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Trump Has the Momentum, Kamala Has the Cringe

Trump Has the Momentum, Kamala Has the Cringe

Two weeks from the election, Trump has the momentum, Trump has the polling, Harris has the cringe and people seem to be running for the exits on her and that’s probably the worst sign that she could possibly have.

Things are moving fast.

Here’s my “hot take” with two weeks to go until election day.

So we’re two weeks away from the election, of course voting has started already in many places, but election day is two weeks from today.

I’m thinking back to over the summer, August 2nd, I talked to you about not getting sucked into Operation Demoralize, that the polling was garbage over the summer, they were trying to create a narrative that all was over, that Harris was the sure winner. I said don’t believe that for a secondk it happens every cycle. I repeated that again a couple of weeks after that in August and told you to ignore the polling over the summer.

I don’t get everything right, I get a lot wrong, but I got that right because what I said back then is this is going to come down and it’s going to be a tight race and don’t believe anybody who tells you otherwise in the middle of August. And we are now two weeks out from the election and it is a tight race.

I think by all estimations the momentum is with Trump, the energy is with Trump, the polling is with Trump, not overwhelmingly, still very tight, but the polling is with him particularly in the swing states.

And there’s something else, intangibles. You know major unions that always endorse the Democrat candidate have decided not to endorse this year. I forget if it was the Teamsters or the United Auto workers, but one of them ran an internal poll and Trump got two-thirds of the vote and then the ynion leadership announced they weren’t going to endorse.

Those intangibles lead me to think we could be on the cusp of a major victory. Of course it could go either way, there’s a lot of polling that says she’s going win, but I don’t believe that.  Really, I think the momentum is with Trump and part of it is he’s really connecting with the public, he’s having a lot of fun he’s coming across as very natural. The McDonald’s visit, where you know the left and the Democrats are completely freaking out about, I think was a huge hit and just another example of him connecting with the voters and connecting with people.

Harris by contrast did one of the most cringe videotapes for the Al Smith dinner ,which is a large Catholic dinner in New York City. Trump went there and really knocked it out of the park with about a 25 minute comedy routine, frankly, very funny.

Harris didn’t even show up. She did a recording with some woman from Saturday Night Live I bet you at least three-quarters of the people watching, including me, have no idea who this woman is but it was highly offensive, it was you know amateurish. Why can’t she even give a speech herself.

There’s something cringe about her, something that is not connecting with people and I think that’s why today the Los Angeles Times said they’re not going to endorse. That’s you know almost unheard of that they’re not going to endorse her.

So there’s something about her that gives the feeling of almost being on the verge of collapse. Can’t get, you know as Professor Glenn Reynolds says, don’t get cocky, could go either way.

But getting back to Trump, he really has come into his own in this campaign and I think the McDonald’s visit pretty much summed it up.

So where we are two weeks away?

Trump has the momentum, Trump has the polling, Harris has the cringe and people seem to be running for the exits on her and that’s probably the worst sign that she could possibly have. When the major unions who always get out the vote for the Democrat are walking away from her that’s the biggest sign that she’s got major problems.

So we’ll be back in two weeks, two weeks and a couple of days because we’ve already been told that key states are not going to report that night, which is completely insane and will just give rise to more suspicion about the integrity of the election. I remember long before 2020 the running joke used to be in Pennsylvania you need to win by the margin of fraud and that’s just going to feed that sort of narrative again.

So stay tuned. I was right about Operation Demoralize but whichever candidate runs through the ribbon is going to be the winner. Right now it’s certainly looking like Trump.


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guyjones | October 22, 2024 at 9:09 pm

“I forget if it was the Teamsters or the United Auto workers, but one of them ran an internal poll and Trump got two-thirds of the vote and then the union leadership announced they weren’t going to endorse.”

The International Association of Firefighters (affiliated with AFL-CIO) also declined to endorse crone-harlot-dunce, Harris.

The notion of voting for a crone Clinton clone in blackface; a malignantly narcissistic, arrogant, entitled, dim-witted, incompetent and self-reverential neo-communist, in the mold of the wretched racial arsonist, Obama, is decidedly unappealing to rational minds.

PrincetonAl | October 22, 2024 at 9:12 pm

Agree with this, except that the win has to be too big to rig.

And by all accounts they have spent 4 years working to make the rig bigger.

Can’t count out an October surprise that is fake but influential, more dirty tricks, Trump self immolating on the Rogan interview, and the polling not having as much bias as 2020 (in 2022 it didn’t)

Shorter version: assume nothing, keep working it. Victory is in sight. It shouldn’t even be close but assume it is.

    gonzotx in reply to PrincetonAl. | October 22, 2024 at 10:11 pm

    Trump will do fine on Rogan. Rogan is tough, but he’s not a fool, he’d lose 1/2 of his audience if he tries to undermine President Trump

      Eagle1 in reply to gonzotx. | October 22, 2024 at 10:20 pm

      Trump will do fine. Will Harris even show up for a long form conversation?

      diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | October 23, 2024 at 6:16 am

      Rogan isn’t “tough”. What he does is ask questions about stuff and doesn’t let the guest wallow around talking nonsense like Harris does. He will ask Trump a question, Trump will give a half answer then Rogan will talk about aliens and Hitler’s Secret Antarctica Base then after 1/2 hr or so come right back to it. In a long form interview there isn’t much place to hide which is why Harris will never do one.

      CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | October 23, 2024 at 10:13 am

      Agreed. DJT won’t have any problems with the usual format and questioning style of Rogan. Open ended questions are definitely a strong suit for DJT. Add to that he possesses a personal charm and wit that shines through in that kind of long form interview.

979AggHokie | October 22, 2024 at 9:20 pm

I voted yesterday here in Texas. Let’s win this thing, and win in overwhelming fashion

    PrincetonAl in reply to 979AggHokie. | October 22, 2024 at 10:13 pm

    Just keeping turning people out if you have voted. Some people in my family voted Trump early, some are waiting to Election Day because we don’t want the Dems to know how many votes to manufacture.

    Some new Trump voters in the family too – independent registered ones voted Trump – and for the first time ever a family member got polled … they deliberately lied and said they were leaning Harris.

    Keep them guessing. Let’s hope lots of others lied too.

      txvet2 in reply to PrincetonAl. | October 23, 2024 at 11:31 am

      “”some are waiting to Election Day because we don’t want the Dems to know how many votes to manufacture.””

      Although it obviously depends on a number of factors, waiting until election day means taking the chance that you won’t even get to vote at all if you’re in a heavily Republican precinct, where for some mysterious reason there seem to be frequent glitches and malfunctions. If you vote early, you have (at least in Texas) the opportunity to check BEFORE election day to make sure your vote was counted [although you still can’t be absolutely sure it was counted for the right candidate(s)].

She still has Obama. Saw the huckster earlier, and it seemed like he was entering the contest for the cringe crown.

The fear is that it’s fixed. Seems too easy to do. And to pretend woe is us.

I’m left with one thought, “who does Nancy Pelosi want to see running in 2028?”

    jb4 in reply to Eagle1. | October 23, 2024 at 12:43 am

    Good point. There is no guarantee that Trump will have a successful (lame-duck) term, given the major problems that he will have to deal with left him by Biden-Harris. Pelosi might prefer not having Harris be the incumbent re-running in 2028 against Vance, or perhaps DeSantis.

      Wim in reply to jb4. | October 23, 2024 at 3:20 pm

      Of course he will have major problems to deal with. But Harris wouldn’t have the tiniest clue about even starting too deal with them.
      Aside from that, what makes you think Pelosi will live 4 more years? She sure doesn’t look it, and sometimes I wonder if the embalmer already got started.

    WTPuck in reply to Eagle1. | October 23, 2024 at 11:05 am

    She needs to leave. Retirement or death, I have no preference.

TULSI!!! On fire. Look at her compared to Harris and truly see what a dunce one of them is.

Amazing speech.

Ghostrider | October 23, 2024 at 2:59 am

In Michigan and Pennsylvania, virtually every Kamala Harris ad attacks Trump personally rather than trying to convince people why she would be a great president.

Trump, meanwhile, is meeting with union workers, middle-class voters, and people from rural areas to try to win their votes based on his plans to grow the economy, reduce inflation, end two wars, and strengthen the border.

The Democrats elevated the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics, and it’s simply unsustainable to try and have her elected based on people disliking her opponent.

With two weeks remaining, the Democrats have given voters no justifiable reason to vote for Harris for president. Therefore, there is no reason to vote for Harris.

rhhardin | October 23, 2024 at 5:22 am

I expect Trump to lose in the rigging regardless of momentum. The voting system is actively designed for cheating, today more than ever.

    diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | October 23, 2024 at 6:19 am

    I am disappointed that I agree with you unless Trump wins so big it can’t be rigged. If it really does come down to nail biters in swing states I expect Harris to magically pull out just enough votes to win

E Howard Hunt | October 23, 2024 at 6:46 am

Trump has the momentum. She has the cringe, a booze brain, and the presidency locked up. Tired of this false dawn narrative.

Peter Moss | October 23, 2024 at 7:04 am

I try to see past the smoke & mirrors and I don’t think this is going to be close in the end.

Harris isn’t going to regain the momentum because there was no momentum to begin with. It was an illusion brought forth by the media that is 100% in bed with the Democrats.

She is a preposterously bad candidate and the more time she spends in front of the camera (as well as her equally horrible surrogates) the worse her polling becomes.

DSHornet | October 23, 2024 at 9:45 am

The Dimocrats are running a yellow dog this year. If you don’t understand, search “yellow dog Democrat”. What’s concerning is that the cur is polling so well.

Tsquared79 | October 23, 2024 at 10:11 am

As long as Dominion voting machines are used there will not be a accurate election.

barbiegirl ny | October 23, 2024 at 10:32 am

Trump may have the momentum, and Kamala the cringe, but don’t think these corrupt, criminal, unhinged commies aren’t working on plan B. Plan B can mean having ILLEGAL ALIENS voting, to “fixing” voting machines, and God only knows what else. A Trump win is only possible if you vote. Vote early, and bring a few friends, if possible. There’s nothing more the left would love than for those in the Trump camp to feel so comfortable that he will win they won’t bother voting. Believe me, the commies are not sitting back and waiting for results.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to barbiegirl ny. | October 23, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    There is also Plan C – Disqualifying Trump before the Joint Session on Jan 6 and installing Kamala – even if Trump wins in a landslide. They can do this. If the GOP wins both Houses of Congress, they will either have to arrest or assassinate enough members to flip the House to the Dems, but with the FBI and Ukraine on their side that should be no problem.

I need for you to tell me Trump will win every. Freaking. Day. Professor…

Every. freaking. Day…

Birkinator | October 25, 2024 at 3:51 pm

998 MILLION PEOPLE in 13 more countries joined the anti-western BRICS Alliance. BRICS Summit is massive win for Russia. The UN Chief attended, Turkey jumps ship. BRICS is now 59% of the world. And the Global South does not support Warmonger Joe’s proxy war either. Biden is the most hated man on the planet and worst president ever.

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