BDS activist Miko Peled: Egyptian “criminal collaboration with Israel” responsible for Sinai massacre
More Anti-Israel Derangement Syndrome from a popular anti-Israel speaker and author.
Miko Peled is a celebrated anti-Israel activist who tours the U.S. promoting that Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
We first wrote about Peled when the hideous “Jewish Voice for Peace” found Peled too toxic (which is saying a lot), Jewish Voice for Peace disavows BDS activist Miko Peled: “No place 4 antisemitism in our movement”. We explained in that post that Peled is so valuable to the anti-Israel movement because he is from Israel and the son of a famous Israeli general:
His main claim to fame is that his father was famous Israeli General Matti Peled. Miko’s book, The General’s Son, is his talking point when he makes his frequently visits to campuses. Being Israeli and from such a prominent Zionist family gives Peled a seeming credibility on the stump that few other pro-BDS speakers have. But his rhetoric is every bit as vicious, nasty and inflammatory as just about anything we see.
The Peled tweet that sparked JVP’s action spoke of Jews having a “reputation 4being sleazy thieves”:
After an intense pressure campaign from anti-Israel supporters of Peled, JVP walked back its disavowal. Petra Marquardt-Bigman has more on Miko Peled’s big anti-Semitism problem.
Such rhetoric is par for the course for Peled, who also compares Israelis to Nazis.
Peled does not accept Israel’s existence. He considers all of Israel occupied territory, illegitimate, and in need of liberation:
Despite the rhetoric, or perhaps because of it, Peled continues to be treated as a hero on campuses and among anti-Israel groups, like our local obsessive anti-Israel activists, who hosted him to a large crowd.
Earlier today in Egypt over 200 Muslim worshippers were massacred by Islamist terrorists at a Mosque in the Sinai. Egypt has vowed to hunt down the killers and their supporters.
The Islamist violence in Sinai has a long history, as Al-Jazeera wrote today:
So far, no group has claimed responsibility but local affiliates of ISIL, also known as ISIS, have claimed previous attacks.
Timothy Kaldas, a professor at Nile University in Cairo, told Al Jazeera the attack “fits the pattern of ISIS attacks”.
“Potentially, it’s another attack against Sufis in northern Sinai. Potentially, it’s retaliation for tribes co-operating with the state in the crackdown on ISIS,” he said.
The Sinai Peninsula has been the scene of attacks for years, as Egypt has been battling an armed anti-government campaign in the rugged and thinly populated region.
The conflict ignited in 2013, after Egypt’s military overthrew Mohamed Morsi, the first democratically elected president of Egypt after the Arab Spring. With the ousting of Mursi, forces in the Sinai Peninsula rose up and started attacking Egyptian security forces.
Over the years, most attacks were targeted at soldiers and police, but civilians have been killed before as well. Hundreds of people have died in the conflict so far.
In 2014, President Sisi declared a state of emergency in the peninsula, after a suicide bomber killed 33 soldiers. He described the region as a “nesting ground for terrorism and terrorists”.
During the last couple of months of 2017, a number of attacks have taken place, with six security forces killed in October and 18 in September.
No one is blaming Israel for the massacre. Well, almost no one.
Peled blames this Islamist massacre of Muslims on Egyptian “criminal collaboration” with Israel. In a tweet today Peled wrote:
“As we mourn the loss of innocents in northern Sinai we must remember that this terrorism is a direct result of the regional instability caused by #Sisi and his criminal collaboration w #Israel”
There is a real sickness in the BDS movement, and Miko Peled is its poster child.
[Featured Image: Miko Peled Twitter Profile Pic]

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“There is a real sickness in the BDS movement”
True enough, but I think it’s a little broader than that,
“There is a real sickness in Islam”
Why politicize pathology?
Methinks I see a problem with daddy.
Al-Jazeera is a tad off, here:
“The conflict ignited in 2013, after Egypt’s military overthrew Mohamed Morsi, the first democratically elected president of Egypt after the Arab Spring. With the ousting of Mursi, forces in the Sinai Peninsula rose up and started attacking Egyptian security forces.”
The Morsi government was democratically elected, and turned out to be so very oppressive that a quarter of the entire population of Egypt turned out to politely request a coup. This situation was brewing for months, as were the threats of violence from Morsi’s supporters, the Muslim Brotherhood.
The simple truth is, Egyptians are not all that fond of either Islamists or radicalism.
When Nasser read out a demand by the Muslim Brotherhood to force women to wear hijabs in public, people laughed. Of course, he was assassinated, and of course, women in Cairo now wear the hijab instead of mini-skirts, but what they really need is body guards. Roving bands of thugs have had an effect.
When the Draw Mohammed cartoons were first published in Cairo, they raised no more controversy than the original publication in Denmark. The lying Immans had to add more cartoons, tool up their story, and take it on the road to places where people did not have access to the actual cartoons. Rumor has it that the first demonstrations were actually involving rent-a-rioters in other countries. It took a couple of sharp-eyed bloggers (The Sandmonkey and Freedom For Egyptians) to notice and find the original publication six months earlier, to prove that the people of Cairo are not nuts.
Mubarak stayed in office far too long, but his (winning) campaign slogan was to protect Egypt from the Islamists.
The Muslim Brotherhood made terrible threats if Morsi were to be deposed, and they have at least tried to follow up on them. Al-Sisi has braced the local religious leaders in the defense of a better version of Islam, and has explicitly supported the local Christians (Copts.)
The Egyptians know that the Israelis leave their border with Egypt alone, while the Palis cross it and kill people with depressing regularity, and always blame the Israelis, even if there are none anywhere in sight.
So now some Israeli twit tells us that we are supposed to believe that an action by terrorists in the Pali area is supposed to be the fault of somebody who did not commit the act? Really?
“The Egyptians know that the Israelis leave their border with Egypt alone, while the Palis cross it and kill people with depressing regularity, and always blame the Israelis, even if there are none anywhere in sight”
Muslims are perfect, the best of people. Jews are the worst of created beings and the descendants of pigs. It is clear who should be blamed for everything.