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‘The Electricity and Energy:’ Media Cranks Up Operation Demoralize at Democrat National Convention

‘The Electricity and Energy:’ Media Cranks Up Operation Demoralize at Democrat National Convention

“We might be 90 miles away from you in Chicago, but the electricity and energy you guys are talking about, we can feel it in this room at the forum here in Milwaukee. Those bracelets are shining bright here…”

As Legal Insurrection has extensively documented for well over a decade now, Operation Demoralize is a very real thing for the mainstream media, something they crank up every election cycle but with an even heavier emphasis put on it during presidential election years.

On a recent LI podcast, here’s how Professor Jacobson explained it:

“It happens every single election. They create a narrative that it’s over, that the Democrat’s going to win, that it’s hopeless for Republicans to do anything…. All I can say is, I warn you, this is Operation Demoralize and they’re very good at it, and it seems to be working.”

Not surprisingly, Operation Demoralize has been in full swing since Democrats forced Joe Biden out of the race last month and installed Kamala Harris as their nominee, with coverage of Harris being overwhelmingly positive while coverage of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has of course been overwhelmingly negative.

We’ve seen this on full display at the Democrat National Convention, with reporters who are covering it gushing about the “electricity” and “energy” in the air over Harris which, as ABC News senior national correspondent Terry Moran explained, was something they needed in order “to fight” against Trump in the weeks ahead:

I’ve seen a lot of roll calls; I’ve never seen anything like that. I tell you, it was the best party I’ve been to in a while, but I don’t go to many parties. It was the best party they had. And the significance of that is the energy they will need to fight.

I talked to a lot of delegates and they say the same thing: “Yes, this is a great time but we got to go back into the trenches and carry this into the ground game, into raising money in order to win. What they know is going to be a fiercely fought election.

Moran’s colleague, Jonathan Karl – who is the author of an anti-Trump book, went even further in a segment he did with former Bill Clinton senior advisor turned ABC News anchor/host George Stephanopoulos:

“George, this was an electrifying night for delegates here and for Democrats across the country. And, look, it is exceedingly rare to see something genuinely new at one of these national political conventions. But the organizers pulled that off when you saw Kamala Harris simultaneously direct — address a packed convention hall in Milwaukee where Republicans had rallied last month and here in Chicago and the messaging, that there was something new in the messaging as well as — as Barack Obama particularly tried to address Americans who are sick and tired of our deeply divided politics, doing that while simultaneously issuing a brutal takedown on Donald Trump. But also trying to appeal to the people, what Obama called the regular folks who have turned out. And, George, that part of the messaging has been backed up here in Chicago every single night and will continue tonight and tomorrow by featuring Republican speakers. Last night, the Republican mayor of Mesa, Arizona and even former Trump White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham.”

Laura Barrón-López, a White House correspondent for PBS News Hour, was similarly giddy:

Not surprisingly, CNN journalists Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Abby Phillip were feeling it, too:

ABBY PHILLIP: I think the theme of tonight is 2008 energy. That’s what one Biden adviser told me on the air earlier today. With Barack Obama and Michelle Obama coming, they wanted to, they need to amp this place up to kind of capture for that feeling that a lot of people last felt back in 2008 when they were about to do something historic.

CBS News senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang, covering a related DNC event in Milwaukee, was on the same wavelength:

“Norah, we might be 90 miles away from you in Chicago, but the electricity and the energy that you guys are talking about, we can feel it in this room at the form right here in Milwaukee,” touted CBS senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang. “And those bracelets are shining bright here, as well.”

Obviously, the talking points have gone out. “Give up, Republicans! There’s so much unity and electricity and energy at the DNC, y’all don’t have a chance” seems to be what’s being said if you read between the lines. While we can’t ignore it, it needs to be recognized for what it is: propaganda designed to drag Democrats over the finish line in November by effectively suppressing the Republican vote by way of dampening enthusiasm.

But as Prof. Jacobson explained, fretting GOPers need to shake it off and carry on:

“Shake out of it and get yourself together. There are legitimate concerns that people need to address, but this hyperbole and this hair-on-fire reaction is ridiculous. So carry on.”


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 22, 2024 at 3:06 pm

It seems to me, though, that the press is so openly and over-the-top gleefully propagandizing for the Democrats that they’re sabotaging their own effort.

    “No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the record for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.”

    – H.L. Mencken.

    I’m afraid the media may understand the same thing Mencken did.

Well one thing that Communists are good at, finding a word that they all want to use at the same time.

1. I’m not watching any of it.

2. I really don’t care for anything thing that comes out of it.

3. It’s called change the channel.

It’s called blowing smoke up your ass. For some reason Obama thinks Americans will enjoy the sensation.

I wonder what the political and policy preferences of the legacy media might be? /S

So has “electrifying” replaced “joy.”

Either way, it’s a communist boot on your neck.

When they are mocked and ignored their attention will turn.
A new breed of journalist is taking their place.

As they are prone to do, Democrats and media show their lack of authenticity and it gets easier to see with each speech and report. A parody of what they intend. That’s what happens when you do things in a vacuum and believe your truth is everyone’s.

Looking forward to the rebound effect on their deceptive fantasies.

You wanna see a guy at the convention who is really electrified?

I watched the ABC Evening News tonight, just to see what it’s like. I hadn’t watched it in years. Through the first 20-minutes, it’s like an infomercial for the Harris campaign. I was expecting something horrible. But, it EASILY eclipsed my worst fears. If Trump pulls this out, it will be nothing short of miraculous.

    guyjones in reply to TargaGTS. | August 22, 2024 at 8:27 pm

    It won’t be miraculous, because the Dhimmi-crat media shills are ignoring the economic and other policy realities on the ground — same as they did in 2016.

    A middle class family that has seen its costs for household goods, groceries, fuel, rents/mortgage rates increase by 20% to 40% (or, more, in some cases) over the past 3.5 years is not voting for four more years of this excrement and insanity.

In 2004 I consumed only mainstream media (Rush was for old fogies) and was convinced Bush was going to lose.

Looks like the stars are coming out tonight for Harris. Maybe Taylor Swift and Beyonce should be in the Cabinet.

“It’s the economy, stupid.”

Watch these vile, water-carrying, dutifully obsequious Dhimmi-crat media shills, trained seals, lapdogs and sycophants wring their hands about how severely they misjudged the electorate’s mood, when Trump-Vance win.

As if rampant and impoverishing Harris-Bidenflation, soaring crime, open borders and facilitating of illegal aliens’ entry, among myriad other socioeconomic and policy ills that are imposing suffering upon the middle class, weren’t glaringly visible or noticeable, for the past 3.5 years, to anyone living outside the D.C.-NYC-Chicago-L.A.-San Francisco-Seattle ivory towers/bubbles.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 9:05 pm

LOL!! The America-hating democrats have the Dixie Chicks singing the Star Spangled Banner! They are going to end it by burning a flag.

What a joke!

Saw an article that said Monday’s convention coverage was the lowest viewed in a long, long time.
And should cameltoe ever actually get asked a question she hasn’t been fed the answer to, that operation demoralize wills start to wilt like a democrat being told no by a toddler.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 10:44 pm

Wow … Kamala’s speech really blows chunks. Awful.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 10:49 pm

It’s interesting … you would never know that she lived in Canada from age 12, graduated high school in Canada, and started college there. Never even a word about Canada …

Harris: Let’s move forward and create a totalitarian state.

Harris: I will walk on water!

Sad is that Democrats actually believe the crap and lies she is spounting.

All that is missing is the red background.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 11:00 pm

This chick is nuts and has a mean streak in her a mile long.


She is determined to have every single woman in America have annual abortions!!

    I’m way past that age, but somehow my friends and I managed to not get pregnant randomly. You know, we took responsibility for our lives and behavior.

    Apparently, that’s a quaint notion for “strong womyn” these days.

The freedom from the border crisis.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 11:02 pm

“The freedom to love who you love” … the democrats keep spouting this idiocy. So, the 45 year old leftist who loves 7 year olds will have his “freedom to love” and the grandmother and grandson who really hit it off at the dinner table are good to go, say the insane dems.

And all this without ever being able to know if someone is a man or a woman until they tell you what they are … and, even then, they can change their mind at any moment so you still don’t know what they are at any given moment.


Well, it’s clear who the extremist is.

Gabbard nailed her: Warmonger!

Sure feel her “care.”

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 11:09 pm

Tons of American flags at the DNC … worst fire hazard since that cargo ship full of EVs.

What a joke when the America-hating dems try to pretend they like this nasty, evil, racist, misogynist country that is the source of all the world’s ills.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 22, 2024 at 11:10 pm

We are not a Democracy. We use some democratic processes. That is it.

obama is the great divider , not uniter, his intent was, is and always will be to create chaos in this nation until such time as the marxist dems feel they can safely install a communist form of gov in the US.