Killer Cuomo To Get International Emmy For Playing A Governor On TV
This is beyond parody. Truly.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will receive an Emmy Founders Award for his “leadership during the Covid19 pandemic & his masterful use of TV to inform and calm people around the world.” Cuomo will receive the award November 23.
From the Emmy Awards:
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York will receive this year’s International Emmy® Founders Award, in recognition of his leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world. The Emmy® will be presented to Governor Cuomo, also a New York Times best-selling author, during the Academy’s live, International Emmy® Awards show streaming at 11 AM ET, on the Academy’s website, on November 23.
“The Governor’s 111 daily briefings worked so well because he effectively created television shows, with characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure,” said International Academy President & CEO, Bruce L. Paisner. “People around the world tuned in to find out what was going on, and New York tough became a symbol of the determination to fight back.”
On March 2, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo conducted a media briefing from Manhattan to inform and educate New Yorkers and the public at large about the coronavirus outbreak that was just starting to be recognized as a massive public health threat. That 12-minute introduction, part of a 34-minute session with other state leaders, was the first of 111 consecutive daily briefings for New Yorkers and the wider world about the grim progress of the worst pandemic to hit the United States in a century. The briefings were carried live by New York’s local TV stations, nationally on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and other news outlets in the U.S. and around the world. The last “daily” briefing was held on June 19, 2020. These daily communications have drawn a total of 59 million viewers.
Cuomo is in appropriate company as other award recipients include Vice President Al Gore, Oprah Winfrey, and Steven Spielberg.
We’ve covered Cuomo’s COVID nursing home death debacle many times over along with his other pandemic missteps:
Andrew Cuomo Now Straight-up Lying About COVID-19 Patients in NY Nursing Homes
Bar Criticizes Cuomo’s Food Mandates, Has Liquor License Suspended
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo: “Donald Trump caused the COVID outbreak in New York.”
Cuomo Blames De Blasio for Spike in NYC Violence, Forgets His Own Failed Reforms
Andrew Cuomo’s NY Health Dept Clears Andrew Cuomo Of Responsibility For Nursing Home Deaths
Andrew Cuomo Calls Criticism of Deadly Nursing Home Policy a ‘Political Charade’
I mean, really.

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“The award, an International Embalmers Founders Award, is given to a person who “crosses ethical boundaries to infect our elder community…”
The yolk’s on him along with the blood of thousands of his innocent victims.
Hollywood truly has a Death Wish.
I pray they get it……
and real soon!
NY Company Makes Pervy and Creepy Andrew Cuomo Stickers To Keep An Eye On You During Thanksgiving…
Weasel Zippers among others…..
Death wish? Maybe.
But part of war is de-humanizing your enemy, making them easier to kill.
‘NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE’ Film director Rob Reiner brands GOP an ‘accomplice to MURDER’ for ‘letting people die while Trump chases delusions’
Remember: the goal is genocide, whether the left’s useful idiots know it or not. And not just anyone’s genocide – but ours.
Playing one on TV is about all he’s qualified for.
Hey! Villains get Emmys, too!
Can they still receive them in the Federal Pen and/or if they’ve been shot by the Traitor’s Firing Squads?
We live in Upside-Down Clown World. Literally no one did a worse job than this freak.
I think I threw up in my mouth a little. His masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world? Really.
April 16, 2020 F. K. died in a Suffolk County nursing home. Her death certificate said viral pneumonia, due to a consequence of covid-19. She died alone, she never had any memorial service of any kind. F this bastard, he can take that award and …
Along with a 3 foot running chain saw.
Heard he’s got plenty of room………
That man is so damned ugly that it angers me to even see his face. There is nothing there but evil, to the core, from the bone.
Master Thespian!
Don’t say that word to him.
Because he’ll ask for two in a chocolate Jello wrestling match.
Leftists love to reward other Leftists with gifts, awards, no work jobs, honorary degrees.
Hollywood is dying. News just broke today that the $200 million “Wonder Woman 1984” will go straight to HBO Max, with maybe an extremely limited theatrical release. It’s looking increasingly like the era of quarter-billion blockbusters is over… and without them how will Hollywood stay afloat?
And yet these idiots still insist on pulling stunts like this. Let the whole entertainment industry burn, as far as I’m concerned.
Good Riddance to Pedophile Trash.
Let the same Communist Chinese Party choke to death on them.
Is there a check that comes with this award? Because this sounds like the way the left rewards their own. It doesn’t sound like a real award.
What would you give the person who for every dollar laid out in “his” state handed you back $.30? To the tune of having a return on your investment of $1.2 billion over a 4 year period. As to pandemic in the state, he has magnanimously reduced it to $.25 on every dollar. Absolutely Meaningless. Unless your the tax payer anywhere else in the state who gets no relief on what it costs to run a business and pay it’s employees. A bought and paid for tribute to another NYS A-hole.
If they decide to have a mini-series about him, may I suggest a title?
The Cull
Bet we can get the Cuomo Brothers on this too!
Second Cincinnati Councilman Arrested In Cash For Votes Scandal…
He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize and human rights accodades.
Something tells me we have found Kip.
Is his Ma still living?
Not the Bee?
can’t get ant calmer than being dead
Another feel good participation trophy.
More evidence this is an Orwell novel.
No, more evidence we are heading into a civil war, and will either prevail or be enslaved.
It won’t be pretty either way. But if we win, we’ll at least have a happy ending.
It beats getting sent into one of Cuomo’s death camps.
Dust off one of Pol Pot’s old communist medals and pin it on mass murderer Cuomo.
It is amazing how this man his ZERO regrets about the negligent homicide of thousands of old people in an amazingly short time.
This is one sick guy. Whitmer is another sicko.
An Emmy for acting like a governor? Too bad he couldn’t be one in reality.