American General Warns Chinese Military Poised to Surpass the U.S.
“The pace they’re moving and the trajectory that they’re on will surpass Russia and the United States if we don’t do something to change it.”

China is developing its military capabilities at a “stunning” pace and may soon “surpass” the United States, a top U.S. general said on Thursday.
“The pace they’re moving and the trajectory that they’re on will surpass Russia and the United States if we don’t do something to change it,” the outgoing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hyten said on Thursday.
The admission comes after last week’s revelations that China successfully tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile. The missile, which is several times faster than a ballistic missile, may be able to evade U.S. air defense systems, the UK newspaper Financial Times reported.
On Thursday, Gen. Hyten admitted that the U.S. missile program lagged behind the Chinese one. Beijing conducted several hundred hypersonic missile tests compared to just nine carried out by Washington so far.
Communist China is poised to be the world’s dominant military power if Washington fails to act, the general said. The general urged the U.S. defense planners to “focus on speed and reinserting speed back into the process of the Pentagon.”
The Voice of America reported Gen. Hyten’s worrying remarks:
It is only a matter of time before China’s plan to replace the United States as the world’s preeminent military becomes reality, a top U.S. general warned, calling on the Washington and its allies to speed efforts to counter Beijing’s bid for dominance.
General John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Washington’s second-most-senior military officer, called the rapid rise of the Chinese military “stunning.”
“The pace they’re moving and the trajectory that they’re on will surpass Russia and the United States if we don’t do something to change it,” he told the Defense Writers Group on Thursday, responding to a question from VOA.
“We have to do something,” he added. (…)
“All the hypersonic weapons they’re building, all of the nuclear weapons they’re building, are not meant for their own population,” Hyten said of China. “It is meant for the United States of America, and we have to assume that, and we have to plan for that.”
Hyten expressed confidence that for now, America’s own hypersonic program is more advanced, though he raised concerns that even that could be changing.
“In the last five years, maybe longer, the United States has done nine hypersonic tests,” Hyten told reporters. “The Chinese have done hundreds.”
“Single digits versus hundreds is not a good place,” he said.
While the U.S. and its European NATO allies have been busy imposing woke gender and cultural norms across their armed forces, Communist China has raced to weaponize outer space and dominate the seas on Earth.
But recent remarks by top Pentagon officials show that they might be waking up to China’s growing military threat.
Earlier this week, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff described China’s hypersonic missile test as a near “Sputnik moment,” a reference to the Soviet satellite launch of 1957 that changed the dynamics of the Cold War. “What we saw was a very significant event of a test of a hypersonic weapon system, and it is very concerning,” Gen. Mark Milley said.
China’s massive military build up is part of the Xi Jinping regime’s strategy of global economic and military domination.
In February 2021, the Chinese Communist Party-run parliament unveiled a centralized economic plan to surpass in U.S. in 15 years. “By the end of that road map, in 2035, China sees itself replacing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy,” the Japanese business daily Nikkei reported.
The Communist regime wants to be the world’s leading military power before its dreams of economic world domination come to fruition. Beijing is pressing head with a massive military modernization plan to be executed by 2027.
The plan has brought the regime to the cusp of dominating the oceans. Beijing now possess the world’s largest navy in terms of ship numbers. Beijing “has the largest navy in the world, with an overall battle force of approximately 350 ships and submarines including over 130 major surface combatants,” the U.S. Defense Department’s 2020 military assessment said.
China’s Hypersonic Missile Launch Close to a ‘Sputnik Moment,’ U.S. General Says

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Helps when the President is a champion for their cause doing nothing to stop their ambition.
Welcome to the New Cold War! But this time we just all might lose because the CCP will have no compunction against using nuclear weapons if they feel it will given them an advantage.
China is over. The Real Estate Bubble is 20 times the US subprime Bubble. They have unrecoverable demographics.
They announced last week they will quit exporting fertilizer. They don’t have enough natural gas dependent fertilizer and are staring FAMINE in the fa
What is an unrecoverable demographic? I asked not to be stored, I really don’t know what you mean by that sentence. Thank you.
It’s a mere burp. China will not rot from within: their citizens are patriotic.
America has rotted from within, and it’s about to collapse.
You don’t even need to use nukes. Hypersonic missiles go so fast that the kinetic energy alone will be en0ugh to kill most targets.
The Cold War is now the United States government versus citizens of the United States.
This is no hyperbole. Just ask that monsterously corrupt fascist Merrick Garland.
In other news, General Obvious water is wet.
I’ve always enjoyed that particular photo of a hologram of Xi materializing through the roof of a limousine.
Now I know why henry is happy all the time.
After 9/11, there were a few commentators with genuine military competence who said that this was the greatest gift the CCP could get.
A West generation fixated on the War on Terror, while they continued their buildup in traditional forces. There is no question that the PLA still has a number of weaknesses which at first are not obvious. However, they are relentless in changing that. In a few more years, they will be regarding us as near peers, not peers.
“…the outgoing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hyten said China blah blah blah…”
“OUTGOING”. The illustrious General Hyten is leaving in a few days. He has been Vice Chairman since 21 Nov 2019, but didn’t have the guts to say anything until he’s on his way out the door.
It’s a total surprise to him. No one could foresee this coming. Of course kicking out of the service our best and brightest while focusing on CRT and thinking that our greatest threat is white supremacy probably didn’t have anything to do with it.
The greatest internal threats are diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment), inequity, and exclusion; political congruence (“=”) and policies of #NoJudgment #NoLabels (e.g. healthy at any weight, transgender conversion therapy); social progress (e.g. net-zero, wicked solution, selective-child or one-child, delegated; a conflation of sex and gender) and shared/shifted responsibility; the establishment of the Pro-Choice religion; redistributive change, progressive prices, arbitrage; and a progressive margin of fraud.
“didn’t have the guts to say anything until he’s on his way out the door.”
I bet they could still Scheller him.
Milley Vanilly needs more medals, that will scare the Be Jesus out of the Chinese!
In other we News, Amy and Kav turning out to be real decent commies!
Yes, good idea! He could put them on his back, placing them neatly on either side of the yellow stripe.
More medals?
How about a giganitic iron cross shoved up his ass?
“The admission comes after last week’s revelations that China successfully tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile. The missile, which is several times faster than a ballistic missile, may be able to evade U.S. air defense systems, the UK newspaper Financial Times reported. ”
No. Will be able to without a problem.
If the Chinese get a hypersonic missile to a point where it’s accurate there is nothing in the US inventory at this moment that could stop such a missile.
Unless we’ve got a piece of technology in secret that the DOD is hiding that can destroy such missiles we would be extremely vulnerable to them.
They don’t even need bullets: they’re under no threat from the US, and the US is collaping before everyone’s eyes.
The US will never, ever, ever return to the nation it was prior to Obama.
John Fonda-Kerry is standing by, ready on a moments notice, to surrender to China, Russia, France, anyone, so long as it will subjugate a formerly united States.
Never turn your back to Kerry, rumor has it that cannot be cremated and that the sinners in Hell want nothing to do with him.
For them, it’s all about the money and ego.
With that Muppet lookalike Kerry, this is the TIP of his corruption:
UNCOVERED: John Kerry Invested $1 Million in Tech Firm that Uses Forced Labor
No surprise. The Dems have always been the party of slavery.
Complacency is charity or have the Chinese developed a functional model that overcomes the leverage games that dampen Western viability?
As our weapons systems get ever more costly we can afford fewer and fewer of them. And one has to wonder just how vulnerable they are to vast swarms of low-cost weapons that might be directed against them.
The USA did not win WWII by fielding the best weapons in the world. Although a few, such as the B-29 or P-51 aircraft were best-in-class, many (tanks, landing craft, etc.) may not have been all that good, but we could produce them in vast quantities. And sometimes quantity can prevail over quality.
Consider a scenario whereby one of our $13 billion nuclear aircraft carriers is sunk by a swarm of drones costing at most a few $ million. Assuming they don’t wish to dispatch a more costly hypersonic missile to do the job.
Besides, that was a long time ago. Back when we had a military that prioritized winning and barely even considered social engineering.
As noted by this piece, Beijing’s navy is already larger than that of the US. Not mentioned is that:
*Beijing’s military is twice the size of America’s
*Beijing has roughly the same number of combat aircraft
*BUT more than twice as many air superiority fighters as the USAF
*AND China’s sole vulnerability is its eastern coastline, except North Korea and the Shandong province protect the northern part, Taiwan threatens the southerncentral part, except Beijing regularly threatens to invade this, and the South China Sea is being turned into a fortified military area under Beijing’s control.
Worse still Beijing is building its military to fight America’s. America’s military was mostly built to fight the Soviet Union, with some modification for the war on terror.
Thus it’s less a question of has China’s military surpassed that of the US, but rather by what metrics hasn’t it?
When I was in the Navy I was associated with Naval aviation. I say associated as I was never in a paid flight status. I was qualified to be a back seater in F-14 Tomcats (as weapons systems become more complicated the pilot can’t handle the work load alone, but then as automation becomes more sophisticated he can fly and fight the aircraft by himself until the process repeats). So I think I can offer a guardedly valid opinion.
Albigensian is exactly right. As a matter of fact we had a phrase for it; quantity has a quality all its own. I have a soft spot for the F6F Hellcat. It certainly wasn’t the best fighter of WWII. It wasn’t even the best USN carrier fighter of the war; that accolade goes to the F4U Corsair. Everybody knew it was inferior to the Corsair; one F6 driver joked it looked like the wrapper Corsairs came packaged in.
Military is one part – maybe the least of all. Commitment of the people to win at all cost is the key.
90% of the time – wars are lost because the people are not committed or lose faith in leaders or belief in country.
The WOKE therefore given aid and comfort to the enemy by dividing America and teaching hatred against America and American ideals.
I hate it when I accidentally submit a comment.
To continue, although I understand if anyone thinks I just shouldn’t. The Hellcat just needed to handle Zeroes better than the F4F Wildcat (which actually wasn’t that bad in comparison to the Zero; it had several advantages over the Japanese plane). The F4F couldn’t follow a Zero in the vertical. It would stall and fall like a rock, which made it and more importantly the pilot just a platter of fresh meat for the Japanese pilot (again, USN aviators learned the hard way not to do this). The F6F could keep up. In fact, I suspect one of the main reasons the Hellcat had a 19-1 kill ratio as opposed to the 11-1 kill ratio of the Corsair is it looked a lot like the Wildcat. So Japanese pilots who got complacent, thinking if they got into trouble with a USN carrier fighter they could just climb out of danger, got the shock of their lives when the F6F stayed stuck on their tails.
The F6F was just a good solid workhorse. And, for the price of 1 Corsair you could get nearly 3 Hellcats. It was not a better plane than the Corsair. But you could crank out more Hellcats more cheaply than Corsairs. It was good enough; it didn’t need to be a better fighter than the Corsair. It just needn’t to be more than a match for a Zero, and it was (the European theater wasn’t really a carrier war, but the Hellcat did pretty well against ME-109s and FW-180s too) And it was cheaper. So the USN got more bang for the buck with the Hellcat.
It’s amusing how a lot of gun lovers spend a lot of time thinking about the ultimate SHTF firearm in case the zombie apocalypse arrives. I was tempted to spend thousands of dollars for custom, match grade weaponry. But then I realized SKS rifles were going for $79.95 each. I could buy 10 and arm the whole neighborhood.
The first and sixth of the 10 rules for gunfighting apply:
1. Bring a gun
a. Make sure its a real one! The smallest, lightest, cutest is not necessarily a good choice
b. preferably bring two guns
c. bring all your friends who have guns
6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight bring a long gun… and a friend with a long gun
One observation and I’m done. There is one warfare area where the Chinese will never match us.
We have more historic gay and trans flag officers than they ever will.
Probably because they’re serious about fighting and winning wars and we stopped being a serious country back in the 1990s.
I had to check that out with multiple sources before I could believe it. I still can’t really believe it. I thought it was a bad joke. Somebody tell me this didn’t happen. Please. I don’t want to believe we’re that far gone.
The “gays and trans” and other perverts, morons, wiccans and deranged … along with all those Afghani translators we salvaged (who can’t speak English) … Those are our front-line troops, tip of the spear. … If you were the opposing army and saw them cumming at you in full regalia … Tell us you wouldn’t run the other way.
‘Probably because they’re serious about fighting and winning wars and we stopped being a serious country back in the 1990s”
I would have to disagree…. I’m thinking since WW2 all “wars” have been political and all have been effectively lost….
We won the Battle of Grenada, Panama (with sonic weapons), Ruby Ridge, Waco, Kent State, … We’ve kept the Canadians at bay. And, the Vietnamese now like us. … Come on Men (Women and the confused) a little help here. … Poverty – The Demonrats Won Lyndon’s War On Poverty. …
ChiCom military dosen’t need to surpass anyone who has a surrender weak suck like Milley