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Elizabeth Warren: “I’m open to suspending deportations…as a way to push Congress for comprehensive immigration reform”

Elizabeth Warren: “I’m open to suspending deportations…as a way to push Congress for comprehensive immigration reform”

“There are places that we should focus for our safety, but tearing families apart is not that.”

Friday, at a town hall event in North Carolina geared towards Hispanic voter-issues, Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said she was “open to suspending deportations.”


Full quote here:

“I am open to suspending deportations, particularly as a way to push Congress for comprehensive immigration reform. I believe that what we’re doing right now with ICE, focusing on people who do not pose a threat, that when ICE comes into our communities, takes our neighbors, our friends, our family members that they do not make this country safer and that we need ICE and Custom [sic] and Border Patrol just focused on real threats from terrorism, container shipping that comes into the United States, contraband that we need to worry about, fentanyl that we need to be focused on. There are places that we should focus for our safety, but tearing families apart is not that.”

Thursday, fellow Democrat presidential contender Bernie Sanders released his immigration plan that would also halt deportations and abolish ICE.

From Fox News:

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Thursday released a sweeping immigration plan that would impose a moratorium on deportations, “break up” existing immigration enforcement agencies, grant full welfare access to illegal immigrants and welcome a minimum of 50,000 “climate migrants” in the first year of a Sanders administration.

The plan effectively establishes Sanders at the far left of the immigration debate, as he aims to energize a base that helped drive his 2016 primary campaign amid competition from other liberal candidates in the field this time around.

“My father came to America as a refugee without a nickel in his pocket, to escape widespread anti-Semitism and find a better life,” Sanders said in a press release. “As the proud son of an immigrant, I know that my father’s story is the story of so many Americans today.”

“When I am in the White House we will stop the hatred towards our immigrant brothers and sisters, end family separation, and locking children up in cages. We will end the ICE raids that are terrorizing our communities, and on my first day as president, I will use my executive power to protect our immigrant communities and reverse every single horrific action implemented by Trump,” he said.


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Lie-A-Watha not only is open to suspending deportations, but also wants to include illegals in her $32-trillion medicare for all plan

How about suspending importations; that is, how about a moratorium on most immigration so that the country can adjust to having what is nearly the largest percentage of foreign born in its history? How about assimilation into whatever is left of a shared vision?

Says the French politician Stéphane Ravier: “A multicultural society is a multi-conflicted society.”

and on my first day as president, I will use my executive power to protect our immigrant communities and reverse every single horrific action implemented by Trump,”

and, though really unnecessary given all your other fascist bs, you just said goodbye to EVER being elected president

She is crazy.

Plainly speaking, this is one awful person.

So she punished the American people, until Congress does what she wants? She deserves to be defeated.

Correction: PUNISHES.

If there is any proof God loves America, it is Donald Trump.

I would like for her to be willing to deport her red liberal a-double.

House them at her house then. Of course if it is against American interests then Liawatha is for it.
She is open only to doing anything that is opposite the President.
She is a true totalitarian at heart.

If I self-indentify as an old chick can I punch this c*nt in the throat?

As I understand things, the conventional wisdom in presidential campaigns is to appeal to the base during the primaries and then move back to the Center after receiving the party nomination.

But… Can Elizabeth Warren really get back to the Center after swerving so far left in the primaries?

I’m beginning to suspect that for all their bluster, the Democrats know that Trump is essentially unbeatable in 2020, and thus aren’t wasting their top tier candidates this cycle. Certainly the Republicans have done that in the past with John McCain.

    Barry in reply to Hodge. | November 9, 2019 at 12:03 am

    “Certainly the Republicans have done that in the past with John McCain.”

    LOL, McCain was the heart and soul of the GOPe.

Remember the spring toy called a “Slinky”? Well if you can recall it, that is a working model of Warren’s brain in action! It is impossible to follow her line of thought. Threatening to open the borders is as insane as the scene where the black sheriff in “Blazing Saddles” kidnaps himself and then threatens to shoot the nggier if they didn’t let him go!

. . . they do not make this country safer and that we need ICE and Custom [sic] and Border Patrol just focused on real threats from terrorism, container shipping that comes into the United States, contraband that we need to worry about, fentanyl that we need to be focused on.

So, infectious diseases and serial rapists are no longer real threats?

What a loon.

Will Walking Eagle (bird so full of crap, it can’t fly) have a list of laws that the law abiding citizens will not have to follow? Or is permissible law breaking reserved for undocumented Democrats?

My Senator (Warren) is a complete crackpot. The other, Markey, is a dim bulb.

No Deportations
No Guns
Free Abortion
Asset Seizure

seems like old times — the times of Mao.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 9, 2019 at 10:31 am

Great Maker. This disgusting woman is just floundering desperately trying to find something, anything that will get her the democratic nomination. But it won’t work. She’s been declared “too far to the left” to be electable. She should just accept that fact and bow out of the race for the nomination.

Tearing families apart is a strawman argument.

Emigration reform to mitigate the progress of immigration reform and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Immigration that does not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before planned parenthood (e.g. selective-child).

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to n.n. | November 9, 2019 at 3:07 pm

    Let’s Discuss how Democrats separated Black Families
    to destroy them.

This would be faithfully executing the law right?