DOJ Drops Jack Smith Report on Trump in the Middle of the Night
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DOJ Drops Jack Smith Report on Trump in the Middle of the Night

DOJ Drops Jack Smith Report on Trump in the Middle of the Night

Of course he did.

What a shock. Attorney General Merrick Garland dropped Volume 1 of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s report regarding the investigation into President-elect Donald Trump’s supposed actions to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Let me admit right now that I have not read it all yet since I’m watching the Hegseth hearing.

Smith stood behind his decision to criminally charge Trump.

“Although he did so primarily in his private capacity as a candidate, and with the assistance of multiple private co-conspirators, Mr. Trump also attempted to use the power and authority of the United States Government in furtherance of his scheme,” according to the report.

However, once Trump demolished Vice President Kamala Harris in November, Smith decided to dismiss the case.

Judge tanya Chutkan granted Smith’s request.

“But for Mr. Trump’s election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial,” added Smith.

The DOJ alleged Trump “resorted to a series of criminal efforts to retain power.”

Those attempts supposedly included:

  • induce state officials to ignore true vote counts; to manufacture fraudulent slates of presidential electors in seven states that he had lost;
  • to force Justice Department officials and his own Vice President, Michael R. Pence, to act in contravention of their oaths and to instead advance Mr. Trump’s personal interests;
  • and, on January 6, 2021, to direct an angry mob to the United States Capitol to obstruct the congressional certification of the presidential election and then leverage rioters’ violence to further delay it.

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Here’s an idea: Prosecutors should not be allowed to discuss cases outside of the courtroom. They certainly shouldn’t be allowed to ‘write reports,’ which are nothing more than long-winded essays looking to score political points. This is nothing more than a vehicle for the government to legally leak grand jury evidence through Congress.

Smith shouldn’t have been allowed to write this report and neither should Hunter Biden’s prosecutor. This exercise does nothing but further politicize a DoJ that is already seen (appropriately) by too many as a political apparatus rather than an organization faithful to its name.

    irishgladiator63 in reply to TargaGTS. | January 14, 2025 at 11:42 am

    They’re not supposed to.

    Rule of Professional Conduct 3.8
    Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor

    The prosecutor in a criminal case shall:
    (f) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor’s action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making under Rule 3.6 or this Rule.

Cult to arrive shortly to attack Smith and defend Trump.

Here are some signs that a group may be a cult:

Unquestioning loyalty: The group demands excessive loyalty to its leaders.
Authoritarian leadership: The group is led by an authoritarian figure with no meaningful accountability.
No tolerance for questions: The group does not allow questions or critical thinking.

Fear of the outside world: The group creates an unreasonable fear of the outside world, such as conspiracies or persecution.
Cult leader: The group has a charismatic leader who uses brainwashing to control members.
Extreme devotion: Members are extremely devoted to a person, object, or goal.
Illegal or dangerous behavior: The group engages in illegal or dangerous behaviors.

Group is always right: The group or leader is always right and the exclusive source of truth.

    Ghostrider in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 11:29 am

    Who were the three protestors the Capitol Police picked up and removed from Pete Hegseth’s confirmation hearing? Who funded, incited, and motivated them to attend the Capital today during an official hearing? It sure looks like an insurrection attempt to me. But it’s okay if progressive Democrats do what trump supporters are accused of doing, right? I hope they are treated equally and inclusively and get to serve time in the DC Gulag.

      Crawford in reply to Ghostrider. | January 14, 2025 at 5:00 pm

      Remember — Democrats are cool with planting bombs in the Capitol, but not with walking through doors opened by Capitol Police.

      Dr.Dave in reply to Ghostrider. | January 14, 2025 at 8:28 pm

      You just described the left including yourself. You need to see the Wizard. Just follow the yellow brick road and ask him for an independent thought.

    Is that really the best you can offer? Your comment comes straight from the echo chamber of the TDS cult headquarters, Problem is, you’ve been rejected by the masses for crying wolf too long. No one is listening despite the delusion that is apparent. Get some help. The TDS cult is filled with hate and on a road to nowhere, and will try to ruin things for everyone else. So proud!

      Cult leader: The group has a charismatic leader who uses brainwashing to control members.
      Extreme devotion: Members are extremely devoted to a person, object, or goal.
      Illegal or dangerous behavior: The group engages in illegal or dangerous behaviors.

      Group is always right: The group or leader is always right and the exclusive source of truth.

        Not playing the game. Sorry. You have established your TDS, however, because you can’t help yourself. Which is why you need help. Rage on!

        guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:17 pm

        I saw you marching in 2008, carrying your “Hope and Change” poster, with narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama’s, image, presented as a deified figure.

        Interestingly, that same poster was framed and mounted on a wall, in your home.

        You’re a card-carrying Obama/Dhimmi-crat cultist.

        Ghostrider in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:24 pm

        Are you related to JR? Or are your username and JR the same person?

        drsamherman in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:24 pm

        Tread lightly in public, tbhtttthhh. The guys in the white jackets will drop a butterfly net over you, fit you with a custom jacket that ties in the back, take you away in a comfortable padded van to stay in a comfortable completely padded room and administer soothing medication. And a lot of soothing medication before the commitment hearing.

          tjv1156 in reply to drsamherman. | January 14, 2025 at 12:48 pm

          You idolize an attempted rapist and a felon. And believe everything he says. You really think your in a position to comment on anybody’s mental fitness?

          henrybowman in reply to drsamherman. | January 14, 2025 at 2:40 pm

          Trump is the right’s Mandala — its Solzhenitsyn — its Count of Monte Cristo.
          And he wasn’t born that way — it’s what your side made him.
          Now cope and seethe from your momma’s basement, you impotent loser.

        steves59 in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 8:12 pm

        “Cult leader: The group has a charismatic leader who uses brainwashing to control members.”

        JFC. Are YOU f***king stupid.
        Shut up, Johnny.

          tjv1156 in reply to steves59. | January 15, 2025 at 1:21 pm


          Black-and-white thinking
          The group promotes a simplistic worldview that demonizes the outside world.

          No questions
          Members are discouraged from thinking critically or asking questions.

          Unreasonable beliefs
          Members believe the group or leader has the exclusive truth and that they are never good enough.

    scooterjay in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:10 pm

    Have you found the box yet?

    guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:14 pm

    You’re a card-carrying member of the Obama, Biden and Harris cults.

    Have yet to see you level a scintilla of criticism at any of these figures, or, any other Dhimmi-crat standard-bearer.

    Apparently, in your fanatical and cultist mind, all Dhimmi-crats are infallible, benevolent, sagacious and beyond reproach.

      tjv1156 in reply to guyjones. | January 14, 2025 at 1:02 pm

      i voted for McCain and Romney. So there goes that. You know back when integrity , competence and intelligence meant something in the GOP.

        henrybowman in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 2:42 pm

        What a coincidence. I walked on the Moon before Armstrong..

          drsamherman in reply to henrybowman. | January 14, 2025 at 5:57 pm

          Who are you calling an “impotent loser”, Henry? You’re talking to a woman, quarter-wit. Mom’s basement? Is that the best you can do with the one functioning brain cell that rubs up against the thin-wall skull you have? Puhleeze…

          steves59 in reply to henrybowman. | January 15, 2025 at 8:13 am

          @drsamherman: If you go back and look at Henry’s previous comment, you will see that it was directed at the idiot Johnny-like troll, and not you. It’s just the way WordPress eventually runs out of the Reply option, and how it nests comments.
          He wasn’t targeting you.

        drsamherman in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 5:49 pm

        Sure you did. And I’m a better judge of mental competence than you are, tbhthhhh. Your side conspired, lied, and conned the public about a dangerously mentally incompetent man who held the Presidency for four years along with the media. So much for your “integrity”. You’re worse than any Marxist—at least they’re open about their hostility. You’re an amoral fifth columnist anarchist who just wants to burn it all down, and so much for your mental competence.

        guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 8:35 pm

        If you cite McCain and Pierre Delecto as alleged paragons of “integrity,” “competence” and “intelligence” — two of the most wishy-washy, most unprincipled and gullible GOP politicians of all time — who refused to help overturn Obamacare (with Romney having instituted the state equivalent of Obamacare, in Massachusetts, during his tenure as governor), and, who whored themselves out as shills to lend alleged legitimacy to the vile Dhimmi-crats’ sundry anti-Trump dirty tricks, subversion and sabotage antics, there is something profoundly flawed with your judgment and reasoning.

          tjv1156 in reply to guyjones. | January 15, 2025 at 1:24 pm

          Charismatic leader
          The leader is charismatic and narcissistic, and members believe they have special revelations.
          The leader uses coercive persuasion and brainwashing techniques to control members.
          If you are in a cult, it can be difficult to recognize because people in cults often don’t realize they are in one.

        Dolce Far Niente in reply to tjv1156. | January 15, 2025 at 12:35 am

        You hold up McCain and Romney as competent and intelligent? ROTFLMAO.

        You’re a leftist and a TDS sufferer. Ask mom for an aspirin to calm your rage headache.

    drsamherman in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:15 pm

    Suffering fools: This group does not suffer utter fools like tjv1156.

    You are doomed to buzz off into history, never having pollinated a single thought. [Paraphrasing one of my favorite quotes.]

    JohnSmith100 in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:17 pm

    Here is another sign for you, will someone build a crucifix with jack Smith’s name as a symbolic message?

    In the meantime assign a special prosecutor to look into Smith and his co-conspirators.

      tjv1156 in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 14, 2025 at 2:49 pm

      based on??? he released his report and as expected, it is full of airtight crimes backed by credible evidence. What should he be investigated for?

        irishgladiator63 in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 4:11 pm

        Possible crimes of course. Tax fraud, bribery, jaywalking, littering. Anything we can make up or change the statute of limitations on. We won’t know until he’s been thoroughly investigated of course. And then we should try him, regardless of the results of the investigation, just to be sure. You know. Just like you did with Trump. If smith is innocent, he has nothing to worry about. Right?

          Nobody is going to investigate him. That’s just Trump blowharding.They won’t because , unlike Trump, there is zero evidence he did anythiing illegal. Z_E_R_O. Unlike Trump where there was a mountain of evidence which has now been revealed .
          Signs of a cult.
          The group is led by an authoritarian figure who has absolute power and is never wrong.
          Members are indoctrinated with fear of the outside world, enemies, and leaving the group.
          Black-and-white thinking
          The group promotes a simplistic worldview that demonizes the outside world.
          No questions
          Members are discouraged from thinking critically or asking questions.
          Unreasonable beliefs
          Members believe the group or leader has the exclusive truth and that they are never good enough.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:23 pm

    Wow. Talk about a cult. You have your mouth securely wrapped around Biden’s Johnson. Are you running for VP of the Democratic Party?


      I’m no Biden fan and never have been. He’s just preferable to the ‘moron’ .

        guyjones in reply to tjv1156. | January 15, 2025 at 4:11 am

        LOL, no rational and intelligent person earnestly believes that the corrupt crime boss/dotard whose fecklessness, stupidity and feebleness:

        Facilitated wars on two continents; ushered in rampant and impoverishing 30%-plus Biden-Harrisflation; instituted idiotic, unfeasible, impoverishing and national security-compromising “green”/”climate change” diktats; engaged in indefensible funding, enabling and coddling of the Islamofascist and terrorism-sponsoring/engaging Iranian, Qatari and Hamas regimes; gleefully enabled the invasion of 10 million-plus illegal aliens and blessed the invasion of girls’ and women’s private spaces and sports by obnoxious and malignantly narcissistic male trannies, is preferable to President Trump.

        Each one of your dim-witted posts reveals your foolishness. You’re a Dhimmi-crat cultist who egotistically and farcically fancies himself an allegedly “principled” conservative.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:43 pm

    Thank you for that insightful analysis of the outgoing administration.

    Tj, every single cult red flag you mentioned can be argued as being flown proudly by the TDS crowd, including yourself. Trump IS your own personal Emmanuel Goldstein. Just so you know, 1984 was meant as a warning, not a blueprint.

    Especially red and waving is the abuse of the justice system to, as several officials leading the lynch mob promised, “get Trump” if they were elected.

    Your “Trump can do no right” stance is merely the obverse side of the coin side declaring “Trump can do no wrong”. Same coin. Same flag. And your implication that all Trump supporters think “he can do no wrong” is just….. wrong.

    Trump won by both electoral and popular vote, and at least part of that was due to opposition to him by folks like yourself and Adams et Alia. Your guys willingness to “burn down the village (ie American justice) to save it” left such a bad taste in so many mouths that combined with fear of the incompetence of the candidates offered up to oppose him, victory was his. He owes you guys thanks for that victory. Good job, I guess.

    Just ONE example of your guy’s overreach is the “32 felonies” prosecution and (cult) mantra. The “felonies” in question are and were….
    1) previously declined to charge by prosecutors.
    2) failing other supporting crime like bribing a bank official, not even normally charged as misdemeanors.
    3) bootstrapped up to felony level only by making new law lacking presidence to back it.
    4) actually and arguably only ONE offense. At worst.

    For that last bit, let’s examine how a bank robber is prosecuted. It’s a crime to brandish a firearm. In the course of robbing a bank, an armed robber will brandish his firearm repeatedly. No sane prosecutor or judge will go to trial charging each separate brandishing as a separate crime when bank robbery is the issue. Trump’s supposed robbery/fraud was submitting paperwork which (it was claimed, but not by the bank) overestimated the value of a property. The bank’s separate and independent estimation of value did not differ significantly. Is the bank being charged as well? The estimate paperwork referred to the estimate amount 32 times. So the novel arguement is that’s 32 separate crimes and not just one. It’s surprising, given that I’m sure more than one copy of the paperwork was printed, that they didn’t multiply that 32 by the number of copies as well to be consistent.

    Its ridiculous that a “crime” that harmed no one, that every one who gets a mortgage or home equity loan could be charged with based on a suspicion that the homeowners valuation was too high was even charged. It’s beyond ridiculous that a court of law sanctioned this mess.

      tjv1156 in reply to BobM. | January 14, 2025 at 2:59 pm

      What cult leader do I follow? LOL.
      How is that somebody who is disgusted by a dirtbag who couldn’t get hired at Macdonald’s or Walmart with his criminal resume is ‘deranged”? Explain that one to me.
      you obviously didn’t do your homework on the law

      “He pointed out that Section 63(12) does not require the government to prove that financial losses were incurred or that the defendant acted with intention to defraud. The persistent submission of exaggerated financial statements itself satisfied the statute’s definition of fraud, and the inclusion of vague, unenforceable disclaimers “cannot be used to insulate fraud as to facts peculiarly within defendants’ knowledge, even vis-à-vis sophisticated recipients,” Engoron wrote.”

        Crawford in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 5:04 pm

        The banks he supposedly defrauded testified in his defense that THERE WAS NO FRAUD.

          tjv1156 in reply to Crawford. | January 15, 2025 at 4:17 pm

          this is the Trump morality. It’s ok to lie and cheat as long as you can get away with it. He’s bases his whole life on that . Is that what you teach your kids?

      tjv1156 in reply to BobM. | January 14, 2025 at 3:19 pm

      well- the judge nor jury bought into your legal theory. He was convicted on 34 counts.He can appeal it. He won’t win. Book it.

        drsamherman in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 6:24 pm

        He already did. Fool.

        ttucker99 in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 6:34 pm

        Actually the appeal for the fraud case had a hearing already. Just a couple of questions the judge asked the NY AG were “if these people were defrauded why are they testifying in his defense and stating under oath they want to do more business with him? Can you name me a single case where this law has been used when no one lost anything? According to experts real estate brokers all over the city do this all the time, why is he the only one you are prosecuting.” With questions like that coming from the appeals court judge yeah I am suuuurre Trump won’t win.

      tjv1156 in reply to BobM. | January 15, 2025 at 4:15 pm

      when did
      Dershowitz turn into a loony gadfly?LOL . Well maybe they should let Trump rebut it. With cross questioning.

    NotCoach in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 2:45 pm

    Whatever you say, boss. Now you can scream at the sky along with Jennifer Rubin while the rest of us get on with winning.

    Suburban Farm Guy in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 5:16 pm

    Projection as usual. Stop talking about yourself

    puhiawa in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 9:05 pm

    Well, now we know a cult does not actually need a charismatic leader. Its members need merely believe in climate change and hold signs in public reminiscent of 19th Century religious death cults likewise chanting “the end is near”, believing in narratives manufactured by sexual predators, cultists distinguish themselves with nose rings and pink/blue/yellow and other unnatural hair-color and cuts, and take vows to shun ordinary members of society who do not conform. These cultists are reflexive hysterics upon hearing a pronoun that properly identifies them or a thought the cult finds offensive. They ostracize, threaten and attempt to assassinate
    those who disagree with the narrative. They spend their day and money plotting against their society, and the parents they feel did not do them justice. They are as a whole ill-educated because of the nature of schooling they have had, yet are convinced they are in some manner superior to those with far more practical knowledge. They are putty in the hands of bureaucratic and party manipulators who profess sympathy with the cult’s members.

    Know anyone like that TJ?

We’re supposed to believe that a jury would have convicted Trump on all charges, given how badly the case was mishandled to start? Tanya Chutkan is the most anti-Trump judge out there, with the possible exception of Amit Mehta and Sotomayor—both whose arguments most consist primarily of “…Orange man bad…”. And as a kicker, Smith’s team, with their extremely dubious legal acumen, admitted not once, but many times, in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, to Judge Cannon that they mishandled the documents so badly that the evidence was, to use a medical term, prurulent. And given Jack Smith’s record in the past, e.g. his malfeasance at the ICC—that report is a pile of steaming Biden.

    tjv1156 in reply to drsamherman. | January 14, 2025 at 12:09 pm

    YEs. Given Trump’s history in court, and his well documented history of sleaze and lying,I’d say a conviction was 99% certin.

      healthguyfsu in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:15 pm

      You call other people cultists while stating a 99% certainty that he’d be convicted without having read all of the evidence. You’re telling on yourself, cultist.

      drsamherman in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:21 pm

      WOW. What hallucinogen are you smoking, injecting, or taking?? That megadosing is not a good idea….

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:27 pm

      You spelled cretin incorrectly.

      Paula in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:34 pm


      You are such a Sweetie Pie. I just love your posts. I read them over and over. They make my day. Keep them coming.

      Paula P Obama
      PS Michelle loves you too

      irishgladiator63 in reply to tjv1156. | January 14, 2025 at 12:49 pm

      Ah. Based not on evidence or anything actually related to the case, you are sure of conviction. In fact, jurors are forbidden to consider the things you mentioned. But they will lead to a conviction, according to you. And you wonder why the rest of us say the system is rigged.

        Nobody is going to investigate him. That’s just Trump blowharding.They won’t because , unlike Trump, there is zero evidence he did anythiing illegal. Z_E_R_O. Unlike Trump where there was a mountain of evidence which has now been revealed .
        Signs of a cult.
        The group is led by an authoritarian figure who has absolute power and is never wrong.
        Members are indoctrinated with fear of the outside world, enemies, and leaving the group.
        Black-and-white thinking
        The group promotes a simplistic worldview that demonizes the outside world.
        No questions
        Members are discouraged from thinking critically or asking questions.
        Unreasonable beliefs
        Members believe the group or leader has the exclusive truth and that they are never good enough.

    George S in reply to drsamherman. | January 14, 2025 at 12:34 pm

    Supposed to believe? A DC jury would have convicted Trump before they even took their seats.

    I guarantee you that a DC jury would, with a straight face, convict Trump of flying the plane into the Pentagon on 9/11


Look it up.

Read the report and you’ll see how it should forever be a thumbnail in a legal dictionary next to that word.

Smith has been determined by a federal judge to not have been validly appointed a special counsel. That means his report is only his own opinion and should have no official standing whatever. It should never have been released and the judge wrongly failed to block the report disclosure through the DOJ. I suppose Smith could have written a book to have put forth his own opinion. if anyone cared to hear it.

    Splitting hairs here. One judge correctly determined Jack was not a valid prosecutor in one case. A different judge refused to make that determination (which is different that determining he *is* legit). Jack tried to make his Report #2 with the judge who accepted his dubious credentials also include material in the Florida documents case regarding the two defendants who are still at risk of prosecution. That’s a serious legal no-no, but he tried, got smacked on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper, and blurted out this smoking pile of unsubstantiated doo. There’s a lot of hand-waving and no concrete evidence, but the media is happy to echo every wave of his hand.

      If Jack was invalid, can he be charged with committing fraud against the United States?

        tjv1156 in reply to MarkS. | January 15, 2025 at 6:41 am

        Hew didn’t appoint himself. HE did nothing wrong. You would have to make that case against the person who appointed him and then prove it was willful negligence. It would be dismissed on summary judgment.

      tjv1156 in reply to georgfelis. | January 15, 2025 at 6:38 am

      This is is a typical Trump cult defense. Not that he didn’t do it, but some legal technality in appointing a prosecutor. SMH . It’s the mafia boss defense.

    tjv1156 in reply to Cicero. | January 15, 2025 at 2:13 pm

    “Just his opinion’ LOL you redhat culters are too much. Trumps’ the good guy and Smith is the bad guy. SMH
    The group is led by an authoritarian figure who has absolute power and is never wrong.
    Members are indoctrinated with fear of the outside world, enemies, and leaving the group.
    Black-and-white thinking
    The group promotes a simplistic worldview that demonizes the outside world.
    No questions


    Members are discouraged from thinking critically or asking questions.

    Members believe the group or leader has the exclusive truth and that they are never good enough.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 14, 2025 at 4:23 pm

I hope Jack Smith had more than just those three “acts” to hang this pathetic case on, because they are all jokes. The alternate slates of electors is not a problem and never has been. The idea that he forced anyone to counter their oaths is laughable. If anything, he was urging people like Pence to honor his oath of office. And the kicker of the constantly bleated bald-faced lie of the “angry mob sent” in DC is a non-starter that only the most feverish leftist actually buys. Jack Smith says that Trump sent a mob while Liz Cheney said that he didn’t stop the mob. Which is it, children?? LOL.

Jack Smith is showing his colors. He worked for the evil, despicable nihilistic ICC. He is typical of the lowlife dirtbags that infest that criminal organization, sister entity to the Democrat party. Total scum.

Jack Smith has been one of the worst criminals in American history. What he has tried to do to this nation (and those who directed and supported him) is what is unprecedented and they all must be punished. It was an insurrection attempt from within, but not just to take over America but to open America up to being totally destroyed. These people are the lowest – the worst criminals in American history, which is really saying something.

    . ” If you observed Jan.6th and followed the Senate inquiry, and think Liz cheney and Jack Smith are the bad guys and Trump did nothing wrong, you MIGHT be a redhat” HAHAHAHAHHA

    A cult is a dangerous group that uses manipulation and fear to control its members. Signs of a cult include:

    The group is led by an authoritarian figure who has absolute power and is never wrong.

Publishing a one-sided screed is lawfare at its worst, says Dershowitz.

    tjv1156 in reply to rhhardin. | January 15, 2025 at 2:15 pm

    when did
    Dershowitz turn into a loony gadfly?LOL . Well maybe they should let Trump rebut it. With cross questioning.

Smith’s post-dismissal report is just gussied-up bar talk on DOJ letterhead. “Trump’s just lucky he won that election, ’cause Jack Smith was to set to give him a good Corn-poppin’ behind the gym!” But, somehow Smith never managed to get the case to trial prior to that election. So all this effort is just so much woulda-coulda that don’t mean Jack Shmit now.

    tjv1156 in reply to Direwolf. | January 15, 2025 at 3:39 pm

    Interesting. So Jack Smith made it all up. LOL.
    Of course – Trump declassified everything. He never was told to return them. He never told people to lie. HAHAHAHAHA.
    IF the Senate and House flip- likely- that will be thankfully be the end for ‘the moron’…and the Trump cancer.