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VIDEO: A.F. Branco’s 2017 Legal Insurrection Cartoons

VIDEO: A.F. Branco’s 2017 Legal Insurrection Cartoons

Another great year poking the liberal bear.

This has been another year of great cartoons from A.F. Branco.

We celebrated Tony’s 5th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection back in August. That post has lots of details on the mystery man behind the legend, including a video in which you can hear him talk!

Each year Tony produces a video compilation of his cartoons for that year. You can see prior years here:


On New Year’s Day we will continue the relatively new tradition of having a Reader Poll to select the Best cartoon of the year from a list of 10 I have selected. Here are prior year votes:

Here is Tony’s 2017 Video:


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Among, maybe the best, but the MSM doesn’t have the b**ls to publish the truth.

Has Tony done a soft cover book? I’d buy it for every year he’s been doing his work.

Has Tony done a soft cover book? I’d buy it for every year he’s been doing his work. I’d love to leave it on the coffee table for my thirty-somethings who turned Left after college.

There was a kid in one of my high school algebra courses (circa 1967) who could sketch a portrait in a flash. The talent that guys like that kid, and Branco, have is a unique blessing. A.F. Branco’s art is a blessing to us, all.

The town I now live in, in Massachusetts, features a lot of artists but one guy, in particular, had the talent when he was a kid in high school. Ken Knowles is probably about the same age as Anthony and they both turn out magnificent work, day after day, year after year.

I’m reminded of Norman Rockwell’s recollection of his formal training as an artist. He would hang a roll of butcher paper and start drawing. His was a production environment. He went on to become a famous illustrator. The gift has to be there but refining it to the level of guys like Branco, Gary Larsen, Ken Knowles or Norman Rockwell takes a lot of work.

Thanks for being there, Anthony. Your work speaks for millions of conservatives who, otherwise, have little voice on a national front.

Branco is the best!