Trump Takes Charge Week at Legal Insurrection
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Trump Takes Charge Week at Legal Insurrection

Trump Takes Charge Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

What a week it has been. Millions of people have been waiting a long time for this moment.

The poor dears.

What a difference.

Donald Trump hit the ground running.

He was expected to do a lot.

And boy, did he ever.

It just went on and on.



Vance is great too.

So true.

His cabinet is coming together.

Things are already changing all over the place.

After months of nothing from Biden.

Trump is handling things.

Biden’s exit was as bad as his presidency.

Pretty much.

Remember this?

This crap isn’t going to work anymore.

People voted for this.

Israel updates.



This is a big mistake.


Give it a listen!


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After four years of nobody in charge, it feels funny to actually have a president that can walk and talk and do things.

Reminds me of the old tv commercial a long time ago when they used to use white people: “When EF Hutton talks, people listen.”

Well, the whole world is listening now, Sweetie.

Orwell allegedly wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act,” although no one can verify it was actually Orwell. I’ll modify with, “In a time of universal chaos, delusion and insanity, applying common sense is a revolutionary act.”

As far as I can see, most of Trump’s actions are merely common sense. There are only two sexes. We need to control our borders to remain sovereign. Government and companies should hire on merit. And so forth. None of this is radical, or revolutionary. Simple common sense and most Americans love it. The Democrats and elements of the radical left had better get on board otherwise they are doomed. The legacy media had better stop the lying or they will go out of business. Ditto for Hollywood and their lousy propagandistic films.

Responsible and capable adults are back in charge.