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Oakland Mayor Insists Crime is Down, But Doesn’t Include Robbery, Home-Invasion Stats

Oakland Mayor Insists Crime is Down, But Doesn’t Include Robbery, Home-Invasion Stats

Yeah, eliminate the crimes that continue to sky rocket and Oakland becomes a stellar city!

Your stats tend to change when you either omit or add something. Common sense, right?

We’re not stupid, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao.

Thao’s city is in disarray. She tried to portray it as a city with crime under control, except she didn’t include robberies and home invasions in her “good” news:

“The robberies, the commercial burglaries, you know, the bipping, all that has gone down, it’s trending down,” said Thao, using a term commonly used to refer to auto burglaries.

But it’s also notable what the mayor didn’t report. According to Oakland police figures, robberies are up 40% year to date compared to the same time frame last year, with home invasions going from 8 to 18 so far this year – a 125% increase.

And stats aren’t of any comfort to crime victims. At Temescal Alley, a trendy North Oakland shopping spot where burglars recently broke into five businesses, merchants are frustrated, with some complaining Oakland police didn’t show up for hours.

And when officers did come – as they have in previous break-ins there – all they could do was document what happened, after the fact.

“We call the police so many times but the only thing they do is write notes, make a report, but inothing’s happening. Nothing’s being done about it,” said Danny Paredes, property manager for Temescal Alley.


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Let a few of these thugs get their heads blown off by a homeowner / auto owner and this problem will subside dramatically. Even most thugs have a sense of self preservation.

An armed society is a polite society.

Anyone with ANY sense will GTFO of prog enclaves ASAP.

2smartforlibs | March 8, 2024 at 11:27 am

The left always changes the math when it looks bad for them. refigure U3 unemployment, Refigure inflation, refigure crime.

‘Crime’ goes down when people stop reporting it because they know police either aren’t going to show up, or will show up and do nothing.

Suburban Farm Guy | March 8, 2024 at 12:48 pm

‘Perception may not match reality…’

Don’t believe your lying eyes? Did we hear that right? The Mayor just said something wildly at odds with the facts but the problem is… perception?

What a world.

Using statistics to lie is a pretty common tactic. It’s sort of like calculating inflation without including food and energy costs.

    alaskabob in reply to Ironclaw. | March 8, 2024 at 12:57 pm

    But..but… food and energy are “discretionary” purchases! You can choose to not buy food and gasoline…. If steak is too costly… go to hamburger…… and if that is too high…. go vegan… there are always choices that government can and will make for you.

    GWB in reply to Ironclaw. | March 8, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    There’s Lies, Damned Lies, … and Statistics.

We’re not stupid, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao.
Well, someone is, because they keep electing these people.

“The robberies, the commercial burglaries, you know, the bipping
“Bipping”? What is “bipping”? Is it some stupid gang slang for something violent that should actually have a name that frightens people?

    I had to look that one up as well:

    [T]o bip is to break into a car for the purposes of stealing valuables.

    Bippers are people who bip for a living, typically by themselves or in teams.

    And, to get bipped is to return or wake up to your car with your car windows smashed and valuables missing.

    An easy sign that a car’s been bipped is glass shards scattering the ground under the window and inside the car, and a case of bipping is seeing a long row of cars on a street with their windows broken in.


    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | March 8, 2024 at 3:07 pm

    It’s stupid police slang. It’s breaking into parked cars (hence BIP).

henrybowman | March 8, 2024 at 3:10 pm

Sheng Thao is not a maverick — he is simply standing on the shoulders of giant clowns:

Outside of the killings, Washington [DC] has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

The streets are safe in Philadelphia. It’s only the people who make them unsafe.

    henrybowman in reply to henrybowman. | March 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    Oh, and let’s give a hat tip to the Consumer Price Index, continually proving that the cost of living is DOWN (if you live on two-way trailer vents and bottled acetylene).

First, we eliminate the ability of people to report crime. That’ll fix it toot suite.

First rule. Don’t park on a street where there are piles of broken window glass. Learn from the mistakes of others. I am surprised that these cities haven’t established special teams to go around and sweep up the glass. They could use the tax money that was supposed to fix potholes. Wait, put the glass into the pothole and add a bit of hot tar. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Subotai Bahadur | March 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm

1) Everything a politician says is a self-serving lie.
2) Especially, everything a Democrat politician says is a lie.
3) And anything that a Democrat politician says in a polity that has been run by Democrats for a generation has no relationship with the truth at all.

Subotai Bahadur