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FBI Director Christopher Wray: ‘We Don’t Monitor Protests’

FBI Director Christopher Wray: ‘We Don’t Monitor Protests’

You can’t protest abortion, males using female spaces, or support Trump. You can definitely call for the murder of Jews!

FBI Director Christopher Wray wants us to believe the agency doesn’t monitor protests:

WRAY: “Well, of course demonstrations themselves are not something that we, the FBI, get involved in, but when violence ensues, that’s when we get concerned, when you have threats of violence. So we have seen, even before October 7th, we saw a significant increase, especially in anti-Semitic threats and anti-Semitic violence.”

HOLT: “Are you actively monitoring these protests?”

WRAY: “We don’t monitor protests, but we do share intelligence about specific threats of violence.”

Okay, bro. Whatever.

So parents complaining about males invading their daughter’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams are fair game but not people calling for genocide? It’s okay to demand eliminating Jews. It’s also fair game to target pro-life protesters, Trump supporters, etc.

  • House Judiciary GOP: FBI Is Tracking Parent Protesters
  • Wray: No Evidence for Garland to Target Protesting Parents, But FBI Made Threat Tag to Identify Them
  • Garland Defiantly Pledges Feds Will Continue Monitoring Parents Protesting At School Boards
  • Dozens of FBI Agents Raid Respected Pro-Life Advocate’s Home While His Wife, Seven Children Watch In Terror
  • Report: FBI Targeting Donald Trump Supporters as Threats to 2024 Election
  • Garland Memo Fallout: RI Assoc. of School Committees To “Coordinate” With FBI And Gather Information On Public Meeting “Issues”

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    To paraphrase Bill Clinton:

    what the meaning of the word “monitor’ is

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | April 24, 2024 at 1:14 pm

    If a parent gets pissed and complains to a school board that the school is teaching boys to put a penis in their mouth or their anus, you can bet your sweet bippy that Wray and his fascist goon squad will be paying an early morning visit to your home, with a gentle outreach to CNN to capture the entire perp walk.

    “Protest” to kill Jews? Nothing to see here.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | April 24, 2024 at 1:19 pm

    Have a peaceful protest at the US Capitol to stop the wholesale theft of an election, and spend the rest of your days being tortured by the FBI Gestapo.

    Burn cities to the ground under the guise of Antifa, BLM, and a host of other fascist groups? Nothing to see here. Move along.

    Even making these comments here has me believing that the FBI will certainly pay me a visit in the dark of night, with flash bang grenades, laser sights on their automatic weapons, death to my dogs, and my wife and I forced outside nude at gun point.

      Nobody, and I mean nobody, including the FBI, cares one whit about what you anonymously type on your computer, while sitting at home on your big fat ass, on this blog or any other social media. Now if you actually got up off of your big fat ass and actually did anything positive to make real change instead of just venting on the Internet, well then, maybe, they would notice. But now you are just raging, like a rat in a cage, to quote the band Smashing Pumpkins.

        gibbie in reply to JR. | April 24, 2024 at 7:17 pm

        Junior, Did you upvote yourself again?

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | April 24, 2024 at 7:18 pm

        I agree. People like you need to get of your fat ass or shut the fuck up.

        Your reference to doing my part? I spent nearly 30 years in the military, moving around the world o defend this country as ordered.

        I have placed myself in harms way many times, not sitting in the rear with the gear.

        You? Spent your life sitting on your fat ass, ridiculing anyone who has accomplished even a modicum of effort above your wasted days.

        JR in reply to JR. | April 24, 2024 at 7:20 pm

        I have no doubt that Professor Jacobson, Tucker Carlson, and other influential conservatives are being monitored by the FBI because they are actually doing something to fight back. But you? Don’t flatter yourself. Nobody cares what you think. You do nothing but rant.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | April 24, 2024 at 7:24 pm

        I am soooo glad to see that you are OK with teaching young boys to suck dick. It tells everyone here what a horrid creature you are, you disgusting pedophile.

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to JR. | April 25, 2024 at 4:25 am

        Something positive? Like going to a school board meeting to complain about their covering up your daughter being raped by a boy pretending to be a girl.

        Or protecting your young son at an anti-abortion rally when he was assaulted by an adult counterprotestor?

        Yeah, no one’s ever been branded a domestic terrorist for anything like that.

        steves59 in reply to JR. | April 25, 2024 at 12:07 pm

        Here’s JR, farting in an elevator again.
        Antifa soy-boy say what?

    Why would they need to monitor protests? They put them on

    MoeHowardwasright | April 24, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Christopher Wray makes me
    Long for the days of J Edgar Hoover. Sigh

    How would tailgunner Joe react?

    UnCivilServant | April 24, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    “We also don’t tell the truth.”

    Washington, DC vehicle plates have “End Taxation Without Representation” on them, and I agree.
    Wall DC off from the rest of the country.

    We must be more understanding. This message isn’t for us, it’s for the Left that believes it and the normies who hope it’s true. Most of us here are too far-gone for it.

    Expounding on the previous comment…do we, as the states comprised of citizens that are fed up, not have the financial power to defund?
    I’m all for a tax revolt. If the purpose of all this misery is to maintain power no matter the cost I want my ROI in four pounds of flesh and sixteen quarts of blood sourced from a liberal NE politician.
    Careful with the genie of violence.

      DaveGinOly in reply to scooterjay. | April 24, 2024 at 3:57 pm

      IMHO, the best hope is that Trump is reelected, and immediately shuts down all rogue and unnecessary agencies by withdrawing POTUS’ delegations of executive authority to them. The POTUS may not be able to cut off their funding, but he can stop them from exercising authority that is not native to them. The employees would be paid to come into their offices and twiddle their thumbs. I’d rather see them paid for that than for the damage they’ve been doing to the country.

      Does anyone know if a new, incoming POTUS has to make such delegations to keep the government running, or do they carry over from previous administrations? (I’m presuming that such delegations exist, because Article II says that the executive authority of the US is vested in the POTUS. For other persons to exercise any portion of that authority, it would be necessary for the POTUS to delegate it to agency heads, who would, in turn, delegate their authority down through their agencies’ chains of command. I know that such delegations are common, and required, within agencies of of State government, to be consistent, and to give evidence of lawful authority in the agency heads, I presume they must also exist between governors and the heads of agencies in their States.)

        venril in reply to DaveGinOly. | April 24, 2024 at 4:35 pm

        The big delegation that must be fixed is from Congress to the executive in terms of law-making (regulations with force of law), a power exclusively granted Congress. This has already come up in a couple recent cases.

      healthguyfsu in reply to scooterjay. | April 24, 2024 at 10:27 pm

      It’s very difficult to run a tax revolt when your employers pre-deduct taxes “for you”.

    This from an agency that has a Federal law that lies constantly with impunity.

    Lying to the FBI is a crime. The FBI lying to you is standard operating procedure.

    They only “monitor” mothers who speak at school board mtgs. ..Catholics who attend Holy Mass & people who pray at murder sites [aka abortion clinics] …
    Oh & this website & others, but other than that…
    He’s a snake….with apologies to the good snakes

    What a freaking liar.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 24, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    FBI Director Christopher Wray: ‘We Don’t Monitor Protests’

    He’s not lying. The FBI doesn’t do anything unless they think they can entrap, harm, or railroad conservatives in some way. The FBI only monitors conservatives, for being conservative. Other than that … the FBI has no interest in much of anything.

    The fact that Wray is not rotting away in some dingy, rat-infested prison cell just goes to say how weak and feckless our society has become.

    It’s like Dewey vs Emerson.

    “For Dewey the relation between science and technology is unproblematic, even definitive, whereas for Emerson the power manifested in technology and its attendant concepts of intelligence and power and change and improvement are in contest with the work, and the concept of the work, of realizing the world each human is empowered to think. For an Emersonian, the Deweyan is apt to seem like an enlightened child, toying with the means of destruction, stinting the means of instruction, of provoking the self to work; for the Deweyan the Emersonian is apt to look, at best. like a Deweyan.

    (Cavell, Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome, p.15-16)

    Those are FBI agents in that photo?
    I thought it was a gay tailgating club!

    Well I guess at least this lie isn’t under oath. That’s an improvement I guess

    Aww, gawn ahead pull the other one.

      Ironclaw in reply to gonzotx. | April 24, 2024 at 7:41 pm

      Oh come on, it’s not like he’s a black lesbian basketball player or anything like that. Why do you think you’d raise even a finger to save that guy?

    Israel says they’re gong to kill every last one of these pigs, eventually, and I. Can’t. Wait…..

    Too busy monitoring who buys firearms, stands up at school board meetings and attends traditional Latin mass. Wait till till the election and every Trump voter will get a knock on the door.
    Hint; tell them to pound sand and close the door

    Vile Wray needs lessons in how to lie, convincingly. He should enroll in Mendacity and Fabulism 101.

    Guess who selected Wray? Can we have any confidence that he would be fired and replaced with someone better?

      JR in reply to jb4. | April 24, 2024 at 7:17 pm

      Good point. Wray was selected by Trump. Go figure.

        artichoke in reply to JR. | April 24, 2024 at 7:36 pm

        It is a good point. Trump is what Trump does, and he appointed the swamp that persecuted him, and seemed to enjoy it because he never did a damned thing about it. Now they can persecute the rest of us too.

        Azathoth in reply to JR. | April 25, 2024 at 9:27 am

        Ah, so I’m sure the two of you will provide links to all your warnings about Wray when he was being selected.

    Wray should be in pin stripes. At a minimum, he should be out of the U.S. gov’t and access to classified info terminated.

      artichoke in reply to Q. | April 24, 2024 at 8:05 pm

      Someone who should be in pinstripes is Minouche Shafik. Reckless endangerment is a serious felony.

    We don’t monitor Leftist protests. There, fixed it.

    Does the FBI use informants and undercover agents to infiltrate extremist groups?

    When those extremist groups hold demonstrations, do those assets tag along?

    And do those assets report back afterwards regarding what they saw and heard?

    So the question is: is Wray unclear about the meaning of the word “monitor?” Or does he just not consider the “Death to America” people to be extremist?

    The fib is too busy investigating Legal Political activity to bother with protests.