Four Years Ago Today – Launch Of “15 Days to Slow the Spread” (From Which The Nation Has Not Yet Recovered)
The policy morphed into a liberty-crushing horror with impacts that we are still feeling across the nation

As the nation is gearing up for another general election, Legal Insurrection is going to use the “Way Back Machine” to review what was happening at this point in the last presidential election cycle.
After reports surfaced about the surge of a novel respiratory disease that appeared to originate from Wuhan, China, President Donald Trump created a Coronavirus Task Force and utilized recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to essentially lockdown the country for 15 days on March 16, 2020….to slow the spread of the virus.
This afternoon, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued new guidelines to help protect Americans during the global Coronavirus outbreak.
The new recommendations are simple to follow but will have a resounding impact on public health. While the President leads a nationwide response, bringing together government resources and private-sector ingenuity, every American can help slow the virus’ spread and keep our most high-risk populations safe:
- Listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
- If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
- If your children are sick, keep them at home. Contact your medical provider.
- If someone in your household has tested positive for the Coronavirus, keep the entire household at home.
- If you are an older American, stay home and away from other people.
- If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition—such as a significant heart or lung problem—stay home and away from other people.
This is the vital point: The announcement and associated policies were suppose to be about slowing the spread…not stopping it cold. The idea was that the virus’ effects on the respiratory system were so bad, that slowing the spread was imperative to get the medical resources into position so the healthcare system could handle.
I would like to note that two weeks earlier, I was growing concerned about the nature of the Trump administration’s response to the virus. I urged the implementation of the severe flu protocol that had been successfully used in years previously. I also highlighted risk factors for severe infection that could only be addressed on an individual basis.
Other risk factors also include pre-existing heart conditions, diabetes, and obesity. Therefore, if you wish to enhance your preparation for the Wuhan Coronavirus, protect your immune and respiratory systems:
- Stop smoking.
- Take vitamins, drink plenty of water, and start a sensible exercise regimen.
- Consider your home and office environment: Are there ways to improve the air quality that are easy to implement that makes it easier for you to breathe (e.g., air filter, humidifiers).
- If you suffer from a respiratory ailment (e.g., asthma), confer with your doctor for additional guidance.
And while I address biosafety issues on a professional basis, even experts like former Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff were also sounding the alarm about lockdowns.
While anyone can get infected, we have known since early 2020 that more than a thousandfold difference in Covid mortality risk holds between the young and the old. Children faced minuscule risk from Covid, and interrupting their education would disadvantage them for life, especially those whose families could not afford private schools, pod schools, or tutors, or to homeschool.
Kulldorf and many other experts and scientists were ignored by the big government policy makers that Trump empowered in response to the pandemic.
Subsequently, “15 days to Slow the Spread” morphed into a liberty-crushing horror with impacts that we are still feeling across the nation (and in many other parts of the world). Some steps on the road to this pandemic perdition include:
- Restrictions still implemented over a year after “15 days to slow the spread”.
- Biden’s destructive vaccine mandate, which led to the purge of thousands of military service personnel.
- Unintended consequences: Forcing people indoors increased their exposure likelihood and chances of infection rather than the reverse. It increased the viral load among those in the same house, causing more severe infections. Limiting shops that could remain open drove up the chance of infections as people were limited to where they could purchase items.
- Devastating impacts on the education of American children, especially K-8.
The fallout from “15 Days to Slow the Spread” has been so toxic that The Atlantic sent out a trial balloon on “Pandemic Amnesty“. It sank with the gravitational force of a massive black hole.
Now, the nation is facing the choice between the two top candidates:
- Trump, who who foisted Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx on this country.
- Biden: The senile occupant of the Oval Office who mandated the vaccines and prolonged the pandemic response.
Personally, one part of my decision-making will be based on which candidate will not repeat the mistakes in the covid response…and avoid entangling this nation with the World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Treaty“.
I will never forget March 16, 2020.

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15 Days to spread the tyranny. Mostly by Democrat and RINO administrations.
15 days to flatten the election.
And the world will never be that same because politicians and bureaucrats saw how easy it was to get the sheeple to obey.
all true … told my MD that I do not trust anything she tells me and will
seek 2nd and 3rd opinions.
and when she asked why I told her
“safe and effective” which was neither.
I also told her I was a pure blood
and had no intentions of being a lab rat. she said that she understood.
however she would do her best
to treat anything I may develop
with the best of her ability and knowledge.
after 3 years I am starting to trust her somewhat.
My Dr was also a “pusher” for the vax, despite his knowing I was allergic to the flu vac and the CDC actually came out and said if you were allergic to the Flu vaccine you could not take it
He kept wanting me to research what years I had the flu vaccine to try to discover the chemical make up
He was possessed
I told him and I believe it it was the nano lipo particles
He still would not stop. I told him to stop because I was not willing to
Be a deceased number
He finally shut up
Now I adored this guy but ever since , I have to say, it has not been the same. He’s been my Dr most of 30 years and I’m just so disappointed in him.
96 percent of physicians took at least one shot from reports I saw. One doctor I know was seen driving home alone in his car with a mask on. In. Alaska, about 150 docs (in hospital related practice) wanted any doctor prescribing IVM to lose their license. Backed it up with a letter to the state medical board. When one believes that so much good was done…a lot of bad can be tolerated and defended. No true informed consent exists even today.
“Trump, who who foisted Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx on this country”
Although President Trump was the ultimate decision maker, he put traitor Pence in charge of the “commission “ he chose the “experts”
I can’t blame President Trump for listening to the so called “experts”
Clearly he tried to promote therapeutics and was ridiculed by The media, his own party, and dear God the medical
Community was nuts, we just didn’t know how far we had fallen
So stop the Trump
Bashing, yes he holds some responsibility, but he was crucified at every corner
Politicians went so far to say if he fired Fauci, they would try to , once again, evict him from office
Fauci was God and
Trump was dog shit
The problem with that argument is the ‘buck’ stops with the POTUS. Period. The President is the unitary executive and all executive branch power ultimately flows from him.
You seem to be arguing that Trump was pressured into accepting Covid mania via fear of impeachment/media bad PR hiring his re-election odds or somehow hoodwinked into accepting it. Neither of those arguments puts Trump’s leadership in a positive light.
TBH I think you are on the right track re how it played out. The data and hype spun up fast. I don’t doubt that worst case scenarios were being presented to him so we got the 15 days BS. That as you correctly point out was the gift that kept on giving. It provided cover for States continuing the economic shutdown, locking up schools and destroying small businesses.
Then later in the Spring of ’20 a few Governors rethought the situation based on new data. In particular DeSantis and Kemp come to mind. Both were castigated by the media for ‘opening up too soon’. Trump himself jumped in to take States to task for not keeping the lock down in place just as he did with Sweden which didn’t lockdown. When POTUS is telling the Governors not to reopen it is very clear what Trump’s position on lockdown was.
How unsurprising that you can’t find blame on Trump.
He started this and Biden abused it to no end…just like the vaccine.
If Trump didn’t follow along, he would have been labeled a mass murderer, and that’s what he would be know for. The medical establishment had credibility back then. They have none now. God help us if there is a real pandemic.
They already say that anyways. Besides, if that’s true then that just means your guy caves to pressure.
Covid response was definitely not the highpoint of the Trump administration. I am hopeful he will be willing to humbly admit the errors made by his administration while seeking to reassure us he will use the power of the Fed Govt to preclude a repetition of such Covid mania as much as possible. He would not only solidify folks nervous about his Covid performance but attract other new voters who are solely motivated by all the bad things govt did during Covid mania. There are Covid only voters out there ripe for the picking and choosing to ignore them is an error.
Exactly what Trump ought to do. Specifically, he should campaign on taking the United States back out of the WHO.
It’s not as though Biden is going to promise an end to pandemic panic.
Covid could and should have been so much different but for the cover ups here and abroad. Kind of hard to make good decisions in such a climate. It exposed the corruption of the public health system, at least at the top levels. Imagine someone else in charge. The bad moves, perhaps even worse, would have been done in secret, by the same basic cabal that daily tried to resist whatever Trump tried to do.
Hard to imagine how fast four years goes by.
Now, after the pandemic has ended and we know more about the disease to Monday Morning Quarterback and say: “I told you so!”
IMO Trump with his Covid decisions, damaging a generation of kids and busting the budget is roughly a tie with all of Biden’s awful decisions on every issue, but especially the border. As Ken Langone (Home Depot founder) recently said on FOX, can’t this country come up with a better choice? That said, this election is about the future and I think Trump is hands-down a better choice. With Biden you do not evn know who is running the show, as it sure is not him; and we will end up with a President Harris.
He didn’t do that, the states did that, he left much up to the states
It’s amazing the revisionist narrative. It was Biden who FORCED all the mandates…
But you already know that, don’t you?
Perhaps you did not watch Trump putting forth for weeks on end Fauci and Birx for nightly press conferences lasting 1 to 1.5 hours. I watched them. That propaganda mattered with almost everyone’s decisions, including the states and certainly the Federal government, as well as the suppression of dissenting views.
To this day, it seems that neither Republicans nor Democrats are interested in a budget that goes back to pre-Covid levels of Federal spending – preferring $2 trillion deficits. That excess spending of borrowed money is why the economy appears solid and why inflation rates are having trouble getting back to where they were before Covid.
Trump didn’t close schools and businesses for an entire year in my state, that was my bitch governor.
I can forgive politicians for the “15 days to stop the spread” nonsense but not for any restrictions that followed when it was apparent nothing they did had any impact on slowing Covid. I have particular contempt for the pointy heads who insisted there was no evidence it was an aerosolized respiratory virus when the speed of the spread was the fucking evidence.
Trump turned to “experts”… Trump didn’t force people to take the drugs. Look what the Commonwealth did if you want to really see brute force compliance..
Oh cmon the two aren’t even close to equivalent. Even someone like me who criticizes Trump can see that’s a really stupid false equivalence.
I too wish that President Trump would come out and admit he was given erroneous information by the cabel, but the reality of that is slim. I’m not sure why, maybe ego, maybe lawsuits that for sure would come by the tens of thousands.
But I think he was truly of the belief that presented by so called data that we were about to lose tens of millions of citizens to this disease, so he trusted “the science” presented to him and threw the dice.
Still blinded…
Yes, you are
Actually did you mean him or me.. or both lol
I do believe he had a hard time believing he was so railroaded but really, not sure how he could have made too many decisions differently with what he was facing
They certainly were not going to let therapeutics be recommended because that would have shot down their emergency drug approval, and apparently that was set up years before, watch the video below , Dr Martin
I think the 15 days was the killer , when he agreed to that, they took it and it allowed the states to demonize its citizens, some obviously worse than others, but 49 fell into it , some haven’t let up.
But it also opened the door to so many travesty’s , even seemingly unrelated, like blm, trans etc.
it was all planned a long time ago, and they even told us in early 2019, and no one cared…
My point is that Trump has a blind spot for some reason. He talks now of how this is being turned into cancer therapy. Yes…the “speed” of response was something to be proud of….if one was told all the facts and all the facts were good. Trump is missing or prevented from seeing the real data. Trump was used. No one is perfect but his continual bragging about the launch has been overshadowed by so much information on the terrible outcomes that have been hidden.
wouldn’t it be nice is the cabal came out and admitted to its lies?
There likely can’t be lawsuits. In the very first Covid Relief bill that Trump signed very early in the pandemic, sweeping indemnification was given to both vaccine makers and medical health providers. That indemnification was expanded and strengthened in subsequent relief packages.
Or he could actually admit that he was wrong, too.
Dr. John Campbell has a series of great talks about Covid over on YouTube. Good discussion on the initial idea of the 15 days. The “experts” got it wrong as it was already past any 15 days. After that the power grab. 6 feet separation… no real science and the original idea was misinterpretation of findings during the Spanish Flu. All of this didn’t have to happen…. and now disaster echos and echos for generations. This is the greatest health disaster in history…. the greatest plague and all manmade. Bubonic plague did not alter genes… and those that survived were whole. Not anymore.
Cambell is interesting taken over 4 years. As it began, I found his videos analyzing and summarizing developments around the ‘rona. Over time, he’s become way more skeptical, in several directions.
Anyone who smears Cambell as “anti vax” or “conspiracy theorist” is lying, clueless or both. He formed his skepticism one event at a time, unraveling one misdirection at a time, one convenient “conclusion” at a time, and one intervention left on the table at a time.
Trump fucked up big time with the Vid response. He should’ve fired Birx and Fauci in spite of what the left and the GOPe said.
This guy is highly credible and credentialed, owner of many companies, listen to him
He had been following the so called “coronavirus “ since about 2002-4.
He was very alarmed, tried to get his info to the right people, was blocked, took it to 2 politicans who he thought would listen, one being Ron DeSantis
Ron told him what the other politicans did, “wait till after the election”
Think about that…
Anyway, President Trump never got the info because his AG and others, Pence, never allowed it to get to him…
This chaos was put in place 14 years before he was elected, so they were balls to the walls and hit him and us with everything, from everywhere with the misinformation.. for greed and control
There must be retribution!!!
Accountability for every person with the political power to resist, prevent or mitigate the Covid mania but chose not to exercise that power is a must.
I believe Dr. Scott Atlas was trying to speak the truth but was pushed aside.
Too bad.
Dr Martin also speaks to
vivik and how he made money off of every China virus shot
This needs to be brought to the forefront, he’s sticking his nose so far up Trumps bottom, I think he can see Mars
Dr Martin, one video was watched by 4 billion people
He spoke at CPAC and stated Covid was brought forth to solidify the “need” to transfer power to WHO
And we all need to pressure our elected officials continuously till it’s defeated.
He also speaks to Rand Paul, who had access to the paper that allowed gain of function to NC University lab, by Fauci, yet somehow never shows it, or confronts Fauci all all his numerous congressional hearings
Rand , like most of them, including Ronny, are in it for themselves
None are willing to confront the dragon and be marginalized.
Better to be thought a savior than to be known as the coward they are
I’d say Rand has gotten a lot of mileage for nothing.
He could have stood strong and let Trump get his physical appointments thru that the traitor turtle refused him during recess, would only take one senator
Where was Rand, where was Johnson, where were any of them
What should we conclude? Somehow, inoculating the livestock was The One True Solution, from before that could be known to well after we know better. It’s like that plan was attractive for its own reasons.
Adding a few items to the retrospective:
— Let’s recall Hydroxy-cut, and the associated early intervention protocols. Recall also, that two (2) “peer review” studies declaring the ineffectiveness of Hydroxy-cut ended up withdrawn, during peak of the pronouncements to shut that down. Meanwhile other “studies” declaring “It don’t work.”, not withdrawn, weren’t using the protocols claimed to work.
I’d be so happy to follow the science, if they’d just do some.
— The Orange Crush got shot up by health system and their flying monkeys when touching on anything but The One True Solution: “Orange Man Bad said drink bleach!”, “He wants to use nuclear radiation inside people’s lungs!”, “That travel ban is because he’s Raaaaa-cist.” Let’s not even talk about the horse de-wormer (paste.)
— Every study, intervention, or direction of research that wasn’t “Franken-jabs for everyone, forever!” was dropped, ignored, or suppressed. Inoculations with nasal spray, pills, or even more typical injected treatments. Nasal lavage, physical positioning and massage. Light exposure, and air quality. General health and immune support.
— Any notion of self-care got suppressed. Take your jab. Wait to die, or get sick enough. slowly enough, you can get into the ER and die on a respirator there. After the self-care in the initial direction quoted in the article above, what did we hear about building your resistance, self-care if positive for the ‘rona, how to support recovery after?
— Teams got picked up, fast. Not enough hospital beds in NY (because Orange Man Bad!), became using neither the hospital ship send by the Feds (because Orange Man Bad!), nor the emergency field hospitals setup (because religious people are weird.) Some people were wrong; whatever they did was wrong because they did it.
“Never forget”, indeed.
— If we’re going to use a machinery to take care of something for us; if the machinery’s full of people (or sentient AIs), it’ll have its own agenda.
— Whatever we assign to a machinery that can use coercion and force, it’ll tend toward using coercion and force to do that.
— We have to understand how anything the govt does “for” us works, or it’ll end up being done “to” us, for The Apparatus’ benefit not ours.
This one, and others, got away from us because we got complacent. To govern ourselves for our own advantage we need constant attention to our poor servants, who are in the end no better than us.
We have met the enemy, and he is us. — from Pogo. Never forget.
If they were serious about “stopping the spread” why would they be letting in millions of unvaxxed, untested illegals?
Testing would create a logjam for one. When Biden used the term “surge the border” he gave away closed-door strategy, a term reserved for military type operations. The goal was to get as many here as fast as possible.
they only thing they are serious about
is keeping power …
these “new comers” as they are now called … are the replacements …
they will work cheaper and will obey the corp. masters.
and if a few million Americans have to die from TB, Typhus, Cholera
or GOD knows what else
so be it.
I was disappointed that Sen. Ron Johnson’s round tables did not garner more attention. The first one should have been a game changer. The second should lead to investigations….
If you have not seen them, I would suggest you do. Same for Dr. John Campbell’s videos.
Trump never addresses the damage his Administration did to the country during Covid much less does he ever discuss a plan to remedy the damage that was done largely on the direction of people HE PUT IN CHARGE. Worse yet, on the rare occasion he does address Covid during his stump speeches, he still maintains that Operation Warp Speed – the program to bring an experimental vaccine to market absent the normal safeguards in place for all other vaccines – ‘ended the pandemic.’ He doesn’t get it and he expresses no appetite to get it, which – let’s be honest – is very in-character for Trump.
So, one of the consequences of nominating Trump is America is never going to learn from the mistakes of Covid and because of that, we’re apparently not going to adopt any changes to our laws to keep from repeating those same mistakes. The reality is if Trump is reelected and two-years later, another Covid shows up, he’ll do the same thing he did before.
I like all these hind sight experts, but at the time, not knowing what we know now, what would YOU have done differently?,….keeping in mind that the so-called experts were projecting that if nothing were done 2-2.5 million Americans would die, and yet under Trump and with his policies about 500k perished, so how about giving Trump credit for saving 2 million lives?
“Hind sight’ – as you call – it a necessary component of both the scientific process and LEADERSHIP. Competent leaders have to look back at what happened and review the propriety and efficacy of the decisions that were made. Without the ability to admit mistakes were in fact made, the mistakes can never be remedied or prevented. I’m sorry Trump sycophants – like Trump himself – can’t process this truth.
That’s the same BS argument the Fauci fascists of the lockdown left use in defense of their totalitarian acts.
I hope it isn’t Trump blinders on my part that I still blame Covid scam squarely on Evil Fauci. Trump delegated the Fake Plague onto the person who was supposed to be the ” expert” in the field. And am now convinced Evil Fauci was out to destroy Trump from the outset.
My only hope is Evil Fauci will get his reward in the afterlife having a hand in murdering hundreds of thousands of lives.
Let’s face it, Trump screwed up by listening to and keeping Fauci et al around. I opposed but don’t fault him for the first 15 days, but when he extended it, I remember thinking that that decision would cost him the 2020 election. But he’s not a doctor and even with all the Russia Russia Russia nonsense he endured I don’t think even he realized that the global ruling class would [exploit or create?] a pandemic just to defeat him. I think he realizes now what he’s up against if he’s re-elected. This will hopefully improve the one consistent problem he had in his first term, personnel choices.
my primary is an osteopath in Bangor VA clinic.
VA put pressure on everyone to get jabbed,
he never once put pressure on me.
this dr will call me on weekends with test results.
I am luckier than many vets.