Pam Bondi Charges Three People for ‘Violent Destruction of Tesla Properties’
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Pam Bondi Charges Three People for ‘Violent Destruction of Tesla Properties’

Pam Bondi Charges Three People for ‘Violent Destruction of Tesla Properties’

“Let this be a warning: if you join this wave of domestic terrorism against Tesla properties, the Department of Justice will put you behind bars.”

Attorney General Pam Bondi announced three people face charges in connection to the “violent destruction of Tesla properties.”

The left has freaked out over Elon Musk, using their anger as justification for targeting and destroying Teslas:

“The days of committing crimes without consequence have ended,” stated Attorney General Pamela Bondi. “Let this be a warning: if you join this wave of domestic terrorism against Tesla properties, the Department of Justice will put you behind bars.”

The press release described the violence:

  • One defendant, also armed with a suppressed AR-15 rifle, was arrested after throwing approximately eight Molotov cocktails at a Tesla dealership located in Salem, Oregon.
  • Another was arrested in Loveland, Colorado after attempting to light Teslas on fire with Molotov cocktails. The defendant was later found in possession of materials used to produce additional incendiary weapons.
  • In Charleston, South Carolina, a third defendant wrote profane messages against President Trump around Tesla charging stations before lighting the charging stations on fire with Molotov cocktails.

The defendants face five to 20 years in prison.

Bondi and the DOJ did not specify the charges against the three individuals.

Last Tuesday, Bondi said the DOJ “already charged several perpetrators” in connection with the wave of violence against Tesla.


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ztakddot | March 20, 2025 at 2:30 pm

Well it’s a small start. Now do the judges throwing judicial Molotov cocktails. Yes I know that is illegal but one can dream.

tjv1156 | March 20, 2025 at 2:30 pm

This is unacceptable. Not as bad as the insurrection on 1/6, but still unacceptable

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 3:07 pm

    Transtesticle1156 continues the mental masturbation.

    Funny how you don’t mention how the terrorists on the left did billions of dollars in damage across the nation, burning buildings, injuring people, bashing people across the head with chains and bicycle locks.

    Yet all you can glom on to is “insurrection 1/6 – already proven to be a setup by Pelosi and her merry band of misfits.

    So please, let go of your dick. It’s revolting.

    This ain’t your daddy’s 2020 anymore. The adults are in charge.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 3:17 pm

    When those behind political persecution are charged, then they should become personally liable for for their actions. Then they can be sued for damages. Think about Pelosi’s and co-conspirators ill gotten gains being redistributed. We are in the early stages of retribution, it will accelerate, Dems are in for a lot more interesting times.

    guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 3:28 pm

    I’ll wait for your condemnation of the Dhimmi-crats’ insurrection, riots, looting, assaults, murders and desecration of sundry synagogues, conducted across a wide swathe of the U.S., during the bulk of year 2020.

    Condemn those actions and behavior, hypocrite.

    Oh, the moron has nothing to say, kids.

    guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 3:29 pm

    I’m glad to see that you’re finally wearing your dunce cap! It’s a good look for you.

    Evil Otto in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 3:48 pm

    Increasingly I believe that these trolls that pop up on conservative blogs are paid disruptors. You can see patterns in their comments, not just here but on other right-wing web sites. The troll will pretend to condemn the behavior, but IMMEDIATELY bring up January 6th in an attempt to distract. It’s as if it’s a set response.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Evil Otto. | March 20, 2025 at 3:57 pm

      That’s all part and parcel of the Democrat Marxist playbook.

      Look at the repetition in the talking points and comments on the Lame Stream Media.

      “Hold your microphone just so, Sit down here, and follow the words on the teleprompter..”

      So much so that smart people have merged these videos together to show that everyone is repeating what others are saying.

      Yet the left says we are the cult.

      mailman in reply to Evil Otto. | March 20, 2025 at 4:22 pm

      Bit of a waste of money as they aren’t disrupting anything other than forcing us all to laugh at them 😂😂

    BobM in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 4:20 pm

    Despite the hysterical reports in the press about capitol police deaths at the hands of 1/6 protestors, the following can be easily googled…..
    “Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by the Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer who died of natural causes a day after being assaulted by rioters”.

    So…. the only incurred death was an unarmed lady protestor veteran shot BY a panicked guard.
    Nor was the capitol shot up or firebombed – somehow the “insurrectionists” all forget to bring weapons or Molotov cocktails with them. Heck, they even forgot to bring cans of spray paint.

    The Tesla firebombers and snipers all should face that up to 20 year sentencing. Those caught “only” defacing private property like cars or bldgs face the max for that crime since they’re showing support for other’s terroristic actions. And the AssHats responsible for the website doxing Tesla owners should face charges of supporting and inciting domestic terror. And civily sued to compensate every blessed Tesla dealership or owner harmed by this coordinated Lefty mostly NOT peaceful protest.

    Andy in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 4:53 pm

    Do you think some of the ones keying the cars work for the FBI like the one who planted the bomb outside dem HQ on 1/6?

    TopSecret in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 8:56 pm

    What insurrection? A couple of rednecks with flagpoles who were let inside public property and then left after a few hours is not an insurrection and even the FBI says it wasn’t an insurrection.

    George_Kaplan in reply to tjv1156. | March 20, 2025 at 9:23 pm

    What 1/6 insurrection? Are you talking about the fiery but mostly peaceful J6 event?

    tmm in reply to tjv1156. | March 21, 2025 at 9:47 am

    And your views on the “mostly peaceful” BLM riots? Worse than J6?

    joecinpa in reply to tjv1156. | March 22, 2025 at 12:55 am

    It’s actually a shame that there wasn’t an insurrection on Jan 6th. The federal govt is the greatest enemy this country has ever faced. It needs to be violently eradicated.

Hodge | March 20, 2025 at 2:40 pm


How many molotov cocktails were thrown on 6 Jan? How many people had weapons?

henrybowman | March 20, 2025 at 3:04 pm

She may have done better to soft pedal the Musk connection and emphasize the domestic terrorism nexus.

Olinser | March 20, 2025 at 3:06 pm

Only 3?

Bondi better step up her game or she needs to get replaced.

First her laughable farce with making a big show of NOT releasing the Epstein files, the fact that she STILL hasn’t managed to charge the ones leaking the ICE raids, and now this.

She’s either dragging her feet or simply not up to the task.

This is nothing unless Bondi can go after everyone backing this activity. Perhaps RICO would apply? As I have said about the Middle East, until the sponsor of terrorism (Iran) feels the pain, nothing much will change.

Peter Moss | March 20, 2025 at 5:04 pm

Behold the violence inherent on the left, spoiled children who have never been told “no” and always expect to get their way.

For a bunch of people who spend most of their time lecturing everyone on how intelligent they are it takes a special kind of stupid to vandalize an automobile that has 360 degree HD camera coverage. Those screencaps are very detailed.

I ‘m so old that I remember when there were hundred of comments here on LI condemning electric vehicles as dangerous, impractical, prone to explode, destructive, climate change/green fantasies, and a way for the government to control the movement of its citizens. Then Musk endorsed Trump. And it all changed.

    CountMontyC in reply to JR. | March 20, 2025 at 6:37 pm

    Did any of those condemning EVs as not possessing the technology needed to live up to the claims of EV proponents endorse vandalizing those EVs? I have indeed seen the criticisms of EVs and have done so myself but I have seen no exhortations of violence by anyone except by those on the left.

    Johnny Cache in reply to JR. | March 20, 2025 at 6:52 pm

    I’m so old I remember you making this comment like 5-7 days ago and because you don’t have a life you say it again.

    Let’s assume your comment is the most accurate comment in the history of Legal Insurrection.

    Therefore…. thumbs up to keying, torching and gunshots. Right? I mean, I have to assume you are OK with this, since, on a story about violent leftists, you cannot condemn anything but past LI comments.

    But again, let’s assume what you say is true. Therefore, all the hundreds of comments from LI supporters who HATE electric cars so passionately are from those very same people protesting Telsa dealerships, right? There must be a greater than zero chance that a dedicated, rock-robbed LI reader is participating, yes?

    Here’s some nuanced thinking that I have to give you a warning about because your head could explode like a Cybertruck. Ready? Be careful, ok? I did warn you:

    I’m not a fan of electric cars. I’ll never buy one. And not because I think they are dangerous. I don’t believe that at all, because it’s a stupid argument. If they were killing and maiming people 24/7 instead of what they’re doing now, which is not killing people 24/7, then sure. I’d make that argument. I drove in a Telsa around the last time I read your dumb comment like this. For some crazy reason, I survived, the car survived, the driver survived, no pedestrians or telephone polls were rammed. Would I want to put out a battery fire? No. Do I think EVs are saving the environement? No. Do I think the government should force these cars on us? No. Would I want to drive one in the middle of the Utah desert? Or a Wyoming winter? No. Or hauling horses across Texas? No. Or drive on regular roads on a long vacation? No.

    Do I care if anyone buys one? No<— see this part? This is the part that you always pretends doesn't exist, and then you put on your giant clown suit and grab your HYPOCRITE!!! sign and come running here and jumping up and down honking your stupid nose.

    Anyone protesting a Tesla dealership is an idiot. Anyone who commits Telsa Crime should be prosecuted. I can't speak for every LI reader, but for my purposes is that clear enough?

    What the hell is wrong with you?

    BobM in reply to JR. | March 20, 2025 at 7:39 pm

    Late last year I actually bought a Hybrid, a (slightly) used 2021 Toyota RAV4. Even though I’m one of “those LI commentators” who criticized the exaggerations and hype the Green crowd touted to try to convince us all that EVs were the second coming of Christ of the auto industry.

    EVs still lack the range and utility of regular IC vehicles, they lack the support infrastructure needed, and they aren’t nearly as environmentally Green as they are touted to be. The Green crowd use Magical Thinking in order to believe that EVs powered by electricity powered by burning FF, are more ethical than ICs powered directly by burning FF.

    However I live in that Bluest and Greenest of Blue states, NY. I found state politician’s mumbling about outlawing 100% IC vehicles an entirely plausible scenario, especially if the Vegetable-In-Chief got re-elected. So I bought a hybrid hoping it would be my next “next 12 years car” (prev car was a 2004 Chevy Malibu Classic, the last full size Malibu IT).

    If I’d known common sense would make a comeback and Trump would kick (D) ass this time out I might have gone with a $25k IC rather than the $30k hybrid. Live and learn.

    Sanddog in reply to JR. | March 20, 2025 at 8:26 pm

    I’m young enough to still have my memories intact and I don’t recall anyone suggesting they should be vandalized or destroyed.

    henrybowman in reply to JR. | March 20, 2025 at 11:51 pm

    No you’re not.
    You’re so old you’re senile, remembering things that never happened….
    …and deaf, because when people ask you to link to even one example, you never respond.

    steves59 in reply to JR. | March 21, 2025 at 7:53 am

    “I ‘m so old…”

    You could have stopped right there.
    Instead you posted a rehash of garbage you wrote JUST THE OTHER DAY.
    No one cares, lonejustice.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to JR. | March 21, 2025 at 8:39 am

    So if they’re dangerous, impractical, prone to explode, destructive, climate change/green fantasies, it’s OK to set them on fire, otherwise vandalize them, vandalize their charging stations, and terrorize people who made the decision to purchase and drive them? OK, duly noted.

Recargador1 | March 20, 2025 at 7:19 pm

“One defendant, also armed with a suppressed AR-15 rifle,”

Easy federal charges for the silencer, Form 4 filed?

Bye bye tough guy!

    henrybowman in reply to Recargador1. | March 20, 2025 at 11:55 pm

    I’m against taking the easy way out and charging him with a crime that should never be a crime in the first place.
    Plus, it’s a trap.
    There is no Form 4 for Molotovs, get him on that.

      Recargador1 in reply to henrybowman. | March 21, 2025 at 10:43 am

      Trust me,I agree 100% with you. I’m a FFL-SOT.
      I’m only suggesting that the USA uses enhanced charges against him to get him more time at Club Fed.

      On a side note, AG Bondi did reverse a decision before the 5th Circuit regarding silencers.

tjv1156 | March 21, 2025 at 12:21 am

Oh look- over a thousand ‘patriots’ ( smirk) arrested for ‘peacefully protesting’ . Laffriot

    BobM in reply to tjv1156. | March 21, 2025 at 5:21 am

    And the show trials held under Stalin arrested and auto-convicted 100s of thousands (by threats of worse treatment if they didn’t admit guilt regardless of being guilty/not guilty).
    Your point?
    Over a thousand J6 arrestees were initially arrested for just being there and despite trespass during a protest normally being punished by a few nights in jail and a suspended sentence, they all served major jail time, some waiting over a year before even being allowed a trial.
    Those convicted were convicted by a biased court at trial or coerced into pleading guilty of more than trespass even when no video of them being guilty of more than trespass was available.
    Of those kangaroo courted into assault charges almost 200 faced or were about to face “enhanced” assault charges – which in a normal court of law requires use of deadly or dangerous weapons or alternately inflicting serious bodily harm on police officers. There were no weapons brought, the reportage of multiple police assaulted by being bashed with fire extinguishers was made up by the press or just lies fed to them by the prosecutors, and if a mob of more than 200 had been seriously assaulting the capitol police the injuries that did occur are puzzlingly less than you would expect.

    Not saying no violence was done, but the only one shot was an unarmed trespasser and the only ones beaten to death or just beaten seriously were also unarmed trespassers.

    The charges were almost universally over-charged, the “trials” had foregone conclusions, and the sentencing was not normal for even armed rioters and looters, let alone unarmed folks who WERE actually “mostly peaceful” and weren’t the ones who stole Nancy’s gavel and laptop.

      tjv1156 in reply to BobM. | March 21, 2025 at 6:44 am

      That was some great fantasy! You should get a free reed hat AND a Bible for drek.

      What happened was simple. Orange Harvey lied repeatedly that the election was stolen. A bunch of gullible rubes believed his lying . They descended on the Capitol on 1/6. Orange Harvey could have been a decent human being and told them to go home. But of course we know he doesn’t own a decent bone in his body so he told them they better go down there and fight or they wouldn’t have a country
      So the morons committed one of the most despicable acts in our nation’s history.
      they were arrested , charged ,and ,if guilty, convicted in a court of law by a jury of their peers.
      Defending alll that puts you as a deplorable.
      Own it.

        steves59 in reply to tjv1156. | March 21, 2025 at 7:55 am

        Shut up, you idiot.

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to tjv1156. | March 21, 2025 at 8:54 am

        Seem to recall that when things got rowdy he DID tell them to go home. Now tell us again about the Russian collusion & his calling neo/Nazis very fine ppl. I haven’t heard those lies in a while.

          tjv1156 in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | March 21, 2025 at 10:25 am

          -He sent mixed messages on 1/6. First off – there was never any reason for those morons ro be there except for his serial lies about election fraud, which he kept repeating that day and keeps repeating until this day.

          – We know for a fact that Russia interfered with the election and that orange Harvey was up to his eyeballs in sleazy shit with the Russians ( it’s always sleaze with this scumbag) . Mueller was pretty clear that he couldn’t get to the bottom of it because Orange Harvey obstructed the investigation.

          – Here’s what was going down at Charlottesville.
          “The organizers’ stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville’s former Lee Park”
          White nationalist are basically the KKK- 2020. They were basically defending a racist traitor. I don’t think there too many ‘very fine people ‘ there ,but that’s the core of Orange Harvey’s cult.

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to tjv1156. | March 21, 2025 at 8:57 am

        Was it more despicable than Kamala & Biden parroting Hamas propaganda? Or Kamala endorsing libels about Israel engaging in genocide & apartheid? Or that various antisemitic events across the US were an appropriate emotional response to events in Gaza?

        tmm in reply to tjv1156. | March 21, 2025 at 9:57 am

        Again, how many were charged during the BLM riots? Convicted?
        How many were supported by democrats? Funding for bail? Compare the damage. You remind me of a chicken coop, lots of noise and full of shit.

tjv1156 | March 21, 2025 at 6:09 pm

The BLM riots, which I of course did not support,do not come close to the 1/6 riots . There is no comparison. These were people who breached the US Capitol with the intent of overturning an election that was decided by the ballot box. That’s some really serious shit.

    BobM in reply to tjv1156. | March 22, 2025 at 8:40 am

    Does a “riot” in which the violence is initiated by the po-po and not by the (unarmed) protestors really count as a riot at all?

    As for “serious shit” I’m sure the persons who’s property was looted and / or burned down by defund and BLM for-real rioters thought that was “serious shit”. As opposed to some guy dressed as a cartoon Viking walking thru the halls of Congress escorted by guards who (for reasons?) didn’t take him serious enuf to arrest his comical @ss.

    I will give you props for admitting the election was “decided by the ballot box”.

    The ballot boxes in an “election” where all security measures to ensure vote validation were abandoned because of Fake “we’re all going to die” panic about a totally NOT Chicom / Fauci financed Black Plague 2.0.
    Where it was just some weird coincidence the first 6 to die were all workers in the Wuhan gain-of-function labs.

    The ballot boxes where multiple states violated their own constitutional laws on voting security in a manufactured panic about a manufactured disease,

    The ballot boxes where there was often no chain-of-custody at all between when someone cast a vote and the vote was counted,

    Those ballot boxes.
    Hey, it’s been The Chicago Way since forever, why NOT adopt it as The National Way to run an election?

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