Old Man Yells at Country Week at Legal Insurrection
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Old Man Yells at Country Week at Legal Insurrection

Old Man Yells at Country Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

If you watched Biden’s State of the Union address this week, you may have noticed that he was rather loud. What was the point of that?

He didn’t have much to brag about.

The adults are back in charge, huh?

This was the other big news story of the week.

Trump isn’t completely out of the woods yet.

Although the Georgia case continues to crumble.

The Republican primary is pretty much over.

Bob Menendez is in a world of trouble.

Lots of new developments on Israel this week.

Just horrific.

The left is still completely out of control.

Does this make any sense?

Other world news.

Big shake-ups in the House and Senate.

Compare and contrast.

What could possibly go wrong?

Good for him.

This should be a Trump campaign ad.

She isn’t coming to save you, Democrats.

This is a good sign.

I’m sorry, what?

Throw the book at them.

He’s not wrong.


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We witnessed the very first Presidential ‘Roid Rage!

caseoftheblues | March 10, 2024 at 9:00 am

With Adderall or other amphetamines you will get focus and be more coherent but at the cost of more and more edginess and anger and aggression. Especially at higher dosages which might be required to manage what Biden appears to be dealing with…more you take… more you’ll need. Not to mention overuse can result in hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis…. But hey other than that….

    rebelgirl in reply to caseoftheblues. | March 10, 2024 at 9:54 am

    We’re obviously already at the overuse stage.

      caseoftheblues in reply to rebelgirl. | March 10, 2024 at 12:10 pm

      Clearly… we have all seen the paranoia about MAGA and seen slo Joe shaking hands with people who aren’t there. What kind of power mad twisted person… ie typical Democrat do you have to be to think that will be good for your country. The mind reels..,

      markm in reply to rebelgirl. | March 12, 2024 at 1:12 pm

      “We’re obviously already at the overuse stage.” It’s not so clear – IIRC, Biden’s has been making hallucinatory or psychotic claims for decades: The “shotgun video” where he claimed an AR-15 recoil is too heavy for a woman, but a shotgun is easy to handle. His many stories about how his older son died. His whole political platform has never had much connection with reality.

    Joe is actually gonna do some campaign events outside of his basement this time,..interesting to see if he has any disastrous side effects

    DaveGinOly in reply to caseoftheblues. | March 10, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    That makes sense. I had surmised that they can’t keep him on whatever they’re using (it’s used only for special occasions) because it’s dangerous.

Biden’s “sell by” date was in the mid-80’s

Angry crankster president.

    Peabody in reply to Tiki. | March 10, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    Yes, but he’s very sorry he called the rapist-killer of the woman whose name he could not pronounce an illegal because it could possibly have hurt his itty bitty feelings. However, he said he’s not sorry he mispronounced the victim’s name because she’s a citizen and they don’t have the same rights as illegals.

Good thing the President isn’t urine tested before speeches. He’d have popped hot off the scale. If I had as many drugs on my system as that angry corrupt old tyrant I’d be fired

“Old Yeller”