happening in Gaza, once again spewing anti-Israel buzzwords and propaganda.

More intersectionality? DAPSO suggests notorious anti-Israel groups Jewish Voice for Peace (SJP), Party of Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Indy Students for Socialism (SFS), Middle Eastern Student Association (MESA), and Indy Liberation Center.

After all, “[W]e’re watching a genocide happen in real time,” according to DAPSO. The group recommends reaching out to the Muslim-run talk line Nasheeha, which has a bunch of anti-Israel posts on its Instagram.

DAPSO encourages people to keep strong, but, in bold because it’s obvs the most important, “[D]o not abandon Gaza.”


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Here is a possible chapter heading for them:

“Woke Without Walls”

About exactly what you’d expect from a place called “Ooey Pooey.”

This article illustrates what George Orwell wrote about, ““if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” By framing this as genocide, one avoids the obvious question of why. Answering the question why brings one to a different framing conclusion for the activity in Gaza – apprehension of a criminal gang.

“Struggling to process events about Gaza?”

Yeah. I’m struggling to figure out how the scum who live in Gaza could rape Jewish women, cut their heads off and put their babies in the oven. It still hasn’t fully sunk in.

“Domestic Violence Group Likens Israel to an Abuser”

Well, actually the real abuser is closer to home. The Abuser in Chief resides in the White House and has abused our country to the point that we may never recover.

And Jill Biden, the First Enabler, is as nasty as they come.

Time to shut down the University’s

They produce vile mindless twatts…

With few exceptions….

Better we invest in Trade schools and if the vile monsters try to take them over, time to get serious

Midwestern immoral antisemites. They can pretend compassion, but they mask their hate and inhumanity. Shame on these moral pretenders.

What a disgraceful , ignorant and disgusting comparison!

I want to congratulate these idiots for inserting themselves into a dispute that has nothing to do with them or their goals. So, basically, they have expanded the reasons people might not support them. And what did they get get in return? That warm, fuzzy feeling of having supported savage baby murderers and psychotic rapists. You have to wonder at what is missing in these cretins’ lives that they feel morally justified in supporting barbaric behavior. Their judgment is forever compromised.

So that makes mass rape and sexual mutilation by hamas the new form of “feminism” for the lefties ??

    Dimsdale in reply to smooth. | December 27, 2023 at 9:25 am

    Well, in the skewed Bizzarro world of the left, it must make perfect sense. Real women are being shunted aside for their replacements.

About “Jesus the Palestinian”, Eretz Nehederet chimes in.

(EN is an Israeli SNL-like show. The title means “A lovely country”.)

So, these people are involved because Israel and Hamas are contesting land there. I didn’t realize “from the river to the sea” covered Indiana. Who knew?

Or maybe it’s just a mind virus. US-based supporters of Hamas are taking up some of their practices, toward women, which Western values, and yes law, would consider “domestic violence?” The Virus is here, now. Can’t we get a jab for that?

Whatever that is, that’s just terrible. If they want to impose their thocracy here, at least have the decency to invade. That’s how nations do it, after all. I mean, they’re willing to use guns and bombs themselves all the time. Even get multiple national armies to pitch in from time to time.

Oh wait. What? This is about … Israel, which being a people isn’t married to anybody, smacking back at opposition organizations and countries, that attack them. Attacks keep happening, then the smack-backs keep happening.



IU-Purdue: Axis of evil.

They admit that the Palies are the cause of their mental illness on the first DAPSO slide: “Here are some ways to support your mental health without abandoning Palestine.”

So abandoning Palestine is the path to mental health. Got it.

The first set of slides, once you get past the completely annoying underlining, is the very picture of leftist projection,

It is sad that so many people, particularly the academia addled youth, are such suckers for this.

Proof positive that CRT has replaced critical thinking.

This ceaseless, dishonest and rabid anti-Israel vilification that we’re seeing from European dhimmis and American Dhimmi-crats isn’t legitimate or fair criticism of Israel — it’s pure Jew-hate. This is why rational minds understand that perennially and unfairly demonizing Israel and Israeli Jews is the main conduit for contemporary Jew-hate.

On a spectrum of meritless to merit, Pales are meritless and Jews have merit, apparently God intended this.