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Closing Arguments Week at Legal Insurrection

Closing Arguments Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

This was the last week of the 2024 election. Who do you think had the stronger closing? Wouldn’t you rather be Trump right now?

Harris appears weak.

Biden has been horrible for her campaign.

The media has been trying so hard to help her.

There has been some pushback on the media, though.

Watch analysis from Legal Insurrection.

Updates on Israel.

Why is voting always such a complicated issue?

Compare and contrast.

CNN is a hot mess.

Say what?

This guy…

Megyn nailed this.

This needs to be addressed.

Portland has serious problems.

Such a loss.

This is a great interview.

The final word.


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A liberal friend and I were having drinks last night. He’s a political junkie and Tuesday night is his “Super Bowl”.

So I asked him for his prediction and he said that in the past few days he is thinking that Harris squeaks by for the win (obviously bring influenced by the MSM messaging in the past few days).

When he asked me I told him that this is a status quo ante election; we’re going back either four years or eight.

What I didn’t say was that it’s back eight years to peace & prosperity or back four to tyranny and war.

Trump may not be perfect but Harris will be an epic disaster.

Subotai Bahadur | November 3, 2024 at 3:41 pm

Obviously, we do not know who is going to win at this point. And will not know for some time after the polls “officially” close. We have [at my last count] 9 states that say that they will not have a vote count complete for days to weeks after that closure. And to be honest, we cannot have any surety as to the integrity and legitimacy of the vote count. For the last few weeks we have had daily “catches” of bogus votes in states around the country, almost all favoring the Left. Finally, after figures are released there is the matter of judicial decisions as to whose figures to make official, assuming that anyone not of the Left is considered to have standing to appear in court.

To be honest, all we can say is the quote from my avatar’s master:

“They will do what they will do. And we will do what we will do. And only the Great Blue Sky Tengri Nor knows what the outcome will be.”

Subotai Bahadur