AOC Follows Elizabeth Warren’s Lead, Seemingly Justifying Murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO
“This is not to say that an act of violence is justified, but I think for anyone who is confused or shocked or appalled, they need to understand that people interpret and feel and experience denied claims as an act of violence against them”

Far left New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is following in the footsteps of Elizabeth Warren, decrying violence over the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, followed by a big “but” that discredits everything she said before that word.
In AOC’s case, she even goes so far as to suggest that denying someone’s healthcare claim is seen as “violence” by many Americans.
These people are insane.
The New York Post reports:
AOC sympathizes with those celebrating UnitedHealthcare CEO’s murder, says denied claims are ‘acts of violence’
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sparked controversy Thursday with her remarks on the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson when she suggested that those shocked by people’s lack of sympathy toward the slain CEO simply don’t understand Americans’ frustration with the health care system.
“This is not to say that an act of violence is justified, but I think for anyone who is confused or shocked or appalled, they need to understand that people interpret and feel and experience denied claims as an act of violence against them,” the congresswoman told CBS News’ Jaala Brown on Thursday.
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) maintained that systemic inequality is the real problem. “Health care in this country has gotten to such a depraved state that people are living with things they should never have to live with. And this is not to say and this is not to participate in that glorification, but we need to understand that extreme levels of inequality in the United States yield high degrees of social instability,” she said.
AOC’s comments drew a slew of backlash from those who are fed up with those excusing the cold-blooded murder, lovers of the accused killer, Luigi Mangione, and posters across the Big Apple warning other CEOs that they’re next on the hit list.
Watch below:
AOC on Brian Thompson's m*rder: “This is not to say that an act of violence is justified, but… they need to understand that people interpret and feel and experience denied claims as an act of violence against them”
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 12, 2024
At the same time, AOC has no trouble at all assigning blame in the case of Daniel Penny.
AOC: The subway will be safer if we lock up people like Daniel Penny
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 10, 2024
Have you noticed that the murder of Brian Thompson is one of the first cases in recent history that has not been followed by leftists calling for greater gun control? Isn’t that curious?
Of course, what this is all about for the left is a perceived opportunity to push for their ultimate brass ring of completely socialized, government-run healthcare. Obamacare was never the end goal and everyone knows it.
Featured image via Twitter video.

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“AOC Following Elizabeth Warren’s Lead”
Well, Warren is an Indian on the warpath. therefore AOC’s first task is to become an Indian.
Second: drink some fire water
Third: start dancing and put your hand over your mouth and go, “ooh, wow, wow”
Since you stoke these loons where does this end? Just be glad it’s not your profession.
AOC is oblivious to the concept of “that which goes around, comes around.”
If AOC is interested (she’s not) in assigning blame for the current situation in healthcare, she should ask BHO (she won’t) because it was his signature legislation that took a troubled but still functioning healthcare system and turned it into the socialist h3llh01e it is today.
But considering the fact that AOC is equally beautiful as she is stupid, she’ll never make the connection but rather go looking for a Republican to blame.
I don’t want AOC to leave Congress. How else will I know what to oppose if she’s not advocating for something?
AOC is a prime example of the intellectual damage caused by swallowing Barky’s constant and deliberate misdirection conflating health insurance with health care.
The health insurance is mandatory on you, by the tyrant’s law.
The health care isn’t mandatory on your insurance company or anyone else.
We told them that over and over 15 years ago.
They stuck their fingers in their ears and la la la’d.
Well, you Democrats sold something to people that was not what you implied you were selling, and not what people thought they were buying. And you did it at the point of a gun.
If the gun is starting to point in the other direction now, you need to search your own consciences.
Or at least search for them, that would be a place to start.
Agreed. 100%. Instead of working to make prices for healthcare services, RX and hospital procedures transparent with less regulatory/paperwork burden on providers and lower costs to consumers funded by an HSA they increased complexity, made it more opaque, more cumbersome and more expensive.
The health insurance is not mandatory.
As the Supreme Court found in NFIB v Sibelius, it was never mandatory, even under 0bama. It was always perfectly lawful to choose to pay the “penalty” and not buy the insurance. Which was the main reason why the court found that the “penalty” was really a tax.
But Congress has since then reduced the “penalty” to zero, so there’s nothing at all compelling anyone to buy insurance. It was never legally mandatory, and now refusal doesn’t even cost anything.
States impose their own penalties now at the level of what the feds used to charge: high enough to effectively remove the element of choice.
I am seriously wondering if both she and the shooter haven’t taken/smoked something that has affected their mental processes
“I would hate to suggest that an act of violence aimed at communist lawmakers would be justified, but…”
“These people are insane.” To us they are but to each other only the next ideological step on their road to “what is to be done”?
Feelings justify violence according to her.
Mike LaChance already addressed this point, but it’s worth repeating: The lack of rants about gun control after a man is gunned down in broad daylight in NYC tells me the left doesn’t really care about gun control as long as those who the left demonizes as ‘other’ are the victims of gun violence.
“Have you noticed that the murder of Brian Thompson is one of the first cases in recent history that has not been followed by leftists calling for greater gun control? Isn’t that curious?”
The reason I “haven’t noticed it” is because it isn’t true. Mike probably doesn’t run in the “highly gunnie” circles that are more sensitive to and more likely to capture and report on this.
Here’s a typical example:
“SHAPIRO: How can you tell?
KASTE: Well, I can’t, but…”
I think these two lines say it all
One back page article by NPR does not a point make.
Due Process. It’s part of the American experience, or at least it was before barky and dementia joe appeared from the depths of Hell. THIS is what demonrats don’t understand.. They just take the law into their own filthy hands and do what “feels” right to them.
They don’t deserve to live in this country.
What an absolute loon. How on earth can failure to take an action be an ‘act of violence?’
But I guess when you’re such a flamingly dumb c*nt that you think ‘words are violence’ then you are easily confused.
It’s not just words that are violence. Silence is violence to a leftist — literally, failure to do anything.
I was afraid for my life hiding behind a door in my office on J6. When, in fact, I wasn’t there, we needed the drama. Now, when I’m not there, it’s OK.
The manifestly lazy, stupid, narcissistic, too lazy/dim-witted to succeed in the private sector, demagogue and harridan, Occasional-Cortex, is utterly vile and dumber than a box of rocks.
That said, look for this miserable scold to succeed Schmuck Schumer, in the U.S. Senate, as farcical as that notion sounds.
A U.S. House seat can only satisfy so much of a neo-communist’s lust for power.
please look at the people behind/backing her for the highly-moneyed, strongly-committed left
The Inflation Reduction Act AOC and all Dems voted for unleashed horrific inflation that is destroying low and middle income wage earners.
Aoc “need(s) to understand that people interpret and feel and experience [inflation] as an act of violence against them”. So she shouldn’t be surprised when a desperate housewife approaches her from behind and…..
Dear Aoc of tony , carefree Yorktown Heights in Upper Westchester … down the road a piece from the homes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and also P Diddy:
Your job is LEGISLATOR
If you are dissatisfied with America’s health insurance system , why don’t you do your job: LEGISLATE.
Write a fu*king bill, a*shole.