“Little Marco” Endorses Trump In Embarrassing Tweet

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (nominal R) started out claiming to be a Tea Party conservative back in the ’10s, but he quickly sold out to the establishment with his disastrous and failed attempt at amnesty.

He’s stayed pretty quiet since then, keeping his head down and trying to live down that debacle. Part of this strategy is apparently backing Trump in the GOP primary contest.

To that end, he issued a gushing tweet endorsing Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination for president.

Here’s the full text of this tweet:

When Trump was in WH I achieved major policies I had worked on for years (like expanded Child Tax Credit & tough sanctions on regime in Cuba & Venezuela) because we had a President who didn’t cave to special interests or let bureaucrats block us. I support Trump because that kind of leadership is the ONLY way we will get the extraordinary actions needed to fix the disaster Biden has created. It’s time to get on with the work of beating Biden & saving America!

Obviously, this has delighted Trump supporters, but others are not quite as thrilled.

The full text of the above tweet:

My Fellow Floridians, make sure you share this on your FB, IG, & other social media accounts in English y Español, so everyone knows Marco sold us out! Marco does want a better life for our kids. He supports locking down our state. He doesn’t support school choice. He supports abortions & trans ideology. He supports spending us into inflation. He supports corrupt corporations over his constituents. Remember this. Primary these RINOs!

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio