Sen. Rand Paul Launches #NeverNikki Ahead of Iowa Caucuses
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Sen. Rand Paul Launches #NeverNikki Ahead of Iowa Caucuses

Sen. Rand Paul Launches #NeverNikki Ahead of Iowa Caucuses

“I don’t think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support Nikki Haley.”

Nikki Haley is an awful candidate, and her political instincts are abysmal.

Haley keeps sticking her foot in her mouth and then seems to imagine she can just walk it back and all will be forgiven. She did this a couple of years ago when she stated she was “disgusted” by Trump and bashed him as having “fallen too far” before the backlash and outrage caused her to seek a meeting with Trump, presumably to “explain” the comments she made in that lengthy, tone-deaf interview, followed up by an insipid, groveling op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

It appears that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is also not a fan of the former governor of South Carolina and former UN ambassador. After teasing a “big announcement” that many thought might be an endorsement of someone for the GOP primary, Paul instead announced that he is #NeverNikki. And boy was he clear about that and about why.

The Washington Examiner reports:

In a bombshell Friday morning, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) released a jarring video announcing that he does not support Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley and is officially “Never Nikki.” It was a startling rebuke of the former South Carolina governor by Paul. However, he made an excellent case as to why voting for Nikki Haley as president is a huge mistake — and it starts with her political record on multiple topics.

. . . . “I’m not yet ready to make a decision, but I am ready to make a decision on someone who I cannot support. So, I’m announcing this morning that I’m Never Nikki,” Paul continued. “And if you go to, you can let her know that you’re not a supporter either.”

And, in true Paul fashion, the senator provides a detailed explanation as to why he cannot support Haley. He cited her record with the military-industrial complex along with Haley’s previous comments about needing to register to use the internet. He painted the accurate picture of Nikki Haley that the Koch Brothers and establishment and Chamber of Commerce Republicans don’t want the public to see. While others have rushed to propagandize Haley in an attempt to promote a candidate who wants to defeat former President Donald Trump, Paul preferred honesty over agendas and elaborated on Haley’s record on various topics.

“I don’t think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support Nikki Haley. I’ve seen her attitude towards our intervention overseas. I’ve seen her involvement in the military-industrial complex,” Paul said. “But I’ve also seen her indicate that she thinks you should be registered to use the internet.”

This was a very powerful statement by one of the most influential people in the Senate. It’s a perfect illustration as to why supporting Haley is tantamount to betraying many conservative (and libertarian) principles, including freedom of speech and liberty, core tenets of the founding principles of our country.

Here are some highlights from Paul’s #NeverNikki X thread, but do read the whole thing.

#NeverNikki trended on Twitter for much of the day and is a fun read.


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Sen. Paul speaketh the truth!

““I don’t think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support Nikki Haley.” It is funny that she now has more support than DeSantis, who committed political suscide.

She is a two faced RINO.

I mean don’t get me wrong. Haley is a jackass RINO that is one of the foremost examples of exactly what is wrong with the Republican Party.

But this was just ridiculous attention seeking by Paul. This weird ‘teasing’ of this ‘big announcement’ he was going to make and then the ‘big announcement’ was he won’t support her?

I’m sorry, but that was just stupid grandstanding.

    It’s grandstanding for sure (it was only one day, too, he announced on Thursday he’d have something to say and then said it the next day), but hardly stupid. Paul has no illusions about ever being president, but he does care about our country. And Nikki Haley does not. He’s right to call her out.

      KY Squatch in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 15, 2024 at 12:16 pm

      I’m with Olinser. Been a Paul fan since his Daddy ran for POTUS a couple times. Now we live in KY. And I was hoping it was going to be an announcement of who he SUPPORTS [AHEMdesantis?AHEM], NOT who he DOESN’T support.

      “Big announcement” my azz …

Paul thinking about Kennedy?

Kennedy is very much like birdbrain

Very left except for a few things like Fauci/ Covid gene therapy

    You mean the Trump-Fauci covid nightmare our nation didn’t need to experience but did because of Trump’s Fauci worship and Trump’s fear of bad press.

      Monday morning quarter backs are so funny!

        CommoChief in reply to MarkS. | January 14, 2024 at 8:19 am

        So you prefer the candidates who make the correct decisions without the benefit of hindsight? Re Covid that would be DeSantis from this field of candidates.

        In Fuzzy’s defense, there were many medical professionals and advisors pressing for a “severe flu” response to covid. Trump ignored them all…and when it became clear Fauci was behaving like a godlet…well, let’s just say, Trump should have salted and burned as much of the bureaucracy as he could have legally done.

        Trump owns the entire covid fiasco…because he farmed the responsibilities out to Pence and the Big Government crowd.

        It brings me no joy to type any of this..

Haley ‘ku…

Birdbrain woman parts,
She kinda has lost my vote.
No ballot for you!

Although, as VP
It would be much fun to see
Ego balancing.

Trump may have a foil
A shield of humanity
To hide orange hair

It is obvious
To any who choose to view
VP is the fight

What is left to see
Is how we preserve our rights
With honey and salt.

    Haley is a has-been already, and if she is angling for a VP slot, she’s pathetic beyond words. I will not vote for any ticket that includes Haley, period. And I would lose any and all remaining respect for any GOP candidate who would make such a grotesque misstep. And yes, that includes DeSantis. I love my gov, but aligning with Haley would undo all and every bit of goodwill and support. From me, at least.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to scooterjay. | January 14, 2024 at 10:20 am

    Well done scooterjay
    Let’s see more from you real soon
    Thank you very much.

    henrybowman in reply to scooterjay. | January 14, 2024 at 2:36 pm

    “She kinda has lost my vote.”
    Ninjas have been dispatched to discipline you for syllable abuse.

Back when Nicki was governor of SC and got appointed to the UN my SC cousin had this explanation. Her said that Trump saw the Nicki was a screw up governor in SC. To save SC she was appointed to the UN where she had to follow Presidential policy or get fired. My cousin’s view was that Trump rescued SC from Nicki and put her in a spot that was a small frying pan over a big fire. She stayed out of the fire but only stayed in the frying pan a short while before she called it quits. She couldn’t win the governors job in SC if her life depended on it.

Rand Paul has turned out to be unarguably one of the best conservative Federal legislators of the lat 50-years…at least.

MoeHowardwasright | January 14, 2024 at 6:33 am

Haley is another in a long line of South Carolina RINO failures. Can someone please enlighten me as to why that State produces the worst possible R politicians. Graham, Haley and a long line of failed Governors. As well as that asshat Clyburn who is directly responsible for getting Xiden into the WH? FJB

Haley is, IMO, the establishment choice; neocon, forever war supporter who advocates amnesty for illegal aliens.

I can appreciate her intent, but she lost me with “When you want to know how to do it, ask a man.
When you want it done, ask a woman” statement.
Division, once again. She should put a filter on the screech factor.

Being too old to fight but well-off enough to donate to fighters, I regularly get email from scads of conservative groups and pols (plus Krysten Sinema, hers stinking of desperation). A lot of them have very similar names and are easily conflated.

But when a mailing came in from Americans For Prosperity endorsing Nikki Haley as the “only” reasonable candidate for the Republican nomination, I smelled nose-horn. Yup, AFP is a Koch-run outfit and the Kochs are up to their usual tricks. The other tipoff was a spate of email communications with the urgent message, “tell your reps not to support a government shutdown, government shutdowns do much harm and no good.”

I cobbled up a new Apple Mail filter to color their mail headers in RINO violet, so I can distinguish their untrustworthy recommendations from the more dependable ones I receive.