Sen. Rand Paul Launches #NeverNikki Ahead of Iowa Caucuses

Nikki Haley is an awful candidate, and her political instincts are abysmal.

Haley keeps sticking her foot in her mouth and then seems to imagine she can just walk it back and all will be forgiven. She did this a couple of years ago when she stated she was “disgusted” by Trump and bashed him as having “fallen too far” before the backlash and outrage caused her to seek a meeting with Trump, presumably to “explain” the comments she made in that lengthy, tone-deaf interview, followed up by an insipid, groveling op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

It appears that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is also not a fan of the former governor of South Carolina and former UN ambassador. After teasing a “big announcement” that many thought might be an endorsement of someone for the GOP primary, Paul instead announced that he is #NeverNikki. And boy was he clear about that and about why.

The Washington Examiner reports:

In a bombshell Friday morning, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) released a jarring video announcing that he does not support Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley and is officially “Never Nikki.” It was a startling rebuke of the former South Carolina governor by Paul. However, he made an excellent case as to why voting for Nikki Haley as president is a huge mistake — and it starts with her political record on multiple topics. . . . . “I’m not yet ready to make a decision, but I am ready to make a decision on someone who I cannot support. So, I’m announcing this morning that I’m Never Nikki,” Paul continued. “And if you go to, you can let her know that you’re not a supporter either.”And, in true Paul fashion, the senator provides a detailed explanation as to why he cannot support Haley. He cited her record with the military-industrial complex along with Haley’s previous comments about needing to register to use the internet. He painted the accurate picture of Nikki Haley that the Koch Brothers and establishment and Chamber of Commerce Republicans don’t want the public to see. While others have rushed to propagandize Haley in an attempt to promote a candidate who wants to defeat former President Donald Trump, Paul preferred honesty over agendas and elaborated on Haley’s record on various topics. “I don’t think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support Nikki Haley. I’ve seen her attitude towards our intervention overseas. I’ve seen her involvement in the military-industrial complex,” Paul said. “But I’ve also seen her indicate that she thinks you should be registered to use the internet.”This was a very powerful statement by one of the most influential people in the Senate. It’s a perfect illustration as to why supporting Haley is tantamount to betraying many conservative (and libertarian) principles, including freedom of speech and liberty, core tenets of the founding principles of our country.

Here are some highlights from Paul’s #NeverNikki X thread, but do read the whole thing.

#NeverNikki trended on Twitter for much of the day and is a fun read.

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, Nikki Haley, Rand Paul