Old Man Yells at Country Week at Legal Insurrection

If you watched Biden’s State of the Union address this week, you may have noticed that he was rather loud. What was the point of that?

He didn’t have much to brag about.

The adults are back in charge, huh?

This was the other big news story of the week.

Trump isn’t completely out of the woods yet.

Although the Georgia case continues to crumble.

The Republican primary is pretty much over.

Bob Menendez is in a world of trouble.

Lots of new developments on Israel this week.

Just horrific.

The left is still completely out of control.

Does this make any sense?

Other world news.

Big shake-ups in the House and Senate.

Compare and contrast.

What could possibly go wrong?

Good for him.

This should be a Trump campaign ad.

She isn’t coming to save you, Democrats.

This is a good sign.

I’m sorry, what?

Throw the book at them.

He’s not wrong.

Tags: Legal Insurrection Week In Review