NY: Dem. Candidate Declares That Trump Supporters Need To Be Put In Reeducation Camps
“Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp”

Democrats love them some totalitarian dictators, always have. They proudly wear their Che tees and extol the “virtues” of genocidal tyrant Mao. They admire Lenin and Stalin, and, as we’ve seen since 10/7, they aspire to Hitler’s aspirations. It’s disgusting and evil, but they’ve always been that way.
One of their favorite fantasies is that after their “revolution” they will lock dissenters in reeducation camps, and those who cannot be “reeducated” will be slaughtered. Of course. (If memory serves, they planned in the ’60s on murdering up to 10% of the population to ensure their communist utopia went off without a hitch).
Alinsky acolyte and devotee Hillary Clinton is quite open about her vision for anyone who doesn’t embrace Democrats’ anti- and unAmerican vision for the dystopian future they have planned for the vast majority of Americans.
During her failed presidential campaign against Trump, Hillary openly mused about adult “fun camps” in which Americans would be sorted into “red cabins” and “blue cabins.” It was . . . interesting. Later, she just came right out and said that Trump supporters need “formal deprogramming.”
This idea that there is something so wrong with half the American population that they need to be forcefully reprogrammed simply because they don’t support Democrats’ America Last policies is not often openly stated. Hillary gets away with it, but usually, lower tier Democrats don’t ‘say the quiet part out loud.’
Enter Paula Collins, the anti-American America Last candidate for New York’s 21st district. Collins, a Democrat, is challenging Republican Elise Stefanik for her House seat, and she thoughtfully proposed that Trump supporters should be reeducated in camps but acknowledged that maybe calling them “reeducation camps” was not a winning strategy.
The Democratic cannabis tax attorney hoping to unseat Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) in New York’s 21st Congressional District was slammed by the incumbent’s camp for proposing to send supporters of former President Donald Trump to “re-education camp” as part of an effort to fix what she called a “MAGA nightmare.”
Paula Collins, who is running unopposed in the June 25 Democratic primary, made the shocking suggestion during a virtual town hall event on Wednesday and argued that there is a need for such camps even if Democrats see a “resounding blue wave” in the 2024 election.
Collins, 60, argued that “knowing your civics, knowing how the government is set up will be crucially important in moving forward” before suggesting the need for “re-education” during the Zoom event.
“Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp,” Collins said.
“I don’t think we really wanna call it that,” she told voters on the call. “I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.”
The idea is great! She’s completely behind “reeducation camps,” but the terminology may need to be tweaked. Like maybe call them “fun camps”?
The state GOP is calling on New York Democrats to condemn these remarks made by their comrade.
A Democratic nominee for Congress in New York just called on supporters of @realDonaldTrump to be sent to "reeducation camps."
Every Democrat, especially @RepJeffries, @RepPatRyanNY and @RepTomSuozzi, must immediately condemn these remarks.
Full statement from @ChairmanEdCox: pic.twitter.com/z9HfkxyIF0
— New York GOP (@NewYorkGOP) June 6, 2024
Yeah, that won’t happen. They almost certainly want the same thing; they are just smart enough not to say it out loud.

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Starting with the alphabet, the re-education camp will have a reordering, no longer abcdefg, but lgbtqia.
Please come for Trump supporters. We can get the violent part of the civil war kickoffed.
Ah, and therein is the Democrats’ problem. They need us to shoot first. That’s why they are so increasingly desperate and taking dangerous and public risks to provoke our number. Keep your powder dry. They don’t win if we don’t cede the high ground. When they decide they can’t wait any longer, though, and start shooting normal Americans . . . well, all bets are off.
Then it will be time to start stacking them like cord wood.
I am all for the Neo-Nazi Democratic Party to come to my house to cart me off to their concentration camps.
My family has been military veterans for six generations. We have guns. Not the 1776 kind, but the pew pew real fast – like 600 rounds per minute in each clip. Just like the Democrats describe.
Unlike previous groups, we will not wait patiently to be put on trains and carted off to Hillary Land.
IED claymores can be placed in 5 minutes on the perimeter of my property with a second volley inboard of the first. Come take me, but I’m not dropping alone!
But do they have shoulder things that go up? Without those you have no hope of overcoming them.
This is just more Q “trust the plan” nonsense, designed to FUD us into inaction until it is too late. When Democrats do start shooting normal Americans, all they have to do is claim Republicans are doing it, and you know they will. Then the same old call will go out from “reasonable” Republicans: “do nothing yet, don’t be provoked.” Democrats will never actually draw a line in the sand and as a result, they will end up owning the entire waterfront.
We have kept our powder dry for decades. Now, take a look around you and see what’s become of the school systems and for that matter American industry with their dei and other nonsense. I think the powder has been kept dry for too long.
Named for the famous Russian revolutionary Andrei Kickov?
the left has already kicked it off
of course the msm calls it mostly peaceful and just a way to let them express themselves
the blues cities have declared violence the preferred method of debate
‘A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything you have.’
Gerald Ford (maybe/maybe not)
This is the Democrat playbook, so what we see/hear as a warning, they regard as a playbook.
Very true, the d/prog have long misused power and authority of govt to go after political opponents. They make no secret about and haven’t tried to hide this for decades. Which makes me wonder why so many who say they oppose the d/prog seem to be hell bent on expanding and maintaining govt power instead of at minimum rolling back the most egregious examples of misused authority: FISA, Patriot Act surveillance, ATF creating back door firearms registry as three among many.
None of these three are necessary for any sort of politically motivated retribution (well earned by d/prog IMO) so why not junk them? There’s plenty of other statutes State and Federal for Red State DA and Lord willing a second Trump run DoJ to use for that purpose.
Article V
While we could use an Art V convention to make an amendment specifically/explicitly prohibiting these things I have to wonder why? What’s wrong with using a statute? How about not voting for any budget or if a GoP POTUS using a veto on any budget w/o legislation to repeal of them?
I don’t see the necessity of a Constitutional amendment. First this isn’t a situation of using an amendment to repeal an existing amendment that was created to authorize these action, such as prohibition. Second it seems to me using Art V is a concession that these actions are currently Constitutional despite the lack of any reference to them in our Constitution and the barrier of the 9th/10th amendments which haven’t yet been repealed, just ignored. Not to mention the rest of the constitutional prohibitions for them.
Democrats ignore the Constitution.
So the solution is to add more junk to the Constitution.
Reminds me of the old definition of gun control;
Teen punks are roaring through downtown at 55, though the limit is 25.
The solution is to lower the limit to 15.
I think that at this stage, picking around the edges is a waste of time. Federal powers need to be absolutely gutted. Have you read the proposed amendments that came out of the mock convention? They would gut much of the runaway power the feds have taken for themselves (and therefore away from us and the states). I just don’t believe the federal government will ever restrain itself by statute. It’s not even the elected reps in control any more, and the administrative state is drunk with power. I don’t see any other non-violent way forward.
We are already IMO ignoring very clear limitations on Federal power within the existing Constitution; 9th and 10th Amendments. We routinely see State gov’t ignore the 2nd Amendment even when taken to task by SCOTUS see NY and their series of action to deny 2A.
There are a few cases at SCOTUS this term that will at minimum chip away at the Administrative State and potentially gut it by overturning Chevron; do that and every Federal agency will be slapped down by requiring Congress to do its damn job v granting (unconstitutionally delegating IMO) ‘rule making authority’ to agencies which is in practice granting the agencies the legislative power of Congress.
A better path, IMO, would be to have simple statutory prohibitions and automatic penalties. So if the EPA makes some BS rule that exceeds their authority and that is eventually overturned by SCOTUS or CT of Appeals the officers who approved the unconstitutional rule are automatically removed from govt service and bared from both future govt service via appointment/hiring (they could still run for office) and employment with any private entity that accepts govt funding. No discretion and no discussion, automatic if X then Y.
1) Collins was stupid enough to say it openly, but we all know that the majority of the Left believes it and if pressed would be more than willing to drop the “re-education” qualifier. The only question is whether they prefer the исправительно–трудовой лагерь model or the German Vernichtungslager model.
2) The serious discussion and consideration of such carries with it the implication that the British based [see Thomas Hobbes] Social Contract that our Constitution and laws emanate from is gone, probably irretrievably. The absence of a Social Contract implies efforts by multiple groups to each enforce their own. Those efforts will be kinetic, unpleasant, and probably multi-generational if a new Social Contract can be established at all.
Subotai Bahadur
A fellow named Böckenförde claimed the the recent liberal secular state was inherently unstable in itself, it did not have adequate moorings. It could succeed only as long as an adequate percentage of the population agreed on more fundamental values/principles, which for the West had been a Biblical world view. Dismiss that, and there is no glue to hold a nation together.
We are no longer one nation with an adequate shared base of values, not even an agreed upon strategy on how to coexist with differing opinions.
What happens next, how it unfolds, the timing of it all, The Almighty knows.
It is said that some things happen slowly at first, and then all at once. I don’t know.
Lincoln said the same thing in his Lyceum Address. Calhoun unmoored the Democrats from the Declaration of Independence in his Oregon speech; they’ve been at sea ever since.
What’s a “cannabis tax attorney”?
Dude, it’s a… Uhhh, you got any Doritos man? Like, I’m hungry, man.
Like, it’s a woman, who like, wears a beanie, can we call he him her, like a woman, man? I heard that you can’t… Oh, great! You got Cool Ranch, dude!
Uhhhhhhh, what were we talking about, man?
It is people like her that will get us into a shooting war sooner than many imagine possible.
Summer just may prove interesting.
Leftists are more susceptible to guerilla warfare than they suspect.
I shall be the guy at the local gas station or grocery store waiting to have a conversation with the local Politburo Boss’ spouse.
Nice kids you got there. It would be a shame if they wound up in a camp.
May I buy you a nice cuppa?
Time for me to start reloading again. I’ve only got 20k+ rounds for each of my and my wife’s rifles. And only 50k+ for our pistols.
Not enough!
Do you really think it wise to put such information on the internet? “Keeping your powder dry” might also include keeping your mouth shut. j/s
The rest of us need to take these aspiring Himmlers seriously when they pop off publicly with a threat like that to fire up their base.
It’s all fun and games to them until they pay a very personal cost for even suggesting such atrocities.
Think of it as kinetic voting.
A crack across the teeth with a rifle butt is a start.
I’d say the right needs deprogramming about flags, just to show that brainwashing is on both sides.
I’d say that brainwashing is what makes clickbait possible.
A normal mistake is just a mistake, not clickbait.
What? Did you see something anodyne in her clearly stated desire to put Trump supporters in reeducation camps? What “mistake” did she make (besides saying the quiet part out loud)? How is it a “normal mistake” to express your desire to round up, imprison in camps, and “reeducate” Americans who don’t agree with you?
I know you have a few . . . erm, quirks (i.e. your rampant fear and loathing of women and black people, and your bizarre fetish about “click bait”), rhard, but come on, this is not “click bait,” this is truly alarming.
The left never gives up. Ever. True fact: years ago I was worried about crazy eco-fascists coming for our air conditioning (I live in Florida, so a total non-starter for me), and I was pooh-poohed. Fast-forward, they are very much coming for our AC, loudly and clearly, . . . and for our houses and for our food. I’m not wrong here, and it’s not click-bait.
Maybe find a new drum to bang? Wouldn’t that be fun?
“Maybe find a new drum to bang? Wouldn’t that be fun?”
Unfortunately, he can’t. He only has a snare, not a whole kit.
I’m hoping he finds a new blog to inhabit. That would be MUCH more fun.
I’d say you’re an insufferable, pseudo-intellectual, pretentious jackass, but everyone already knows that.
I don’t think it means much. NY-21 is heavily Republican, probably more so after redistricting, and threatening to send about 55% or so of the electorate probably isn’t going to play well after the primaries. The only way she’d have even the slightest chance would be if Trump picked Stefanik for VP.
I totally love you, texvet, but this lackadaisical and blase attitude on our side is exactly what the radical left depends on to further its destruction of America (and the entire Western/free world). They turn up the heat, we swim around in the pot assuring each other that it will be this hot and no hotter . . . .
I’m being neither blase nor lackadaisical for giving my opinion on a district I know quite well. I don’t quite know what you think you or I can do about leftists being leftists. She hasn’t even cleared the primary yet, (although I don’t think she has any significant challenger). I could send out a blast asking all of my many relatives in NY-21 to vote against her, but they’re pretty much all Republicans, and will vote against her in November anyway. The only way she becomes relevant is if Trump screws up the works by picking Stefanik for VP and leaving the Republicans without a candidate. Otherwise, it’s Stefanik by about 10 points.
Anyway, I’m much more concerned about TX-21 as the lege gerrymanders more and more of Austin into the district and I see instant slums being built on my back property line, just full of future Dem voters trying to turn the district blue. THAT’s scary, because if we lose Texas, it’s the end of the line.
Looking back at my comment, part got lost in editing. My original was ” send about 55% or so of the electorate to re-education camps” ….
It’s a one-party state.
The voters within the district are a minor inconvenience.
That would be closer to the truth if the split in Congress was a little wider. Every Republican district, no matter how unattractive or unacceptable to Trumpbots, is of value when you only have a few votes’ margin.
Yes indeed. A ‘moderate’ GoP Rep in a suburban purple or swing CD where the feminist leaning, modern v traditional woman mindset, soccer Moms are the deciding vote is NOT the same electorate as CD comprised of rural, deep Red counties. We had got to:
1. Stop demanding that GoP office holders vote for legislation that the majority of their own constituents do not and will not support. That is how we lose a Congressional majority.
2. Conversely, we MUST stop allowing GoP reps of deep Red CD and Senators from deep Red States to refuse/fail to support the legislative agenda their constituents want. We have to be willing to vote out stogies like Graham and Cornyn. If they were Senators from Maryland or Pennsylvania then their votes might be more defensible but they are are from SC and TX where the majority of their constituents, for now, want a much more Tea Party/MAGA agenda.
Lil tx gets the vapors about mean tweets, but a candidate endorsing gulags is no biggie. #principles
Sure–I want a civics class from someone who doesn’t have the faintest idea about civic, the Constitution or anything else.
This is why we lose–because the liberals are willing to do anything for naked power while we excuse them, or ignore them, at our peril
May I suggest “Concentration Camps?”
While this nomenclature is so early 1900’s, is does have a certain umpf to it.
If I may, I also suggest that if the “blue wave” doesn’t occur, can the red side put democrats into re-education camps? Or is that only an option for the more tolerant side of the political spectrum?
Oddly, the left would immediately (and correctly) identify an attempt conservatives to put anyone into “camps” of any kind as “fascist.” How they are so blind as to not recognize this in their own fantasies is beyond me. Maybe they haven’t had that “Are we the baddies?” moment.
For those of us not suffering from TDS or Dunning Kruger, we know who needs to get an education and it’s not the Trump supporters.
Orange jumpsuit, walk her to the river’s edge and convert her to islam.
Another outed Communist.
The photo looks familiar. I think I know her other brother Darryl.
Leftists love the Gulag system
Categories: I’ll take what is a fascist for 400 dollars.
the crimes that lefty does to america is now called “teenagers”/minors ..cant id them no bail plea downs etc
It’s funny when the vile, lawless and totalitarian Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks pretend that they’re sane and normal, and, slander everyone who opposes their insane and destructive agenda represents the ideological “extremist.”
being pro american is the extreme according to the left
and they are backing it up with “laws” that are (Starting to) limiting pro americans