Not fearing Obama’s ‘snap back’, Iran openly develops Nuclear Missile Delivery Capability
Obama administration continues to downplay the Iranian violations of Nuclear Agreement

Remember the famous ‘snapping back’ of sanctions that President Obama promised last year if Iran were to violate the Nuclear Agreement? The New York Times had hailed the ‘snap back’ as a diplomatic masterstroke, writing “snapback mechanism [to reimpose sanctions on Iran] is one of the most unusual parts of the deal. In the event that Iran is perceived as violating it, the agreement allows the full raft of penalties to resume automatically.”
Well guess what, Iran continues to violate the Nuclear Deal and President Obama’s ‘full raft’ is nowhere to be seen. Obama Administration has instead responded reluctantly to Islamic Republic of Iran’s repeated testing of ballistic missiles capable to carrying nuclear warheads by blacklisting a handful of Iranian companies.
The U.S. Treasury Department blacklisted on two Iranian companies involved in the country’s missile programme. Despite the Nuclear Deal reached last year, Iran continues to develop of Nuclear Missiles Delivery Capabilities. The development of ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear payload is a clear violation of the Deal that ended Tehran Regime’s political isolation and removed trade sanctions.
Iran has embarked on an ambitious military build-up, never before seen in the history of the Middle East, financed by about $150 billion Tehran is set to receive as part of the Obama-Kerry Nuclear Deal. This build-up dwarfs the military budget of Israel, a country Iranian Regime continues to threaten with annihilation.
The two Iranian companies hit by the latest U.S. ban are considered to run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran, the military-arm of Tehran Regime with a long history of involvement in international terrorism. The Revolutionary Guards control a significant portion of Iran’s economy, including the nation’s strategic oil production. IRGC also influences Iran’s military and foreign policy. In the wake of the Nuclear Deal, it has significantly increased Iran’s military footprint in conflicts across the Middle East.
Obama administration continues to downplay the fresh violations maintaining that the latest missile tests do not violate the Nuclear Deal. Reuters news agency reports:
Iran will pursue its development of ballistic missiles despite the U.S. blacklisting of more Iranian companies linked to the program, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said on Monday.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) test-fired several ballistic missiles this month, drawing condemnation from Western leaders who believe the tests violate a United Nations resolution. (…)
“Even if they build a wall around Iran, our missile program will not stop,” Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC’s aerospace arm, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency. “They are trying to frighten our officials with sanctions and invasion. This fear is our biggest threat.”
U.S. officials said Iran’s missile test would violate U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which calls on Iran not to conduct “any activity” related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
This is not the first time Obama administration would be blacklisting suspicious Iranian businesses — after agreeing on that ill-advised Nuclear Deal. In January 2015, Washington imposed similar sanctions on 11 other Iranian firms over missile test carried out by the Tehran Regime in October last year.
Imposing sanctions on handful of Iranian companies from operating in the West is not going to affect Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb or developing a Nuclear Weapons Delivery System.
Iran’s nuclear weapon and ballistic missile development depend on North Korean supplies and expertise. North Korea had helped Iran to build underground nuclear facilities, and keeps on supplying critical components and technology needed for a long-range ballistic missile program.
Iran is literally testing the limits of Obama-Kerry Nuclear Deal. In February, the U.N. nuclear watchdog IAEA confirmed that Iran had “exceeded a limit” of its heavy water it is allowed to keep by a tonne. The heavy water is used in nuclear reactors to produce enriched Uranium needed to build a nuclear bomb.
An official in Obama administration even defended Iran by saying, “It is not surprising that there are challenges for Iran in ensuring it is meeting all of the many nuclear commitments in the early stages.” In other words; what difference does it make? It’s just 2,000 lbs of extra nuclear material in the hands of a genocidal Islamist regime.
Iran has sufficiently tested Obama Administration’s resolve and found it wanting. President Obama’s policy of appeasement and “diplomatic engagement” has only emboldened Iranian Regime actively pursuing Weapons of Mass Destruction and openly threating to use them.
Watch: WSJ reports on continuing missile tests by Iran
(Cover image courtesy CNN, YouTube Screenshot)

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Obama in the last eight years has dialed in the makings for the next great, cataclysmic war.
I hope to hell I’m wrong, but I doubt it very, very much.
Snap back? Oh, please. The little bitch would have to care first.
Imposing sanctions on handful of Iranian companies from operating in the West is not going to affect Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb or developing a Nuclear Weapons Delivery System.
Should be deter not affect.
The Iranians know how to play a weak, spineless, fool. They did the same thing to Carter when he was president. Sadly, stupid American voters are the ones who just can’t seem to learn.
Iran will nuke someone within two years.
The question is, will it kick off WWIII?
The next presidential office holder will have to work out a policy equivalent of Mutually Assured Destruction ( “MAD” ) for Iran.
Never suspected Obama wanted ‘planetary sterilization’. Sneaky.
Mutually assured destruction DOES NOT WORK against people that produce suicide bombers. They’re ready to die as long as they can kill enough of you.
Iran isn’t going to launch an easily traced ICBM, anyway.
When they perfect a bomb, it’s going to be ‘stolen’ and detonated in Israel by an ‘unaffiliated’ group.
That was the thing with the Cold War. Russia wanted to conquer the world, not destroy it. They simply didn’t want to kill us enough to risk giving a nuclear weapon to one of their proxies.
Iran not only wants to kill Israelis and Americans enough that they’ll die doing it, but they’re stupid enough to think they can get away with laughably transparent lies.
And with Obama they’re unfortunately correct. Probably with Hillary too.
Excellent pic of Biden and Obama.
… the agreement allows the full raft of penalties to resume automatically.”
I think Obo the Clown’s raft is up sh!t creek, without a paddle.
Nothing short of the detonation of a nuclear weapon is going to force this incompetent, narcissistic empty suit to do anything.
His narcissism is at the core of this.
It’s quite simple, really. HE decided, in his wisdom, that this deal was a great idea and that it would be his legacy. The Iranians were going to be brought around by his laughable ‘smart’ diplomacy and everything would be sugar and rainbows.
Snapping back the sanctions would require him to admit that he was wrong. Something that he is literally incapable of doing.
So he’s going to continue to bullshit and buy time until he is safely out of office. Then anything that goes wrong will be the next President’s fault because they didn’t use ‘smart’ diplomacy.
This narcissistic fool is going to be responsible for every eventual death that will result from Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, and the inevitable conflict that will follow.
Is there any country that fears Obama?
W threatened North Korea. Tried sabre rattling and talking tough to Kim Jung II.What happened? Kim Jung II punked W the cowboy by detonating a nuclear weapon.
Did North Korea fear Ws tough talk? Or did North Korea humiliate W by becoming a nuclear power under his presidency?
I GUARANTEE that Iran won’t become a nuclear power under President Obama,the way north Korea became a nuclear power under W.
It was Carter who negotiated the deal that enabled North Korea become a nuclear power, and Clinton who agreed to it. But North Korea was violating Clinton’s deal from the day it was signed. None of that happened on W’s watch. By the time W came around the damage had been done and there was nothing he could do about it.
The snap-back provision is there all right, and it’s real. At any time the USA can notify the Security Council that it claims Iran is violating the agreement, and 30 days later all the sanctions that were lifted come back automatically. The USA doesn’t need to present any evidence or justify its claims to anyone. The only exception to the renewed sanctions would be that people who had already signed contracts with Iran would be allowed to honour them.
The only flaw in this scheme is that it requires the US president to actually set this in motion, and 0bama will never do so. It will be left for President Cruz to serve this notice on 20-Jan-2017, and the sanctions will be back in place on 19-Feb.