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Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto ‘Probably a Hoax’

Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto ‘Probably a Hoax’

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop.”

Earlier this week, Syracuse University police investigated reports of a white supremacist manifesto appeared on an online forum and distributed to students via AirDrop on their phones at the library.

Chancellor Kent Syverud announced today “the rumor was probably a hoax.”

Multiple students at the university library reportedly received the manifesto at 1AM on Tuesday. A few reports said the students got the manifesto around 11:30PM.

Apple users have “AirDrop” on their devices, which “allows users to send photos or documents, among other items, to people around them who also have the feature turned on” if they have enabled Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Law enforcement said someone posted the 74-page manifesto “to the online forum Greekrank the night before.”


“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop. Not one,” Syverud said. “It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety.”

He said law enforcement had not identified anyone responsible for the spreading of the manifesto, connected to mosque shootings in New Zealand earlier this year.

The close proximity needed for an AirDrop attempted transfer frightened some people, he said. He acknowledged the university was delayed and unprepared to respond to this cyberattack, which caused students to panic.

Syracuse has witnessed “a dozen instances of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti” on campus. The police think “that one to five people connected to the university are responsible for the vandalism.”

The police department announced authorities arrested a suspect for the graffiti:


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UnCivilServant | November 21, 2019 at 3:05 pm

By default I assume events like this are a hoax unless proven otherwise. I have a very high accuracy rate as the details are uncovered.


    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to UnCivilServant. | November 21, 2019 at 4:17 pm

    George Shearing, Rau Charles, and Diane Schumer can see it’s a hoax.

    Tom Servo in reply to UnCivilServant. | November 21, 2019 at 4:56 pm

    This reminds me of the incident (in fact, I think it was at Oberlin!) where someone called the police and reported that they saw someone lurking on campus wearing a Klansmen’s outfit. Police investigated, turns out is was a female student wearing a light colored raincoat with a hood. In the rain. Oooh!! Scary!!!

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Tom Servo. | November 22, 2019 at 9:53 pm

      I remember an incident where a student reported seeing a person dressed in a KKK robe and hood standing in a room through an outside window and was very upset about the matter. Turns out the building was a science building and what the precious snowflake saw was in reality simply a piece of science equipment sitting on a table with a white dust cover over it.

      Here’s a link to an article about the incident:

Aren’t they always?

    Tom Servo in reply to NotCoach. | November 21, 2019 at 4:59 pm

    The “anti native american” graffiti was probably some sports fan who wrote “Redskins Suck!!!” on the bathroom wall.

If a spineless admin is willing to say “probably a hoax”, you can bet your butt that it is definitely a hoax.

JackinSilverSpring | November 21, 2019 at 3:17 pm

Escalating anxiety? Aw, come on,it’s not going to bite you.

You’d think hoax rules would have to be content neutral to pass constitutional muster.

I conclude immediately that these types of incidents are always fake – until proved not fake.

Rabid diversitists? Don’t indulge color judgments.

Paul In Sweden | November 21, 2019 at 4:07 pm

If the colleges and universities were functioning properly, deans would be counseling snowflake students and advising them that they are not mature enough to be away from home or capable of participating in the rigors of the higher education environment. They should simply be told to come back to school when they have grown up. The tolerance and indulgence of this infantile behavior is nauseating.

Daughter is at Syracuse U currently. They shut down the U and sent everyone off the Thanksgiving early. I want my tuition money back for that lost week due to PC WOKE SAFE SPACE etc madness. Then again, it is a week less of indoctrination she will be suffering thru.

DPS is investigating four bias incidents recently reported

“Bias incidents”? Are those crimes yet?

You guys wanna laugh? YouTube search, “You wanna be the laughing stock of history”. Rep Turner, (R), OH tells it like it is

    Paul In Sweden in reply to MarkS. | November 21, 2019 at 8:54 pm

    I watched it live and it was great. I was furious at Holms. T-Rex Tilerson was a big disappointment. Telerson should have disbanded the entire diplomatic staff of the Ukrainian embassy. Yovanovitch should have been asked why the President of Ukrained disliked her so much and why the US Embassy in Ukraine was known locally as Hillary 2016 campaign head quarters. Yovanovich should have been asked who at the embassy was invited to her planned Hillary Clinton election victory party. I imagine Holmes was invited but I cannot for the life of me understand why Holmes is still in the US Diplomatic Service after he publicly belittled and humiliated the President of Ukraine by spreading to anyone that would listen to him that the President of Ukraine “Loves your ass Mr. President, he will do anything you ask of him.” How can someone that does something so unprofessional and damaging as that still be employed. It was great to finally see someone hand that Holmes his head.

Why not just issue these snowflakes a pacifier and a small blanket.

Always look to see who benefits most from these staged pseudo-racist incidents. It is generally the group who wants an excuse to protest in order to gain publicity and control.

The news media have promoted these hoaxes by giving the SJWs the free publicity they crave. In a similar way, the media have promoted mass killings, treating the killers like rock stars and making them seem immortal.

So, someone pulled a Smollett. Juicy, but no substance. Not even a yarn worth spinning. Perhaps the ball is unwinding.

On the swastika in the snow, did they recognize the handwriting.

mister naturel | November 22, 2019 at 5:08 am

wow! just like myles garrett